Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1313051-Dear-Angela
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1313051
A letter to the "other" woman. Written for 1,000 words picture prompt contest.
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Date:  08/27/2007
Time:  04:35:27 a.m. 
To:  Angela86@doitnow.com
From: CharleyM268@gbfl.com 
Subject:  I did it. . . .

Dear Angela: 

         Well, I did it.  It’s over.  I ended it with Terra.  She was getting to be a drag.  You know, she could have at least tried to make it work.  I mean, she always wore such casual clothes, she never dressed for me. 

         She didn’t take the news of our breakup very well at all.  At first, I think she was terrified, but then finally she just kind of gave up. I think she is at peace now.

         Anyway, she won’t be bothering me.  Not ever again.  It is over and there is a kind of finality about it.  In a way, it is kind of sad, but it is also a relief.  I spent so many sleepless nights laying next to her.  I would watch the rise and fall of her chest as she slept, all the while thinking about what I should do.  Three nights ago it finally occurred to me.  I needed to end it, quickly. 

         It is now time to bury the past and get on with my life and with our lives together.  I can finally put her to rest and move on.  She is in the past with all the others.  Now we can be together the way we always talked about. 

         I know that you would never be like her.  I know that you would not make me want to end it with you like I wanted to end it with her.  Oh, and I’m glad you are working on some of those annoying habits of yours, I can see a difference.*Wink* 

         I’m going to have to go now.  I’m tired and it was a long night.  I worked until sunrise. I’m sweaty and dirty, so I’m going to take a shower and go to bed. 

Forever yours . . . until it ends,

 A response to Charley  (E)
A short response to and emotional end.
#1779370 by Beaureguard Schmeltzer
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