Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1316567-Who-Knew
Rated: 18+ · Non-fiction · Other · #1316567
after 23 years of marriage my husband confesses a secret he kept for seems like forever
    Four children and 23 years of a relatively happy marriage I received the shock of my life. Being pretty well read I knew we were at the right age and income bracket for my husband to have an affair. Well he came home and said we have to talk. I braced myself for him to tell me about another woman. He said I am gay, you could have knocked me over with a feather. I did not fly into a fit of rage or collapse into tears I just stood there. He started crying and my heart broke for him.I said we should take a ride to keep the kids out of it for now.

    He kept apologizing and I kept telling him he had nothing to apologize for. I know that being gay is not a choice. I said we would work through this. I knew our marriage would not be the same but we could still be friends.
    He works in a place that would or could have fired him for being gay because we live in a state that does not have protection for gays,transsexuals, or transsgenders, which I find very very sad. But the company he works for was sold to a large company based out of state and they have a policy that protect employes so he is safe in that aspect.

    He kept telling his parents and me he was visiting a friend in Sarasota and asked if they would like to meet him well after the meeting him mom called me to their house and asked me Is he was gay I said they would have to ask him. They were devastated being religious they felt their son was condemned to hell. They could not understand why I did not want a divorce . I helped them cope as much as I could and they finally worked through most of their bias and became more comfortable with having a gay son.

  Well now after 32 years of marriage he has filed for divorce I am not happy and all I can say is WHO KNEW?
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