Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1260644-typical
Rated: E · Draft · Personal · #1260644
am i fooling myself to think i can write this or is there potential?
First off, I want to state that this is not a typical book about a typical girl. Because I feel like the typical girls we are always hearing about, are anything but. They are those girls who don’t know how pretty or talented they are, and then they meet that definitely- not-typical guy who sees their hidden beauty. Or they are those girls who have a secret strength that helps them through a not-so-typical situation, and they show society how an ordinary person can rise above all odds. That’s not me. I am trapped in a world of beautiful girls masquerading as typical. I hope the use of typical doesn’t overwhelm you. I’m just sick, as a real typical girl, of feeling less than so because all the books, articles, and movies show us that the normal girl finds her prince charming, gets her million dollar raise, and fits into that perfect little red dress, which she found on sale. It gives a false hope that one day these things are going to happen to me, and all I have to do to help fate along is by my normal, dull self. Although, I know that I am not as pretty as all those other girls. I am not skinny enough to fit into those jeans that look so good on every other sorority chick. I don’t play the piano, or sing, or work-out everyday. I am not incredibly intelligent. I make good grades because I do well on tests. After the test is over, I forget everything that I had previously spent 10 weeks stuffing into my brain. And that makes me feel like maybe I don’t cut it in this world of academia. Maybe I don’t cut it in the world of typical girls. When the typical girl becomes the pretty, talented, great boobs we see everyday, then what do us less than typical people do? I guess that’s the journey I’m going to bring you on. Hell, I’m not going to make any promises, at the end of this trip, there may not even be a great realization or a wise lesson. You may not get anything from this other than reading practice. Or just maybe, you’ll agree with me that the image of the typical girl needs to be representative, and we can start a women’s revolution. I’m not too fond of the burning of the bras thing, but I’m all about marching with signs. All I really want you to do is read my story, and let me know that I’m not the only weird girl who wishes she could have changed things, wishes she would have become a more spectacular person, and hopes that maybe one day things will all come together and I can look at my life and be glad that I really was just…typical.
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