Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1319502-The-Nerd
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1319502
Well, the title says it all.
The Nerd


I staggered backwards as another blow to the stomach knocked the wind out of me. A right hook sent me wheeling to the ground, and as the incoherant screams of "Fight" raged on around me, I stopped to think of how this all started...

"Honey, you'll be late for school!" My mother yelled over the sound of the bacon frying downstairs.
I know mother, but I have to find my Homework. I was studying last night and I think I stuck it in the math book I was looking at!" I shouted.
"Oh, that book, its down here with your english book on the counter!"
"Alright, i'll be right down mother!" I rushed downstairs fully dressed with my hair still wet from my shower earlier. I have striaght brown hair, almost always combed straight down, never spiked up. my eyes are hazel, and im about four foot ten being a fifth grader, I am short for my age, and get picked on, not just for that, but for my high IQ. My mother had it tested a year ago, and I had the mind of an eighth grader and the docter said by the time I was in sixth grade I would I would probably have an IQ of one hunderd seventy six. It's because of that reason, that I get picked on and cheated off of on almost every test. So add that up with my small stature, and you might just understand how many bruises I get a day. (Which by the way is alot if you didn't catch my drift.)
I grabbed my bookbag and my math and english book, waved to my mother, and dashed out the backdoor, hopped on my bike and I was off, pedaling like a maniac.
When I got to Yolkesly Middle School, I chained my bike to the rack, and dashed inside. Just as I sat down the bell rang. I was safe.
There was a pop quiz today on integers in math today, and the class wasnt prepared for it, but I was, I studied last night, knowing there might be one today since it was a monday.

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