Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1361858-Five-Gold-Rings
Rated: E · Poetry · Personal · #1361858
20 lines, poem: Roger Zelazny's gift of adventure, 12 days of Christmas
An Amberite woke in a faraway land
Safe he was not in his sister's hand
He came to remember and saved his homeland

And the dragons turned youthful crossing through time
They flew down the roads of wondrous sublime
A blue ziggurat where death cannot prime

Until fixated upon one map of squares
The fate of his world trapped between chairs
Before the unicorn, our spooked hero despairs

And when my master passed I died
Since no new worlds can thus be scried
In the manner delivered by his wit and stride

However, comfort still flowed from what was left
A gift so rare and never bereft
Of endless journeys of passionate heft

Upon my heart lies a brand
Where five gold rings clink and chime
Upon fond memories I whisper prayers
Where a mournful melody tenderly cried

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Challenge 5:
Create a poem, any style, about a special gift or present, but not an ordinary one, use your imagination!
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