Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1317295-A-parent-gets-treated-like-the-child
Rated: E · Short Story · Comedy · #1317295
Love from Parent/Child. A single parent tries to have a new person in the picture.
Before reading please understand that I know that there is not " " when someone is talking. I was trying to type in 3rd person, I know I have some errrors, So please do not correct me on that one... Thank you Ae.

When the parent gets treated like the child

When Micael wanted to start dating again after being divorced for 5 years; she thought she had finally moved on.  Much to her belief that was not going to be the case, her 16 year old daughter Angela had other plans for her mom since the dating scene had changed.
Micael had joined an online dating site and started to chat with some men from around the United States.  Mostly one in particular, named Joe.  He lived just a few hours away.  His profile was very catching, a business owner, made a good living, divorced with children as well. He liked camping, hiking, photography, sunsets, movies, cooking, almost like a complete match for the activities that Micael loved to do.  He was not bad looking either.
After a few emails back in forth, that included pictures, they sent each other a message that maybe they should meet.  He was going to be in town on business.  She had some time off from work and thought since she had things almost completed in cleaning out the house of the junk that was collecting it could be arranged. 
When her daughter found out that Joe was coming to town and that they would be meeting for an early dinner in the middle of the week. 
Angela calmly told her mother, that she would be tagging along so that no funny business would be taking place.  She used the excuse of “well you did meet him online and how do you know that this is the person that you have been talking to?  You never know if they will take advantage of you, when you go out; most people will try and give you some drinks just to see how you will be acting then possibly rape then strangle you.” 
Micael told Angela “that she was a big girl and that it was an early dinner in a public place.  She would be ok, it would be taking place in a well known area, and that all the people on this dating site had to have been proven that they were who they were and all had back round checks from the government. Now if she wanted to be that protective of her she could be the same so when she had a date with her boyfriend she would just have to tag along to make sure that nothing funny would be taking place since she was at that age of exploration.”  Angela started to throw a fit and headed off to her room.  Micael went to the computer.  About that time her phone had rang.  It was Joe calling she had imagined that he would be just around the corner to take her away from this argument, instead he explained he was getting a late start and that he would have to postpone their meeting for at least a day, possibly later that night.
Micael almost feeling let down but excited at the same time, said that she could not wait until they met, continuing the conversation for a while since it was actually the first time chatting in person, wanted to soak in Joe’s voice.  She mentioned again that she was sorry for the delay on them meeting.  At that time Angela comes into the room and hears that Joe is not coming into town.  Angela had let out a squeal of excitement that her mother was going to be safe at home.  Leaving the room without her mother knowing she called her boyfriend Tom to tell him the good news. They would still be just the girls together.  She did not like father figures since hers had left 5 years before; he just left with no word to anyone. 
Micael continued her chat with Joe for about another 5 minutes.  Joe let her know he had a surprise for her but was not going to tell her but actually showing her when he arrived.
She did like some surprises but hope it would not be overwhelming.
Well the hours had past, Micael and Angela had a wonderful dinner and was about to sit down to watch a movie together when the phone had rang.  It was Joe; sounding exhausted he had just got to town and happened to get lost trying to find the hotel; and was wondering if he could he get some directions.
That would be no problem just let her know where he was, just give a landmark. 
By the Hardware store, Jiffy Quick, and some park she was told.
She replied, stay right there and do not get out, there is construction there and you’ll get lost or even wreck your car.  It would be faster to have a guide to direct you to safety.
She grabs the keys and heads out the door, Angela is sitting on the porch now talking on her cell phone, who ever she is talking to she tells them to wait a moment to find out where her mother is going, and telling her that at this time of night your not going out by yourself and to meet him alone.
Micael not wanting to argue agrees that she would like company on this errand.
Getting to the area of construction they find Joe at the edge of the road to where the concrete is torn up and drops down 3 feet.  Angela gets out of the car and goes to the door of the SUV where Joe is waiting and seen a girl lying in the back seat. Running to the car yelling giving no time for explanation, in which they need to leave, that he is a killer.  Joe got out of the SUV yelled Please quite my daughter’s sleeping.  Angela looked shocked that she was not the only one who thought they needed a chaperon.
© Copyright 2007 Anne/Ae Not (aenot at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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