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Rated: E · Novel · Fanfiction · #1248764
Superboy Jamie Story
The Secret of the Myst – Part 7

A millisecond later the trio rematerialized on the largest platform in the Fortress of Solitude. The Kent boys were totally amazed at Robby's accuracy with the teleportation, not to mention the speed.

“Wow! These rings really work, and I’m not drained at all from the trip!” Robby exclaimed

“Man that was fast, huh Wes?” asked Jamie

“Have to admit speed when I see it. Pretty awesome dude.” Answered Wesley

Wesley led the other two up to the room where he had built the Kryptonian clothing replicator. He went to the panel and tapped a few buttons to activate the console. He strolled over to another apparatus and turned it towards a platform that resembled a holographic disc.

“You built that?” asked Robby, impressed.

“Yeah, I had learned how to decipher Kryptonian hieroglyphics a few months back. When we found out that Jamie would be going through multiple rapid growth spurts, I built it so Mom would not have to keep sewing new suits for him time after time,” he explained.

“Growth spurts?” Robby asked his new super buddy.

“Yeah” said Jamie as he looked down at his boots and absently kicked his right foot.

“Come over here Robby” requested Wes of the red haired boy.

Wes led Robby to the holographic platform. He instructed Robby to stand in the center of the platform and remain very still throughout the scan. He informed him that he would not feel anything at all. Wes returned his focus to the computer console and tapped a few buttons.

“OK man, what this thing is going to do is scan body for your measurements as well as for your powers. The device also analyzes your conscious and subconscious mind. The scan should only take a couple of seconds” he informed Robby.

“OK I’m ready” said Robby as he drew in a deep breath.

“Just relax bro, this’ll be over with in a few seconds at most,” he said to Robby as he powered up the machine.

Wes’ Clothing Replicator, employing Kryptonian technologies and Terran components hummed as it powered up. Then the first of two tracer beams flashed from the device and bathed Robby in an amber glow. The machine was gathering data on his physical make up, his height, weight, and body mass. Then, a bright bluish pencil thin beam “lanced” from the device to the center of Robby’s forehead as the computer scanned and analyzed his powers and persona.

After all the data had been collected and stored, the beam machine powered down. The computer ran multiple processes in a series of chirps and clicks and beeps.

“Hey, we’ve got the design on screen, come take a look,” exclaimed Wes with satisfaction.

Robby stepped off the platform, joining Wes at the computer's main screen. He took a few minutes to look at the rendering the computer had of him in his costume.

“Amazing!” Robby murmured.

“What is totally amazing is that this thing detected that you needed the Super suits of all super suits” Wes began. “The computer has discerned that you lack super speed for a quick change and has taken that into consideration. It will make your costume out of unstable organic molecules” he added.

“Unstable organic molecules? Unstable how?” he asked his friend. “I sure hope they don’t go so unstable that they dissolve and leave me naked,” laughed Robby.

Wesley snickered. “No worries, Rob. By what the computer is reading here, it has taken the fact that, unlike Jamie or Greggy or me, your physiology, although substantially mutated and Meta human is essentially Terran... The system will fabricate for you, from living tissue, a symbiotic, semi-sentient costume that will, in essence, be linked to your conscious mind. It will transform at will into whatever clothing you want to wear. When you need to assume your Myst persona, it will transform itself into the costume pictured on this display.”

“You mean to tell me that I am gonna be wearing something that is actually ALIVE and is actually gonna be reading my mind?” Robby asked, incredulous.

Wes smiled at Robby’s incredulity. He so much enjoyed sharing Krypton’s “gee-whiz” high tech with his friends. He had resolved that one day, in his “Wes” persona, as a super scientist-engineer, he would share much of this technology with the world. He savored this moment with his friend Robby with pure unadulterated joy. He explained to Robby.

“Well kind of ‘reading your mind’ but not exactly. Actually, the costume will be more like an extension of you. When you’re wearing your costume, the ultra high tech fabric will be virtually a second skin. And its ‘semi-sentience’ will be more like an extension of your own consciousness. You don’t really ‘think’ about closing your fist do you?” Wes asked rhetorically. “Well, you won’t actually ‘think’ about changing the configuration of your costume into say, for example, sweat pants and a top jersey or even a T-shirt, gym shorts and sneaks.”

Robby regarded Wes’ computer display with wide-eyed amazement. “That outfit can do all of that?”

Wes grinned as he nodded. “Yes, courtesy of your Krypton-automatic tailor.”

Curious, Rob asked. Does your costume work that way?

“No,” Wes laughed. “Jamie, Greggy and I all three have super speed. But I’ll be replacing all of our costumes when these wear out with hi tech models like yours.

“So all I gotta do is think what I need to be wearing and…?”

Wes interrupted, “Well, Rob, by the time you’ve actually gotten the ‘thought’ formed in your head, you’ll already be wearing what you’re wanting or needing to be wearing. Like I said before, you don’t actually ‘think’ about closing your fist, do you? You just do it. When you get used to your costume, it’ll be as much a part of you as your fist.”

“Well does the costume come off?” Robby asked.

Wes smiled again. “Well, yes, Rob, it CAN come off. But eventually, it’ll be come so much a part of you that you’ll probably wanna be wearing it most of the time. When you’re NOT wearing it, you’ll miss it. Like I said, it’s going to really seem like it’s a part of, well, a part of YOU.”

The computer beeped again, this time to signify that the costume was ready. Wes handed it to Robby to go and try it on. He excused himself and went into the boys’ fortress bedroom to don his new costume.

He stripped to his skivvies, sat on the bed and began to pull on the skin-tight leggings. Immediately, they took over and rolled themselves up his leg around his hips and settled around his waist. Robby was just a little unnerved that the leggings had taken it upon themselves to clothe him. He wondered. “Can I get these things off? Tentatively, he pulled on the elastic waistband and began to pull off the garment.

Immediately the garment rolled down off his hips down his legs and around his ankles. And yet, the sense of wellbeing he’d experience momentarily when the garment had been fully donned now was absent and, just as Wes had predicted, he missed it! The entire garment proved to be self-donning and Rob found he just felt so good enfolded in its warm, almost loving embrace.

He did some experimental changes of clothing. Wes proved as good as his word. His garment “shape-shifted” from sweats, sneaks and a loose fitting jersey, to a baseball uniform, to sneaks, gym shorts and a T-shirt and finally back to his Myst personum.

The red haired boy studied his image in the full length mirror, astounded by the Prussian blue-clad figure gazing back at him.

”My God,” he murmured. “Is this really me?”

The Prussian blue costume, trimmed in light blue was form fitting, but not skin tight, like Wes’ “Speed Demon” costume, fitting like a custom tailored military flight suit. It was fitted with an open topped, open mouth hood that concealed his identity. It allowed everyone to see his red hair and bright smile though. The boots were black, trimmed in blue half shin boots. And adorning his upper left pectoral area was a modified Star of Life, the symbol found on ambulances.

Robby rejoined his friends who had been awaiting his debut as Myst. He decided against teleporting. He was still unsure of the costume's ability to stay with him. As he emerged from the bedroom me was met with “ooooo’s” and “aaaahhh’s” and “gasps.”

“Whatcha think bro?” asked Robby as he gave a quick spin.

“WOW!!! You look awesome!” exclaimed his ecstatic super friend.

“Man that looks good on you dude!” said Wes.

Robby's face blushed bright crimson as his flaming red hair. “Thanks guys” he replied.

Wes reminded Robby about his suit’s unique phase/shift properties. He explained that all Robby had to do was picture in his mind what he wanted to wear and the suit would pick up on his psychic signature and shift his costume into what he wanted to wear.

Rob had already experimented with that feature, but decided that Wes was certainly entitled to a demo.

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