Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1302055-Horoscope-Happiness
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1302055
Taking a cue from her daily horoscope, Sarah changes her life.

August 6, 2007
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.18)
Though you might be slow to get into motion, you will achieve a lot quickly. Listen to those you care about. You don’t always choose the popular action, but you might want to now.

“So, Madam Sarah, what are you going to do today?”

“Don’t be so negative. Today my horoscope says that even though I’m going to be off to a slow start, I’m going to be very productive today. Oh, and I have to “listen to those you care about. You don’t always choose the popular action, but you might want to now.””

“What does that mean? I get the whole “listen to those you care about” but the choosing popular action? What does that mean?”

“The whole idea behind a horoscope is not to know what it means right away. They are kind of like guiding lights to help you through the day.”

“Ugh! I can’t stand this. You go and have fun with your “popular action” decision for the day, I’m going to work.”

“When you get off, you want to do something?”

“You want to do something with me after work?”

“Why is that so hard to believe?”

“Oh, I don’t know. I’m only your roommate and we haven’t gone out in…never!”

“Well, maybe I’m deciding to “choose the popular action”. I mean, we never hang out and I would like too.”

“Ok, Madam Sarah, whatever you say. I get off around 10:30 and I’m meeting Derek and Sam at The Drink.”

“Alright! I’ll see you there.”

“Yeah, I’ll believe it when I see it.”

         With that, Jessica went off to work; leaving Sarah alone to ponder over the rest of her horoscope.

“I wonder what they mean by “listen to those you care about”. That reminds me I should call my mom!”

         Sarah got her cell phone out of her purse and pressed the familiar number into the key pad. It picked up after three rings.

“Hey, mom! It’s Sarah, your long lost daughter!”

“Sarah? I thought you had to work today sweetheart?”

“I do,” she checked the clock to make sure she had enough time to talk. “I can talk. I don’t have to go to work for another hour.”

“Oh, that must be nice. So, anything new happen since you last talked to me? How’s that nice boy of yours doing? I think his name was Andy, am I right?”

         Sarah forgot that she didn’t tell her mom that she had broken up with Andy two weeks ago and he was still calling her almost everyday.

“Um…Andy is good mom. Yeah, he’s great. How’s your garden coming along this year? Your tulips blooming yet?”

“Sarah, I’ve been your mother for 25 years now and I can always tell when something is not right with you.”

“What? Everything’s fine mom….alright you caught me. Andy and I broke up two weeks ago.”

“Oh, dear. What happened?”

“He was just so immature. One day we were out walking his dog next to the river and he pushed me in! It was shallow and a slow current but he didn’t have to push me in fully clothed! Are you laughing?”

“I’m sorry honey. It’s just that your father, god rest him, did the same thing to me when we were first dating.”

         Sarah was shocked to say the least.

“You never told me that!”

“Oh, honey! It was so long ago and your father and I were so young! I had actually forgotten that it happened until you said something.”

         There was a pause on the line and Sarah knew that her mom was getting ready to tell her a story.

“It was the summer of 1965. Your father and I had just finished high school. It was at the graduation party that he finally asked me out on a date. He told me he had a crush on me since freshman year but he never got up the nerve to ask me until that night. Oh, that was the summer of love alright, but for your father and me, it was more. We spent weekends, days and nights together as much as we could. Taking walks downtown, going out dancing, and strolling along the river. Well, it was one humid evening and we were walking along the river just before sunset when your father stopped next to the river and said his leg hurt. Well, me being young and gullible I bent over to see what the matter was. Just as I was bending down he grabbed me by the arms and pushed me into the river! At first I wanted to strangle him but then he started laughing and jumped in after me. I splashed him and did my best to get him to fall into the river but he just caught me in his arms in a wet hug. It was there, in that sunset light and that calm river water that we shared our first kiss.”

         Sarah was speechless. The way her mother described her first kiss was so sweet and amazing that there were no words. She wasn’t aware that she hadn’t been talking on the phone until her mom gave a great sigh and returned her attention to the phone.

“Sarah, honey? Are you still there?”

“Yeah, mom, I’m still here.”

“Do you still hear from Andy?”

“Yeah, he calls me almost everyday.”

“That’s a good sign, sweetheart. That means he still thinks about you. Why don’t you give him another chance?”

         Sarah paused for a while, letting her brain think. Finally she answered her mother.

“You think I should give it another shot with Andy?”

“Yes, sweetheart, I do.”

“I think your right. Thanks mom, I love you.”

         Sarah closed her cell phone and leaned back into her chair. She was just about to close her eyes when her phone rang again.

“Sarah? It’s Andy. I’m so glad you answered. Listen I’m meeting a few of my friends tonight at The Drink around 10:30 and was wondering if you wanted to come.”
Sarah almost laughed.

“I’ll see you there Andy.”
         Sarah hung up the phone on Andy’s stunned silence. She smiled and looked up.

“Today is going to be a great day.”

© Copyright 2007 Jade Nite (jadenite at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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