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Rated: E · Other · Other · #1315440
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"Hey! Hey! Came take a look at this!!"


"I found a cool place! come take a look!"

"I'm coming... I'm coming..."

I dragged my fatigued body through the trees, heading towards the source of the voice, which coincidentally was the cause of my problems right now.

Pushing through the thick, vine-tangled branches, I wondered why my companion zoomed off the main road into these dense woods.

These unmapped areas were quite confusing and it took all my experience and skills of tracking to prevent us from getting lost.

So far we had circled the same area for five times, which I had helpfully informed my companion but unfortunately she stubbornly refused my help and stomped around looking for a way out with me tailing behind.

My companion seemingly had found something, and it was certainly not the way back so I decided to stop identifying my tracks for a moment to take a look.

Pushing past a curtain of hanging vines, I found my companion hailing me in a small clearing at the edge of a cliff. Smooth green grass waved gently with the wind, fading into a rocky surface near the edge of the cliff.

Thankfully my companion was in the green area so there was much less chance of an accident. Observing my surroundings, I noticed a small piece of the scenery tha was out of place.

In the shadow of an old tree lay a slab of stone, blended so naturally with it's surroundings one wouldn't normally notice.

Glancing at my companion, I put down my bag on the grass and sat down, withdrawing my notebook to write something, as my companion flopped down on the grass too. I busied myself with pointless writing, making no sound. The silence was calming in a way so I continued without interruption.

When I next looked up from my pages the sun was setting, bathing the clearing in golden light. Looking sideways at my companion for the first time after sitting down, I saw her staring at her knees with shadowed eyes. As if in a trance, no response was given to the actions of nature. Moving over I prodded my companion on the sholder. As if a pebble dropped into a lake, the trance broke and my companion looked up at me, waiting for me to talk.

"Let's go."


Our departure was swift and quiet, erasing our presence from the clearing entirely. I found the trail and started leading through the trees, my companion following behind quietly. Soon we reached the edge of the forest and I looked up. Night had fallen and the starry sky was undisturbed by clouds.

Turning towards my companion, I tried to decide what to say. Not a good speaker, I just spoke my thoughts.

"You okay?"




"...next time, let's bring some flowers."




Taking a firm hold, I lead the way to our destination quietly.
© Copyright 2007 Ian Choi (ianchoi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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