Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1352025-Twas-the-Night-Before-Thanksgiving
Rated: E · Poetry · Holiday · #1352025
An account of a most unusual night before Thanksgiving at our house this year.
'Twas the night before Thanksgiving
And all through the house,
Every critter was a-stirring.
Even the cat was trying to catch a mouse.

The weatherman said it'd be quite cool,
So I sent out all three boys
To fetch some firewood. (How could I be such a fool?)
Only moments later, what did I hear? Screaming, crying, such a lot of noise!

I put on my robe and ran to the door.
"What's the matter?" I said, and then I looked.
There stood Jason covered in blood and dripping on the floor.
"Oh no, what happened?" said I as my boy shivered and shook.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," wailed little Greg.
"He tried to throw a piece in the wagon, but got Jay's face!"
Explained big brother Mark as he wipes his hands on his leg.
"Let's get you cleaned up, you're bleeding all over the place."

He sat down on the couch
And I mopped him up (what a mess!)
As he hollered "OUCH!"
Though I tried to be calm, I must confess…

It didn't look good; the bleeding did not slow.
Upon his face was a cut by his nose, just a bit too deep.
"I'm afraid it's to the hospital you must go."
He hugged his froggie and started once more to weep.

I gathered our stuff and grabbed the phone.
Called gramma's house, thinking to myself
"It'll be easier if I don't have to do this alone."
But I got no answer and reached for my purse on the shelf.

I knew from the last trip with Mark
That the ER doesn't like little ones in the way,
So I took a shot in the dark
Called upon my cousin, who saved the day.

We get there right around five thirty
Got ourselves to the ER reception.
Jason's face is bloody and dirty
So the nurse says "Come right in."

Didn't take long for the doc to decide
"Don't think a stitch will do,
The cut's too close to the side.
So we'll use Durabond skin glue."

Now that Jason is glued and bandaged
We go pick up his brothers from cousin's house.
"Thanks so much, without you I wouldn't have managed!"
Then we head home. And guess what...the cat actually caught the mouse!

How strange, how absurd
You may think of what you've read
But I give you my solemn word...
This is all true, not just a story in my head!
© Copyright 2007 MissVampire (awalker at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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