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Edited, rewritten transcript of a professional makeup demonstration including beauty tips.
Hanna’s Demonstration

Ronnie: Hi, everyone this is Hanna, and Hanna’s 23. We’re going to create a nightclub look for Hanna today, so she can go out clubbing with her friends, and have lots of fun. Sometimes, at 23, some girls over do their makeup. To quote Hanna, she doesn’t want the “drag queen” look. She wants something to make her look fabulous, and to last the night, and to be sweat proof, which is important with all that dancing and boogying that happens at nightclubs.

So let’s get started. We’re going use some mineral makeup on Hanna today. Mineral makeup is a very, very popular makeup now because it’s excellent for everybody’s skin, but particularly for young skins because it’s got staying power. It’s also very flattering. Many young girls, I think, overdo foundation. I’m going to show you exactly how to apply foundation without it looking or feeling too heavy, and so that it will last the night, and into the early mornings if necessary.

Okay, we’ll pop liquid foundation on the eyelids. The reason we do that is that with eyelids everybody has a little of what I call a “veiny” area. We want to eliminate any of that coming through when we apply eye shadow. We apply a lovely base on the eyelids. When we do that, it will last all day and all night. Therefore, we’ll pop a liquid foundation on the eyelids first. Then we’re going to apply this magnificent mineral makeup.

The keys to mineral makeup are the brush and the application. It needs to be applied in a swirling motion on the skin. Mineral makeup gives a lovely natural and professional look. It creates the glamorous look we all want. We’ll be applying concealer after this, and I’ll explain why.

If you were to apply concealer before your foundation, you would be messing up the concealer during your foundation application. We don’t want double layers under the eye area. Therefore, we’ll be applying concealer after the foundation. It creates a much better look, and. of course, it actually does conceal rather than getting mixed up in the foundation and not looking as professional as we’d like.

If you’re inexperienced applying makeup, it couldn’t be easier than using a cosmetic brush and swirling motions. The key is to have the correct tool. I’m using the Jane Iredale brand, but all of the mineral makeups have their own specific brushes, and it is important to get the brush that goes with your mineral selection. When you have the right tool, the application couldn’t be easier.

Hanna has a few lovely freckles on her face. I don’t hide freckles because they are a very endearing quality. We’re just going to make Hanna feel comfortable, and made-up, but not with the heaviness of some foundations. Sometimes young girls apply too much foundation and it leave them looking and feeling as if they are wearing a mask.

Now we’ll apply a little bit of foundation on her eyelids because then we’ll have a great base for the eye shadow. When you apply a base of your foundation for eye shadow, it will last for 12 hours or more. With a little bit of foundation and then powder over your eyelids, you’ll have a great base for eye shadow, and there is no way it will not last the distance.

So to just use a circular motion is all we have to remember when we’re applying the minerals. You can be a little bit firm around the nose area because that’s where sometimes we can perspire. So just a little bit of firmness doesn’t hurt around that nose area. We’re swirling around the lips as well. Foundation on the lips will help the lipstick to last also. A little bit here and there to make sure coverage is complete.

When you’re applying a mineral makeup, always make sure you pop on your moisturizer and let it soak in for 10 minutes. You should have a beautiful base for your foundation to last all day. Mineral makeup is so easy to apply, and beautifully natural, but very professional looking, and very glamorous.

Now I’ll apply some concealer after the foundation. This is the order of application we want. We’ll be able to use the concealer correctly, and it won’t get mixed up in the look, and the product application of the foundation.

The best trick I know for using concealer correctly, and to best advantage, is popping it just in the inner corners of the eyes. Many women pop it right around there, under the middle of the eye, and pat, pat, pat. However, what that actually does is enhance dark circles. What we want is to first warm a product for best application, before we apply it to the face. This is one of the little touch concealers that are in a wand. These are quite popular currently. You twirl them up, and apply to the back of your hand to warm before applying. If you do that, the cosmetic product will adhere better to your skin.

So always warming a concealer is very important, as well as applying your product with your ring finger. Popping it on with your ring finger allows you to apply just enough pressure without damaging delicate eye skin. When concealers, like other liquid and cream cosmetics are warmed, they adhere much better to the skin, and a light dusting of powder sets the look. We don’t want to see the concealer itself as a separate area on your face. We want it to do its job in a very natural way. And if you pop it in the corners of your inner eye, and press it in -- always use your ring finger because it has the least amount of pressure. If you’re considering a pointer application tool for concealer, don’t, because a pointer is too hard. We’re warming the product again, and applying, because those corners will now be able to reflect all of the shadows instead of looking dark. See how the product has just blended beautifully into Hanna’s skin because of the slow movement used to apply it, and the fact that the product is already warmed. It’s adhered into the skin, and no one will be able to tell where the concealer begins and ends, and the foundation as well. Every product is doing the correct job, and not mixing up with each other.

Okay, that’s looking great. Lightness showing around the inner corners of the eyes makes the eye pop, so when we do Hanna’s eye shadow you’ll see exactly what I mean. We’re going to use a bit of purple shadow today. Hanna has lovely brown eyes, so purple is great. Blue is also fantastic on brown eyes. Brown eyes are quite easy to enhance because you can use the many colors that complement by contrasting to create fabulous effects. So we’ll start with purple because we want a bit of an out there look for a night club, and we’ll use a little silver eye shadow too. Silver can work wonders on the eye area as well.

Now because we’re going to apply this light purple all over the lid, we’re going to use a small sponge tip applicator. When you use a more vibrant color with a lot of pigment, we don’t want to use a brush because it could cause flaking all over the face as your applying it. It’s more of a safety measure to use a little sponge tip. The product I’m using is called a “holographic eye shadows”, so the color is very bright in the dim lights of the evening.

If you want your eye shadow color to be even brighter than normal, you can always wet any eye shadow product to get a little more depth of color. Just pop your sponge tip applicator into some water before you run it across your chosen color. That can help intensify your application color.

That’s about an even application of color on both eyes. If you have eyes that are a little more close set, all you would do is start your eye shadow about one-quarter of the way from your inner eye area (above your pupil) and go out. Just don’t go completely in to the corners where your top and bottom lashes meet. Hanna has perfectly set eyes, and they are an almond shape so she’s very lucky. For normal set eyes you can apply the shadow right across the eye lid. But all you have to do if your eyes are a little bit more close-set is just start the eye shadow a bit away from the very corner there. Therefore, you’d start it about where the inner area of your pupil begins, as you look straight ahead.

Okay, I’m going to apply a little purple shadow under Hanna’s eyes as well. So look up to the ceiling, Hanna. To get the color close to the lash line we use the cotton bud. There’s nothing better. When you’re using a cotton bud, remove any excess product on the back of the hand. That’s always a good tip. You can always add more eye shadow very easily, but it’s more tricky when you have to remove eye shadow because you’ve applied too much. In the worst case, you have to remove it all and start again. So always begin with a small amount, and dust off the excess there on the back of your hand. Pop a little bit underneath the lower lashes. Now it looks more uniform because we’ve just followed though with the purple there, and around here, creating a sort of halo effect.

If you had blue eyes, we wouldn’t be putting purple. Purple and blue would bring out the red in your eyes. You need a contrasting color to your eye color. If you were a blue-eyed girl, then I’d be popping a nice tan, or maybe a shimmery brown around your eyes to bring out the blue. That’s lovely.

Now we’re going to use silver. We’re out for a night of partying; we’re nightclubbing, so a bit of silver is appropriate. There’s an important point to make glittery eye shadows, and glitter in general. It’s fabulous if you’re under 25, otherwise it’s not going to enhance your features. There are certain ways to use glitter. You don’t want to use it on top of fine lines because it will accent them. Since Hanna’s 23, she can get away with wearing glitter any way she likes it, so why not enjoy. Silver is a fabulous color for highlighting. It actually brings out the whites in your eyes better than a white eye shadow would.

I’ll show you another little trick. We’ve put some silver highlights here under the brow bone. Highlighting under the brow bone is the best way to create a glamorous look without being too overdone. We’ll also apply just a little bit of silver shadow in the corners there, near the nose. That’s another little trick, which is great for camouflaging naturally occurring shadows. Okay, now open for me Hanna. That’s gorgeous.

We’re going to also apply a little bit of eye liner. We’re doing all the eye area, and the eye liner, at the same time. Then we’re going to sprits Hanna’s face to set her mineral makeup because you need to set mineral makeup with a special spray. Then it will last forever, or at least 12 hours, without rubbing off.

When you’re applying eye pencil, the key is to work from the outside corner of the eye to the inside corner. Many women begin at the inner corner, and then they’re not sure where to end the line. It can look a little bit forced sometime, and a bit overdone. What we want is a glamorous look; therefore, we’re starting from the outside in, right on the lash base. Begin your pencil or liquid applicator right on top of the lashes, paint almost – penciling on your lashes. You should be able to feel your lashes moving as you’re penciling it on. The closer the liner gets to your lashes, the more beautiful your eyes will look when you have your mascara on. You’re adding the depth and color when you apply eyeliner.

In addition, starting from the outside and stopping about three quarters of the way toward the inner eye corner is the best way to apply eyeliner, because that way you’re not going to close your eye up. Don’t encircle your entire eye in pencil, and you’ll look so much better. It is much more flattering for any age woman. Hanna doesn’t even have mascara on yet, but we can see the way the eye liner makes the eye we’ve done stand out. The line is very close to the lash, and it’s going to look very glamorous.

Now I’ll do the other eye the same way. Apply your liner or eye pencil from the outside in. That’s the best way. If you’re a bit unsure, or don’t have a steady hand, it’s a good idea to get a hand mirror, and look down. That way your eyelashes don’t get in the way. If you’re blessed with beautiful long eyelashes they may get in the way when you’re doing this. Nevertheless, if you look down in your mirror it will get those eyelashes out of the way for you. Gorgeous, okay1

Liquid eyeliner is a very fashionable accent this season, and it creates a more glamorous look. I’m going to apply it over the pencil. So we’ll look down, again beginning from the outside in. Using a pen like applicator is the best way to go with liquid eyeliner. Going from the outside in, right on the rim creates more definition and depth. That’s what you want when you’re going out to have a lovely time at night. When you’re a young girl, you can experiment with makeup, and most of the time most things look great. You’re blessed with youth on your side, young ladies.

We’ll let the liquid liner dry for a second. Next, we’ll pop on some blush, and then we’re going to sprits to set the mineral makeup.

After we apply all our powder type makeup items, then we’ll sprits and set before we apply mascara, eyebrow pencil, and lipstick. First, we’ll blush the cheeks, the beautiful cheeks. Introducing some pink is a little bit of fun.

There’s not a hard and fast rule anymore with blush. I think the application tool is the key. You need a decent sized cosmetic brush. Dab your blusher on the brush, and dust the excess on the back of your hand. When you remove the excess on your hand, you’ll never end up with too much color on your cheeks. The last thing you’d want to do is start again because you’ve applied too much blush. You’re more than three quarters of the way through your makeup now, so you don’t want to be making any mistakes. Pop your blusher on the brush, remove the excess, and then we’ll sweep on a beautiful light pink lip color with sheen. When you’re 23, and you have great skin, you can have as much sheen as you like. It looks beautiful.

Start with apples of the cheek. If you’re not sure where the apple of cheek is, smile like Hanna is, and there’s your apple. Just go in a sweeping motion across the apple. “Whoop!” It couldn’t be easier. Smile again Han. Here we go, and there’s the apple. Apply your blush in a light sweeping motion up like that, toward your temples, and you can’t go wrong.

If you’re a bit fuller in the face, you can also add a contour. That just means going under the apple a little to make your cheekbones stand out a little more. If you’re conscious of your face being fuller, try a contour sweep, perhaps with a bit darker shade of blush or bronzer. I love that. It looks just beautiful. They, we’re going to top the blush off with a little bit of loose powder in a glitter form which is very popular now.

When your using loose powder, always use the lid for dusting off the excess. Just a little bit there, bit there, and under all the different lighting at night it will look beautiful. In general, when you’re applying any sort of powder we have to remember to finish with a downward brush because of facial hair. We all have facial hair to some extent. If we use our cosmetic brush in an up and down motion, our facial hair will be more visible. We certainly don’t want that, so finish off with a downward stroke. Beautiful!

It’s time for the sprits which is very easy. All of the mineral makeups come with the correct brush for application, and also comes with a setting sprits. So, sprits the forehead, cheek, cheek, and that’s all you do. Spritsing sets the mineral makeup, and that will make it last 12 hours, which is what we want. In addition, it will not move, or smudge off on your clothes.

Now, we’re going to focus on a little bit of eyebrow. Hanna actually has great eyebrows, but we want to fill in a few little gaps, and make them stand out a little more. It’s so important to groom your eyebrows because if they’re great it frames your entire face. We’re just feathering some color in. That’s all you do. I think that some people are scared of eyebrow pencil because we’ve all seen scary eyebrow people, haven’t we? Some women are walking around with big lines where their eyebrows used to be. Therefore, people think women should leave their eyebrows alone. Actually there are so many great colors to use, like this taupe that is a very light blonde that suits most people. We will just lightly feather the color in and make the eyebrows look a bit more finished, and a bit more polished. Hanna has great brows. All we’ve done is make them standout a little bit more. We’re just feathering very gently, and then on this side. It’s just a little bit of an extra touch at the end. It’s a bit like the lip gloss we’ll be doing.

That little finishing touch makes all the difference, and of course, grooming the eyebrows is important. If you have any stray eyebrow hairs that are sort of going in all directions, get yourself a little brush. Perhaps something like this one, and spray it with some hairspray, then just tame those brows. Those unruly brows smooth down very easily, and then they’ll look gorgeous all day. That’s a little tip you can use without having to spend money on anything extra.

Now we’re going to apply some mascara. Mascara can be a little bit of a problem for some people because they’ll either put it on too thickly, making lashes look clumpy, or else they won’t put enough on, and they’ll expect miracles. Nevertheless, if you take just a little bit of time and care with your application, you’ll see that mascara’s the finishing touch that makes everything look great.

Most women look better with mascara just on their top lashes, not the bottom lashes. I personally never put mascara on my bottom lashes. When your top lashes are covered with mascara, it makes your eyes stand out so much more. Then you don’t create a whole bottom section of so many little lashes just there. Too much lash emphasis is confusing to look at, and nobody knows exactly where to look. Therefore, we’re going to emphasize the top lashes, and that makes a great difference. Don’t worry about adding a layer of mascara to the bottom lashes.

Look half down for me Han. Yes, perfect. Now what we do with this is add a little bit of a wiggle to the brush as we pop on the mascara. If we do that, it will help to separate the lashes. If they’re separated, the lashes look more natural and more glamorous than having full clumpy pieces. We all know what I mean by that.

The types of mascara that a woman selects for herself will vary with her age. If you don’t have many lashes, or if you’re a bit more mature, you would want to use a smaller brush, which gives you a more natural look. However, when you’re 23, and going out, the sky’s the limit. You can just pile on mascara until you’re happy. Normally it will look great. You can use normal mascara like this one I’m using. Many women use two mascaras, either two brands or two different formulas, and that can work beautifully.
So we’ve done our regular mascara with Hanna. She has long lashes God bless her, so that’s easy. Now, so we’ve done that, and maybe the wiggle that I told you about just to separate the lashes. Just don’t go boom, boom, and expect it to look great. You have to invest a little time on your lashes, and it will enhance your whole look. It will just make your lashes stand out and look beautiful. Look at the difference that has made to that eye versus the one without mascara.

Now we have the comb. When you pop it over your lashes, it gives an emphasis on the color, so the blackness stands out more, and it’s an excellent separator as well. So it’s good to have a comb type of mascara at the end. Beautiful. Now, we’ll do the other eye. You’re just looking fabulous.

Again, if you’re having trouble popping on your mascara, try using a hand mirror. The lashes can be in the way almost, and you’ll have little black dots that can happen above your lashes. Looking down into the hand mirror is a great trick for mascara. You have more control, and you’re not flipping your lashes up too much and creating some little black dots as well.

It’s always easier to do your own mascara of course isn’t it? You can be as rough as you like on your own eyes. Just remember that wiggling motion. It’s the best tip anybody’s ever told me about applying mascara. Start from the very base of the lashes, and wriggle, wriggle, wriggle. It separates them beautifully. Then I’ll get my trusty little comb out, and I’ll just comb the lashes to add that little bit more blackness, and to separate them that little bit more.

There are many comb mascaras on the market. They’re all great. They all have that separating ability which is fantastic. Okay, let’s have a look. Wow. Love that.

I think Hanna’s eyes are standing out a lot more without mascara on the bottom lashes. If there were mascara on the bottom lashes, it would take away from the whole look around her eye area. I think that looks beautiful.

Now that we’ve emphasized Hanna’s eyes so much, we’re going to work on a more neutral lip. The first thing I need to tell you about lips is how to correctly use lip liner. We’re not in the 80’s anymore. We used to use burgundy lip liner and light pink lipstick. We thought we looked gorgeous at the time, but we didn’t. What we use now is a neutral lip liner. Just select a nude and neutral color. It will go with every lipstick and it will make your lips look fabulous. You’re not meant to see lip liner. That’s the key. Watch how I do this lip color application to make Hanna’s lipstick last all night.

The way you apply lip liner is important. Many women think that it’s a little bit tricky. But it’s actually not. You don’t have to draw a perfectly straight line. You just apply your lip liner in a feathering motion, similar to the way we did the eyebrows. You don’t need to start at the corner and try to draw a straight line. Actually, you should avoid the corners of the lips altogether. If you emphasize the corners of your mouth, then you would end up looking like the Joker from Batman. We don’t want that. However, sometimes women over do their lip liner application.

Start in the middle if you like. Just apply a little bit here, and a little bit on the other side. As you can tell, you can’t actually see the lip liner as such. What it’s doing is holding the lipstick in place. Your lipstick application is going to look more professional, and it’s going to last a lot longer.

If your lips aren’t as great as Hanna’s, which most of ours aren’t, you might want to make your lips look a little bit fuller. If you want to do that, just go a little bit above the lip line with your lip liner. Pencil in you line just a tiny bit above, and a tiny bit below on the bottom lip. Remember we’re concentrating on the middle areas of the lips. We’re not worrying about the edges because of that Joker from Batman. We’re going to color in the entire lip with lip liner, very gently. If you use pink lipsticks, just get a nude pink-based lip liner. If you’re more prone to wearing the corals, or if you have a darker skin tone, then you should select more of a brown-based nude lip liner.

What you’re looking there is something that you can barely see, but that’s doing a terrific job. I can’t emphasize that enough. You’re not meant to see lip liner. It’s meant to work to keep your lipstick on for you, and if need be, make your lips look a little bit fuller or more even. Many women have a thin top lip, and a fuller bottom lip. If that were the case, and then we’d go on the inside of the bottom lip with our lip pencil just to make the lip look a little smaller. Then the lips would look more even. That’s a little tip as well.

Since we applied the mineral makeup on the lips already, or whatever foundation you are using, there’s a base to hold the lip color so it won’t sink in. Hanna could have drinks, something to eat, and still have on her lip color. She has that base of lip liner that we applied before the lipstick. Long lasting lipsticks are terrific. However, after days and days on your lips, the skin may become chapped and start peeling off in layers because the formulas have such strong ingredients to make them long lasting.

They are true to what they claim. Lip stain formulas do last all day, but your lips do pay the price. If you’re a long lasting lipstick lover, and you find that it’s the only way you can keep your lipstick on, then what you need to do is pamper your lips. Get a toothbrush and Vaseline, and once a week scrub those lips. Wet the toothbrush and scrub those lips to get rid of all the dead skin that’s peeling off because of the harsher ingredients that are in those lipsticks. Just look after your lip area on a regular basis. Long lasting lip color does work, but you need to understand that they don’t work perfectly. The lip stain formulas will cause damage to the lips if you don’t look after them.

Now I’m putting this beautiful nude lipstick on Hanna. Lipstick colors are so important. If you’ve used the same lipstick for more than 20 years, it’s time to change. Our lips thin as we get older. We might have worn burgundies and bright reds and looked gorgeous 20 year ago. But our lips are getting thinner as we age. What happens when we use intense lip color is that we’re drawing attention to our mouth. We probably don’t want to do that. If we’re in the 40 plus category, we don’t want to draw attention to our lips. Mature women are better off if they emphasize their whole look. What we need to remember with lips is that the thinner your lips are, the lighter your lipstick should be. We’re using a beautiful nude lip color with a hint of pink. That’s the sort of color you want to use to make your lips look fuller.

Hanna could wear any color with her size lips, but I’m going to use this pink because we’ve emphasized her eyes. If we’re playing up one area of the face, we don’t play up the other areas. Emphasis on eyes and lips would look overdone, and it can take away from that glamour that we’re trying to achieve for her nightclub look. Hanna’s eyes are probably her best feature. I look at Hanna and I see almond eyes, perfect eyes, so I think, “Play up that feature.” We’ve all got a good feature to play up. We just need to consider which one it is. If you have lovely full lips like Angelina Jolie, play them up and use shades that are more neutral on your eyes.

So we’ve played up Hanna’s eyes. We have the more neutral lips. Please remember that the thinner the lips are, the lighter your lipstick should be. What color does is draw attention to the lips. Deep color lipsticks actually close up the lips and make them look thinner. We really don’t want that at any age. Therefore, unless you have those perfect full lips, you don’t want to go with the deep burgundies. You can’t go wrong with a couple of key colors like this no matter what your age or your shape of your lips.

The finishing touch to your lipstick has to be a gloss. Glosses are so popular these days. There’s so much happening in glosses, but I personally love a shimmer, a silver shimmer. We have the silver here under the brows, so we’re going to introduce a little bit of silver shimmer in the lip gloss. We’re applying the gloss to make the lips come out and look as full and gorgeous as they can. We’re just applying it to the center of the lips. We’re not applying the gloss all over the lips. We’re just adding it to the center of the lip area. It’s got a little bit of sheen, a lot of gloss, and it makes the lips stand out and look a lot fuller. That’s what most people want. I think you look quite gorgeous now.

I’d just like to recap our special points about Hanna’s makeup application. We’ve done the mineral makeup, using a circular motion with the brush. Remember to finish your powder application with a downward stroke because of our facial peach fuzz. Then with the concealer, the key is warming it on the back of your hand before you apply it, then it adheres better to under the eye area. And don’t be in too much of a hurry. We’re dealing with the eye area here. It’s a very delicate area of skin, so we’re just patting, very gently. The concealer instantly blended in with the foundation, and it’s done the job of concealing any dark circles. Your eyes look fabulous. It wouldn’t matter how tired you were. You could be doing shift work, and you could come out afterwards. You’d be looking great with that. We finished off with some fabulous pink lip liner, lipstick, and gloss. Hanna looks terrific, and she’s ready for a night on the town. I hope you’ve enjoyed watch our makeup demonstration, and that you’ll try some of our makeup types and suggestions you’ve seen here the next time you have a big night on the town.

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