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Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1278105
Cade and Alize meet, destined to save or destroy their world. RR&R.

        Landing on the ground gracefully Cade carefully ran along the side of the house, keeping to the wall and out of sight. At the end of the house a fence protruded from the sides, outlining the property further on and coming around to meet the house at the other end. Slipping through the posts he continued around to the back of the house, and unnoticed, ran out into the street. The Hawthorne house sat off the main street a ways. He followed the small dirt road until it came out on a larger street. This was also dirt and extended a ways in each direction. Lined upon the street were occasional houses and roads. He turned right and progressed on.
      The houses instantly started to get closer together and it was only moments until the town entrance came into view. The towering iron gates stood open and Cade continued towards them. He felt a few raindrops and silently cursed the skies. Within moments it was raining steadily and he was wiping it out of his eyes.

        The ground under his bare feet went from dirt to cobblestone as he entered through the gates. All the lights were out in the small disintegrating buildings. Each building was directly next to the next one, some even conjoined. Alley ways and side streets spider webbed off of the one he was on and after a few moments he looked around then darted down one of them. No sounds could be heard except a dog somewhere in the distance barking faintly. The store signs creaked as they swayed on their chains against the increasing wind. It was raining harder now and because of the wind the rain blew in all directions, throwing his shirt into a frenzy.

        Cade wiped the rain off his face frantically, mind racing.  Only one thing kept flashing across his mind, that amulet. If he could convince Daemon that it was worth possessing then maybe he could buy himself more time. He wouldn’t have to deal with a messy murder or get himself killed. He didn’t want to kill the girl but if he had to, to save his own skin then he would. The only way he could get it however would be if she gave it to him. He didn’t want to risk stealing it because sometimes things like that held more power than one could even imagine. He had felt the power radiating off the amulet since he’d first met the girl but it was just now that he’d pinpointed the source.

        As he approached the tavern he could feel his own nerves and frustration radiating off his body. Suddenly, marching down the road, Cade could feel the energy slipping from his body, every moment became slurred and clumsy. He was having another weak spell. Ignoring it he yanked down the door latch and threw open the door. Completely unlike the time before the noisy room went immediately silent and every head turned his way. From the flames in the fireplace light danced around the room as everyone sat, frozen. He stood for a moment, leaning against the door frame and everyone watched him anxiously.

        Slamming the door shut he walked over to the bar, slapped down a few coins for the room then proceeded to the back door. Hurrying down the hall he fumbled with his key then entered his room, instantly shutting the door behind himself and locking it. He made it just in time and as he fell against the door, a sheer stabbing pain throbbed in his chest and he started gasping as he breathed. As he tried to stay standing his vision slipped in and out of focus and he blinked furiously to keep from black out.

        It was several moments of agony before he faintly recognized another presence in the room. His body became rigid and he furiously tried to clear his mind. He turned his head a fraction of an inch to the side and immediately felt the dagger at his throat.

        “So you decided to show up?” Grumbled the voice from behind him.

        Breathing heavily Cade stood frozen in place. “Daemon, get that knife off of my throat. You won’t kill me.”

        “What would make you think that? We’re both going to die anyway and it’s your damn fault so why shouldn’t I have the honor?”

        Heart pounding Cade tried not to succumb into the fear, he knew that Daemon wouldn’t hesitate to kill him and it would take a lot of persuading to get him to accept the new idea. “You don’t want to kill me, that’s why.”

        “Oh yeah? Why’s that?” The knife pressed harder against his throat. Cade could feel the surface of his skin straining against the pressure.

        “Because she’s got something we can use.”

        “Oh yeah? What’s that. God Damn it Cade  You and your cursed trinkets. This is not the time. You’ve gotten me killed and I’m planning on getting revenge.” The dagger broke skin this time. Still under his weak spell, the cut hurt worse than ever. Struggling to speak Cade blurted out.

        “Daemon. You don’t want to do that honestly. I’ve never seen anything more full of power in my life.”

        “I’m sick of your damn lies kid, I don’t know why I ever bothered.”

        “Daemon, I’m not lying, damn it ”

        “Prove it.”

        Cade felt beads of sweat trickling down his face. Under this spell he was useless, Daemon could kill him with the flick of a finger. The pains in his chest felt like they were ripping him open. He hesitated. He’d never let anyone into his mind before, but Daemon could only do it if the he willingly let him do so.

        “Okay,” He started to open up a bit then stopped, “But you just go in there and get what you need. You search for anything else and I’ll rip open your brains so fast you won’t remember anything for the rest of your life.” There was no way he could do that in the present state he was in but Daemon didn’t need to know that. Relaxing, he let his mind go, fill all the empty spaces in the room, completely exposed. He could feel Daemon’s presence in his consciousness and tracked it, making sure he didn’t go anywhere he shouldn’t have. As soon as Daemon had finished Cade retracted all of his thoughts and feelings, blocking everything out again. The room felt strangely empty.

        Daemon withdrew the dagger from his throat and Cade slumped to the ground at the foot of the door, his hand immediately clasped to his throat, it came away dripping with blood but he wiped it off on his shirt and paid it no attention. The expression on Daemon’s face was unreadable and Cade didn’t try to pry.

        “Why don’t you already have the damn necklace?” Daemon inquired.

        From the floor Cade winced from the effort it took to speak and trying to correct his swarming vision, “I can’t just take it from her, that things full of more power than I am. Who knows what would happen if I touched it.”

        “Then forget it,” He reached for Cade’s collar again but he jerked back.

         “I can get her to give it to me, but I’ve got to have more time.”

        For a moment Daemon seemed reluctant to give in, but after a few seconds Cade could feel him starting to give way, “All right. You get that damn necklace and I’ll ask Him about it. We’re already dead anyway, it’s worth a shot. And get off the floor, you’re pathetic.”

        He turned towards the door, ripped it open and slammed it shut, cloak trailing behind him. Cade, sprawled on the floor was inhaling heavily. His head felt ready to explode and it was as though he had a dagger jammed in his ribs. Cringing he curled into a tighter ball and tried to take several deep breaths but they came painfully and he succumbed to small quicker ones which didn’t hurt as much. After a few moments he attempted to sit up. Immediately the room started spinning and flashing before his eyes. He instantly fell to the floor and slipped into darkness.
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