Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1263460-Sweet-Rain-On-Me
Rated: 13+ · Lyrics · Nature · #1263460
Your voice was like sweet rain on me
Rain on me
Pouring down on me
Sheening a gloss on me
Your voice
Was sweet rain on me

Sweet rain on my lips
Sweet kiss on my lips
Sweet rain on my eyes
Shutting them sweet, with a smile on my lips

Rain on me
Coming down on me
Shining a coat on me
Your voice was
Was sweet rain on me

Your voice was sweet rain on me
When I heard you over the phone

Your voice was sweet rain on me
You didn’t make me feel all alone

Sweet rain on me
Not, one bit cold

Sweet rain on me
Still, I shuddered to hold

Sweet rain on me
A tempestuous downpour

Sweet rain on me
Wet to my core

I just had to breathe
Your voice was sweet rain on me

My heart sings when it hears your voice
You make me feel young again
You let me relive, what it is, to love and be loved again
Oh!! Sweet rain on me,

Without having been with you
Without having ever seen you
Without having been touched by you
You make my heart sing of you

You make me smile when I think of you
You make me walk, just with the thoughts of you
I am not alone or bored or lost anymore
Cuz all I can do, is think of you
As that is all I have, of you.

You are but the wisp of wind, a floating feather in the air.
I have not seen you,
You are to me, as the invisible wind
You are there, somewhere, but not with me

I do feel you but cant feel you back
At times you are the cold wind on my cheek
Most times you are the warm rays on my back

I can feel you
But I havent seen you
Or been with you
Or touched by you

Yet your presence is so strong as
the wind in the air and
the warmth in the rays
as invisible as they are,
they can be felt but not touched
they can be felt but not seen
they can be felt but not affected
they can be felt but cant be expected
they can be felt and not repressed

they come and go as they please
and I wait, wait to be
touched by the wind,
warmed by the rays,
affected by the sun
and expected by the earth

Your voice was sweet rain on me

© Copyright 2007 Taarash (taarash at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1263460-Sweet-Rain-On-Me