Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1264271-The-Silver-Thread
Rated: E · Other · Erotica · #1264271
A study of subconscious symbolism.
I am asleep with my eyes openned.

      Blank, expressionless; I grip a silver thread....
and climb into darkness.... toward a companion, who waits for me below.
The thread is fastened to the side of my eyes as I drop deeper away
inside my mind. The companion that waits for me will never grow tired
of me. I feel the warmth of refuge as I slide deeper into the abyss........
The abyss groans, rending grief of terrible suffering. The agony of the
void has made me fearfull. My silver thread vibrates in a low pitch.
      I use both my hands to climb back up the slippery thread. There
is an ancient silence coming. My dream has become a nightmare..
I stuggle to find the windows of my eyes; to be whole again and
wear my face again.... There is a breathless sigh behind me. The
companion calls to me; to clutch me. But, I have found my way back.
It is good.
© Copyright 2007 bob county (muzzy43 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1264271-The-Silver-Thread