Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1356807-HALF-GLASS-SYNDROMEa-sonnet
Rated: E · Review · Spiritual · #1356807
Learn positive thinking. Count your blessings, not your sorrows.

When all is dark and troubles are galore,
When life is like a torture in prison;
When hope is gone, you can’t take any more,
When travails come your way without reason;

When you led a proper and pious life
But never for this you were rewarded;
When you did take care of the kids and wife
But you were always blamed and discarded;

Then never should you blame the Creator.
You should not develop a temper ill?
Don’t ever be the creation’s hater.
There’s plenty in life to be thankful still.

With half an empty glass why feel awful?
Thank Him your glass is as much as half-full.

* Also featured as entry 367808 in the book "FAITH, NATURE & INSPIRATIONAL

M C Gupta
26 April 2005
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1356807-HALF-GLASS-SYNDROMEa-sonnet