Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1315164-death-2
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Other · #1315164
tattoos, piercings, knives, razor wire, blood, sex. need i say more?
three bodies laid in the corner, mutilated and beaten. a shelf of notorious items used for punishing those that screamed rested by a wall on the east side of the room. the slim figure shadows over her menagerie of death dealing items with a sparkle in her eye. gliding her fingers over a rope of razor wire and carpenter nails, she picks it up and examines it, then throws it around her shoulder like a boa. going further down she traces outlines of 6inch long, 6guage hooks, picks out 6 and smiles, tonight will be a good night, her body was mostly naked except for the kneehigh boots and tribal tattoos everywhere else, snaking between her legs, and venturing around her now hard peirced nipples that are barely covered by some form of intertwining cloth, long black hair with chunks of blue streaked through. a light rap, tap, tapping at her bedroom door, her new play friend has arrived.her black crushed velvet cloak hung on a stalking butler in the corner near the huge steel door, she fondled it while answering. he stood in the doorway, a nice dress shirt and designer jeans, tattoos riddled his body here and there leaving little space for free blood.she waved him in, almost touching his body with hers,but just enough to feel his warmth. a harness chinged and changed as he ran his hand just under it, so it wouldnt be his head, "watch yourself" she spoke, demonic little voice for a girl he thought, but what the fuck, thats what you get when you come to one of these places.a stool sat about 5 feet in front of the hanging harness, "sit" and he obeyed.she pointed to his shirt and commanded "off" and he once again did as told. his firmed body played off the shadows as she reached to the operating shelf, towards the west side of the room, she looked over various clamps before picking an old favorite. steadying herself behind him, she turned on her mechanics light right over his back. finding a good spot to start above his shoulder bone, she dealt the first blow, one of the 6 gauged hooks went into his skin, he bit his lip in anguish, but more enjoyed the new metal than not. all he had to stare at while she worked were fleshbags of those that couldnt stand the pain she gave out so generously. 5 more hooks, and with each new hole, thoughts of pain and desire built within him. pulling the harness down from the ceiling, she looped the hooks through each line holder, and twisted the safety shut. if he wanted off that rack, he better pull his back from his new apendages. she chuckled as he sat there, unknowing of what would happen next, the rack breathing down new weight as it resting under the hooks. walking once more over to her 'toy' table, she picked up a small item, one she got the idea from a movie, small talon like hook, but still, freshly sharpened. gathering to the front of him, she looked at his designer jeans and mumbled something like 'these wont due' under her breath and grabbed hold right above his beltline and tore into the jean with strategic movements, the talon cutting through like a baby shark on a teething ring. ripping his clothes off of him, he was now naked (and from what she could tell, well endowed) throwing the pants over to the corner with the other trash, her hips swaying flirtatiously as she went back to the stalking butler, a rope came out of the wall, and rested there, she gently slid her hand up and down the rope, then pulled, his body became up right and she coulda swore he muttered something along the lines of fuck, but he bit back his lip once more, and welcomed the rush. she wrapped her other hand around the rope and continued pulling until his feet were off the floor, then wrapped the exess rope around a catch on the wall, so he could stay. his body swinging back and forth, she caught his leg and spun herself so he could see her, from a more aerial view. inviting herself to know every inch of his flesh, she touched and grabbed and played, then stepped back, the razor and carpenter nail wire still playing with her shoulders, she then took it off and wrapped one end around her hand, with precision, she flicked it, catching his right nipple in blood, a strip of flesh came off, and she flicked the wire again. this time catching his left, but no flesh this time, just wonderful blood, trickling down.she whipped him a few more times in the front until there was enough blood to make a shirt out of. she ran her tongue over it and felt the energy he reflected, liking herself and her new toy, she laid a finger on him and he turned around 180* his back to her she was careful not to get the places she just peirced. etching a K into the near of his spine with the wire, his muscles contracted and relaxed with every hit. once more turning him to face her, she then licked a trail of blood that led to other places, from licking, to sucking, he closed his eyes in enjoyment, not really knowing if this was a nightmare, or a fantasy, he wanted to come all over the place, but her mouth was all over that shit. his body worn and weary, she released the rope and his knees buckled as he reached ground once more. she freed him of his hanging contraption and fire ignited in his eyes, taking her wire, he jumped her, landing her to the ground, in a straddling position. he wrapped the wire around her neck, blood slipped through her skin, and found pathways through each line, he smiled, now this bitch can bleed for a minute he thought, biting a titty and watching it swell with excitment. forcing her legs around his shoulders, he took her right there on the floor, her hands trying to find places to brace herself, but the animal urge loomed too big for that task as she moaned upon entering. he restrained her hands and watched as his blood dripped from him and mingled with hers, penatrated deeper and harder, was it the lust or the pain that cause him to react like this, he didnt know, but he fucking liked it, the hooks still embeded in his back, shifting everyonce in a while, like claws that never came free. her body wriggled and writhed as she met her climax, soon after he was feeling the top of his dick again wanting to explode, he took it out and proceeded to come all over the pool of blood soaking her stomach and breasts. he removed hisself from her, and she got to her feet, the wire laying, its use much accomplished,on the floor.she then removed the 6 hooks in his back, gently and slowly, as he made his way to the door, she stealthy laid an arm around him, stroking his face touching his lips, with the talon in her finger tips, she made him smile from a different position, then taking the talon around his neck and straight down his back, butterfling him his flesh ripping as he screamed, his spinal cord peeked through and she ended above his rear. he fell to his knees, blood now painting the floor in a crimson array. he gurgled blood and spit it out, but it didnt help, she took him by the foot and drug him to where the other bodies were, his life draining from him blink by breathe. she watched as the glint in his eyes turned to a cold grey whiteout. smiling she eyed her tiny talon and licked the blood right off.
© Copyright 2007 kamuria wolf (kamuria at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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