Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1333139-What-is-Love
Rated: E · Other · Relationship · #1333139
Nine basic points on love!
Everybody tries to paint a picture of what love is.
Every body has their own definition and own way
of looking at love. So what is this thing we call love?
Here are nine things that love is. There are more and
will probably write about more later. But here are nine
very important points concerning love.

1. Love is real.

Love is like God. You cant see God or hear God
but you can feel him working on your heart inside
of you. Love is the same way. You cant see Love
or hear love but you can feel it working on your heart.

2. Love is not a game.

So many people try to play at love. They play around and
will toy with peoples hearts and emotions. This in returns
causes major problems in the relationship because love
was not taken seriously. Which leads to my next point.

3. Love is a weapon.

If used incorrectly love is a weapon that can not only deeply
wound a person but love can kill. Love can hurt people in ways
no material weapon ever could.

4. Love can heal.

But at the same time real love can heal broken hearts and put
lives back together when nothing else could.

5. Love is joy and happiness!

True love gives you a sense of joy and a happiness. That cant
be found anywhere else. It can put a smile on your face
even on the darkest of days!

6. Love is hope and strength!

Love will give you the strength to face incredible odds. When
nothing else is going right love will give you the hope and
strength to pull through. No matter the obstacle or bump in the
relationship. With love it can be worked out.

7. Love is acceptance!

Love is accepting a person for who they are. Love is looking
past their basic flaws and seeing them as a person. Love looks
beyond their past and sees them for  who they can be. Love isn't
about looks but true love is what is found on the inside.

8. Love is never really lost!

True love can get lost in the mix. It can get hidden under
the hustle and bustle of life. And though you may think its
gone for ever. True love always find a way of coming back.
Usually when you least expect.

9. Love is knowing when to let go and when to hold on!

This is one of the hardest points of love to understand. That is
knowing when the love you have is meant to be held on to and
when its time to let go. So many people will give up and let go
when things get rough when they really should be holding on.
True love always perseveres. But on the flip there comes a time
that even though you love someone with all your heart you have
to let go and move on. The only way you can  know for sure is
to take it to God. he will never leave you astray. If you feel like
the love is worth fighting for…then fight but if you truly with all
your heart knows that it time…then you have to let go.
If it's the right thing to do, both of you will know it. It will be a
mutual decision of your two hearts..
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