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Rated: E · Other · Personal · #1296216
"It's like driving blindfolded...I have no idea where my life is going."
There was a time when feeling small was chalked up too how high the top of your head reached on the kitchen wall,
And having a head full of problems meant not knowing how to say that you wanted peaches instead of pureed green mess.
There was a moment when falling down meant you were still in the process of learning how to walk,
rather than scoot your way across the tile floor,
And when you were not hugged because you were sad,
But because your mom was afraid dust or general household items would hurt you.
There was a time when crying was expected,
And when you didn't burst into tears doctors were worried.
A time when reciting your ABC's to your family,
Earned you a cookie,
A nap,
Some new toys,
And whatever else you were going to eventually cover in spit up.
But there was a time when you learned to ride your bike,
And daddy let go before he got to three,
That you realized one day you really would have to steer for yourself.
© Copyright 2007 Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (xfactor at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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