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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Drama · #1300448
Chapter Two They decides to go on vacation, one of them unaware that it would be the last
Chapter Two

Fortunately George their gardener caught sight of Denise drowning. Quickly, George
dives into the pool and saved the drowning girl.
"Good heavens! Denise what happened to you?!" Elisha shocked and worriedly asking.
"I, I tripped ma, it was an accident." Again the kindness of this girl saved her evil twin from getting into trouble.

"Suck up! Leech!" Michelle peeking from the kitchen door, peeking, whispering to
herself with angry eyes.

"Maria! Where are you?! Come over here!" David screamed at the top of his lungs,
angry of the faulty nanny, "Maria!" David continued to call out to the maid.
After the screaming, Denise's nanny came, quite afraid of what the annoyed and angry father has to say. "Yes, Sir." Maria approached David

"What in the world was on your head?! Why did you leave my daughter by the poolside when you knew that she does not know how to swim?" David asked demanding for an answer.

"Sir first of all, I would like  to apologize for leaving your daughter, but to defend myself, I must admit that your daughter Denise was the one who asked me to go to the kitchen, and help Dorothy prepare the food." Maria explained clearly.

"Yes father, I told Maria to help Dorothy prepare the food, forgive Maria dad, for we both didn't know that this was going to happen, this was unexpected" Denise
continued, making the whole happening clear to his father.

David was then calmed down by his daughter's explanation, here he could not
explain the happiness that he felt, how thankful he was that Denise is safe. After this
breathe taking event, David and Elisha instructed Maria to keep a close eye on the
twins especially on Michelle, for they wouldn't get along. A reason why this
instruction was given, Elisha had this feeling that Michelle had something to do with
the said accident.

After this day, minutes passed, which soon became hours, then years. Time flew
so fast. The rivalry between the twins, Michelle and Denise continued, though how
hard parents, Elisha and David tried they, even them being the parents were not
able to get the two to get along with each other.

Until that very day, when an idea came into Elisha's mind, an idea which she herself
thought would make the two act like sisters and make their family a strong family.

"A family vacation? I don't think that would be a good idea, there would be so much
risks, and besides the outdoors would be the breeding grounds of Michelle's
jealousy, a place where her childish evil thoughts would grow." David showing how
unfavored he was with Elisha's idea.

"David! don't talk that way, that is why we are going to a family vacation, we are
going out, so that we can treat the two equally and show Michelle that there is
nothing that is to be jealous about." Elisha explained.

David was soon convinced by his wife. A day after, the whole family packed their
stuff, and went on their way.  "Dad, where are we going?" Michelle excitedly asked
his father who was driving the car.  "We are going to Batangas."David replied.

Batangas was a place frequently visited by families in the Philippines, especially
during the summer time. The white sand, so full of life, the blue sky and the heat
of the sun  just right to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. People who go here find
peace, and enjoy seeing hermit crabs and lots of beautiful creatures that will strike
you with the feeling of awe. There in batangas David, not being the richest man in
world but was of the middle class, reserved a resort by the mountain side, where
the family had t ride a boat to get there. On their way to the resort they saw a group
of people, shouting and screaming. It was like they were asking for something, the
anger on their faces.  "So much for batangas being a peaceful place." David said.

The family, so excited finally reached their destination. Elisha was so happy that
her plan was working. Her children were then together and were starting to get along.
Though there were still events that the two would quarrel.

"Ring!!! Ring!!!" the sound of the phone woke David up.

"Hello" David answered the phone with his morning voice.

"What?! we're still here!,  O we'll get out of here as soon as possible."

That phone call made the hair of David's back stand up. The people who they saw
a few days ago started a rebellion against the soldiers, where one of those was
the owner of the resort David's family are staying in. The rebellions started going
insane and began killing innocent people. That news being heard David ordered
everyone to pack their stuff as quick as possible, so they can leave immediately.

"Here's the plan, our family will pass by the mountain side, so we will not be easily
seen by the rebellions" David formulated a plan, a plan which he thought of, being
so worried of his families safety.

"Boom!"  thunders roared as  they exited their rest house, this signaled that a
storm is coming, how unfortunate. soon as they were by the mountain side, it
started to rain.

"Bang!!! Zoom!!!" bullets flying everywhere, the family was now aware that if they
don't get out of that place they would be killed.

The family ran, ran as fast as they could to escape. Suddenly, the sound of cracking
stopped them, it made them realize that because of the rain the ground they were
stepping on started cracking and collapsing.

"This time we have to be extra careful! Walk slowly!" David shouted. And so the
family kept on running, until...

"Aahh!!, help me! David help me! Elisha tripped, she is about to fall a 50 feet from
the ground and into the sharp rocks below.

"Hold my hand! Don't let go!" David said. Their hands being wet became slippery
which made it harder for Elisha to tighten her grip.

"David I'm slipping!!!" Elisha's hand started to slide down, "No don't let go" David
begged Elisha not to lose her grip. But his begging didn't work.

"Tell the kids I love them, and I won't forget them." tears fell down Elisha's eyes
and she let go of David's hand, for she slowly losing her grip, she came to realize
that there is nothing David can do to save her for David's hands were holding only
her fingers and that she was slowly sliding down.

"Nooooo!!!!" David shouted as Elisha fell into the rocks, The three who were left could
not do anything but watch, watch as their loved one go and bleed to death.

"Dad let's go, we can't do anything anymore" Michelle called to her dad while the
twins pulled on their father. "If we don't get out of here, we'll lose you to dad, let's go!" Michelle added while her watery eyes stared at David.

This was the beginning of the broken weak family, the loneliness of the life of the
family who lost someone so dear, someone they loved.

to be continued in Chapter Three
© Copyright 2007 Ju'Chien (twin_smiley05 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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