Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1366624-Mauvaises-Lettres---Coming-Undone
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #1366624
A mega sized unicorn and her beau arrive in a tiny city for some sexy and destructive fun.
Mauvaises Lettres: Coming Undone
Scott Grildrig
Copyright (c) 2007

Disclaimer:  To those of you who are underage:  scoot, shoo, take off, amscray, begone, arrivederci, don’t let the internet hit you on the way out.  To anyone remaining, this is my first giant couples story, and if that isn’t warning enough for those with phobias of gigantic penises, please be aware that it’s a furry tale to boot.  Everyone who’s made it to this sentence should be aware that I’ve endeavored to make it a bit rampagey and naughty.  Enjoy…

The summer sun blazed high in the cloudless sky when the discs appeared.  They arrived without any fuss; two pitch black circles rimmed with neon blue fire floating hundreds of meters over the suburbs, bracketing the lofty buildings of the city between them.  People in the immediate area itched at sensations of ants crawling on their skin, a few pointed excitedly at displays of St. Elmo’s fire, and still more jumped as fat sparks crackled from metallic surfaces.  The sharp tang of ozone permeated the air.

And that was just the warm up.

With a silent concussion, twin pillars of red lightning measured the distance from the discs to the earth, soundlessly curling, writhing and undulating.  Homes and trees burst into fearsome conflagrations, cars melted and exploded before they could roll to a stop, flocks of birds soaring into the air flared like torches and faded into smoke.  A roll of thunder growled softly, growing in power, mounting and rolling and roiling by the second, until with a final, prodigious blast it ceased.  The lightning vanished.  The discs vanished.

Krysta stood to the west, her huge hoofed feet carelessly planted in the midst of a burning tract of houses and trees.  She looked up slowly, her golden eyes showing excitement as she gazed over the ranks of skyscrapers and office buildings.  Shaking her head she combed her fingers through her long yellow mane, bringing them around and over her violet muzzle, then up the length of her long spiral horn.  With a grin she hugged herself within the white terry cloth robe draped over her curvaceous body.  But her grin vanished as she glanced at Dolan.

His big bull head swung from side to side, his red eyes surveying the city with a frown of displeasure upon his black lips.  The robe barely containing his powerful form, open at the front, revealing something of the muscles rippling across his white belly and chest.  With a curt gesture he indicated the sprawling metropolis.

“This is your big surprise?” he drawled.  “This is what I paid for?”

“You’d put a price on our relationship?” she snapped back.

Dolan raised a thick finger, his teeth bared to rage back at her, but the look in her flashing eyes stopped him short.  He took a deep breath and sighed, his shoulders sagging.  “Sorry, you’re right.”  His smile was forced at first, but it loosened up a little as she smiled back at him.  “This is a pretty good idea, I guess,” he growled.  “So, what do we do now?”

“We play,” Krysta purred, and she raised a hand as Dolan started to take a step.  “Uh-uh.  You stay put for a moment and just watch.”  He licked his lips and nodded, standing with his arms at his sides, his fingers clenching and unclenching, causing his knuckles to crackle as he watched her.

Krysta smiled her approval and glanced down, for the first time able to properly take in the scenery.  Her massive opalescent hooves stood in the midst of a burning row of tiny homes; there was nothing of interest to her there.  But to the left the diminutive buildings were intact, so she took a step in their direction, her robe parting to show her shapely leg as she lifted her foot and slowly stepped down.  Feverish thoughts crowded through her mind in that brief instant.  Tiny as they were these were real people with real lives.  They could feel fear.  They could feel pain.  She wanted them to suffer both as she stepped down, her shapely hoof pressing on trees and houses with disdainful ease, breaking branches and crushing walls of wood and brick.  Her breasts shifted nicely under her robe as she finished her step, and she smiled down at the damage she wrought, watching insignificant specks of people fleeing from the towering cliff of her hoof, listening with approval to their faint little screams.

“Oh, I want more of that,” she giggled, and she glanced up at Dolan.  He stood stiffly, his fingers curled into powerful fists, his eyes looking down at where her foot covered the little homes.  He slowly looked up, his red eyes shimmering with passion.  That lit a fire within her, and she carefully, deliberately undid the front of her robe, taking her time, easing the soft material down from her smooth shoulders, giving him a beautiful, sultry look as she opened the robe so he could see the generous curve of her breasts.

Dolan gritted his teeth, and he leaned forward, his body thrumming with tension.

“Don’t move,” said Krysta, smiling sweetly as he froze in place.  She ran her tongue over her lips and let her robe drop, the endless pile hissing as it slid off her gigantic body, the buildings around her vanishing under the white weight of it.  She spread her legs a little and placed her hands on her hips, giving her lovely head a shake, sending her yellow mane flying.  Her body was mostly violet in hue, with highlights of purple.  Her aureoles shone a buttery yellow around indigo nipples.  A thatch of inviting yellow glowed between her thighs, the color matching her full tail, which swung from side to side, betraying her emotions.

Such excitement demanded utterance.  Krysta took a step forward, nickering softly, as she crushed some small homes.  A second step covered some fleeing people, pressing them deep into the asphalt.  She took measured steps, taking care that each earthshaking footfall landed on some small and fragile items.  But the suburbs were a brief patch at her height, and soon she reached a major arterial into the city, her right hoof coming down upon an elevated train running beside an expressway.  The rails were in use at that moment, the silver cars packed with citizens fleeing towards the airport.  Their insignificant lives ended in spectacular fashion.  Her colossal hoof stepped down onto the moving train, driving it through the platform.  The leading cars snapped and whiplashed, spilling from the rail and across the expressway in a tumbling, jostling pile, smashing cars and leaving a blazing trail of fire.  The trailing cars slammed into the unyielding wall of her hoof, crumpling and rebounding, flinging one car ankle high, before it whirled down through a row of businesses.  Krysta smirked, delighted with the effect she was having.  A glance at Dolan gave her all she desired.  His eyes were fixated on her, his broad chest heaving slowly as if there wasn’t enough air in the world to restrain his mounting passion.

A few more steps of sensuous destruction carried Krysta to the first structures of any real height.  Compared to her they were mere play toys, the tallest barely reaching to her shapely waist.  And there she paused for a moment, slowly dancing and swaying, impudently brushing her flanks against one particular building.  Her fingers explored the rondure of her befurred breasts, tracing her fingers in circles around her nipples.  Lifting her arms high above her head, she gave herself to the pleasure of motion. Tapping her horn against her wrists she pointed her cute muzzle towards the sky, her eyes half-lidded as she shimmied.  And beneath her in the streets cars and people and small buildings were pulverized, crushed and trodden flat without a care in the world.  But she wasn’t unaware of death and carnage, and when she ceased her gyrations, when she looked at Dolan again her golden eyes matched his fire.

His great bull muscles bunched beneath his robe, his knuckles stood out from hands clenched into mighty fists.  His red nostrils dilated with every steaming breath.  He was on a hair trigger and she wanted to keep him there a bit longer.  With a cute shake of her head she bade him to stay put while she slowly sank down to her knees, bracketing the skyscraper between her parted thighs.  Pulling her arms back she teasingly brushed her nipples against the wall of concrete and glass before her.  For the first time she could really see the diminutive people of this city, puny, hairless, their faces twisted in fear.  They were fools to still be in their fragile little building and she bumped her breasts against it, giggling as they stumbled and fell.

Inside of the skyscraper pure chaos reigned.  Men and women crammed themselves into elevators, heedless of the warning screamed at them.  Others filled the stairwells, gathering into a agonizingly slow flowing stream of humanity that corkscrewed down the endless descent.  Each time the giant unicorn brushed against the building she sent tremors shivering through stone and steel.  People wavered and fell.  The lights flickered, and shrill cries of terror ululated up and down the many flights.

Krysta was fully aware of this, and leaning down she rolled her shoulders, her heavy breasts plowing through a corner of the skyscraper, tearing away the facade, smashing columns and girders, sending a deadly rain of debris into the street by her left thigh.  The broken corner revealed halls and offices; it also exposed a section of the stairs.  Men and women howled as they clung to fractured chunks of concrete and twisted remains of railings.

One terrified female hung precariously above the abyss, her legs kicking, her hands slipping on the slick metal.  Krysta reached for her, caught her tiny body between her purple thumb and forefinger.  It took great gentleness to hold such a fragile person, but what was truly delightful was how vigorously the tiny woman struggled.  There was no mercy in Krysta’s eyes as she brought her little plaything to her right nipple.  The difference in size was thrilling, intoxicating.  She pressed a little harder and gasped as she felt the tiny woman crunch, the sensation sending a tingle through her breasts that drew an answering throb between her thighs. 

With a sound between a growl and a whinny she slipped her hand into the guts of the building, collecting the tiny men and women, heedless of the ones smeared against the stone.  Bringing her hand to her left breast she cupped the struggling pile of humanity against herself, their tiny hands tugging at her silken fur, their puny fists and feet beating against her hard, sensitive nipple.  She tried to restrain herself, but the thrill of power beat down her intentions, her fingers gripped her breast with feral need, and a rivulets of red oozed between her fingers and trickled down her purple fur.  Looking down at her hand she shivered as a small orgasm churned within her, her messy hand strayed down over her hard tummy and between her spread thighs, discovering the waiting wetness in the thatch of yellow.

Bowing her head she gasped as intense pleasure welled up within her.  But it was feeble compared to what she wanted and what she needed.  Licking her lips she took a deep breath.  Her horn tapped against the building, carving a furrow through the side.  A grin curled her lips wider, and she leaned forward, feeling the stone crunching, her horn piercing the skyscraper, stabbing through room after room, widening the hole as it reached the thicker girth close to her forehead.  For a moment she savored the sensation of being restrained by the grip of the building. But all it took was lifting her head to send her horn slashing through the upper stories, ripping the guts out of the structure, hurling debris in all directions.  The entire thing crashed and crumbled and collapsed into itself, raising a ring of dust that brushed past her.  But Krysta wasn’t looking at the destruction she wrought.  Her attention was on Dolan, and in a voice husky with passion she asked him.

“Can you do better?”

A shiver passed through Dolan.  He gathered the front of his robe in his powerful fingers and he tugged on it, bunching it in his fists.  The material split across his broad shoulders, tearing and shredding noisily as he pulled it forward, revealing his naked body.  With a disdainful gesture he cast the pieces aside, and he paused for a moment, because he knew that Krysta loved just to look at him.

He was solid as a rock cliff, his body the white of morning cream, but all of his muscles articulated by brushstrokes of grey and brown.  His colossal hooves glimmered vivid red where they stood amidst tiny homes and trees.  His heavy curling horns, his muzzle, his eyes, even the tuft of his tail was colored like fresh riven blood.  His penis, though was black as obsidian, thick and massive, wet and glistening it stood from its sheath, veins pulsed along its length and precum oozed from its tip.

Dolan took a single step, and it was a beauty.  His gigantic hoof landed like a bomb in the midst of a dozen homes.  The houses not crushed outright were flung high into the air by the rippling force heaving through the ground.  Krysta nickered softly as she felt the force of her lover’s approach shaking the ground beneath her, and she delved deeper between her thighs, her fingers nuzzling the folds of her vulva.  Dolan was determined to give her a little of what she gave him, so he took his time, though not without effort.  He wanted her, and he wanted her now.

Instead he directed his lust against the tiny landscape.  His huge hoof crashed down into a curling river with so much raw power that it forced the upstream portion to flow backwards.  A fine spray jetted up around his body, wetting his fur, leaving rainbow sparkles shimmering across his chest and thighs in the noonday sun.  The destruction only fueled his ardor, and he stomped through the increasingly larger buildings with unrestrained glee, his hardness swaying, flinging droplets of clear passion that smashed through buildings and crowds of people.

Lowering his huge head he speared two buildings on his horns.  For the space of a heartbeat he heard the shrill screams of the people within, then he lifted his bull head, ripping one building in half, and tearing the other from its foundations, hurling it to the side where it rolled to pieces leaving a gigantic swath of wrack and ruin.  That last motion brought him face to face with the largest skyscraper in the city, and he looked down at it with the demeanor of a god, his lips curling in a sneer as he gently bumped his huge, thick cock against it.

Krysta was mesmerized by the actions of her lover, her fingers moving rhythmically over her clitoris, her juices dripping onto the street beneath her.  As he paused by the tall office building she pushed herself to her feet, wobbling a little between the skyscrapers, guiding herself through the hip-high maze, until she stood opposite him.  Dolan placed his hands on the rooftop, curling them over the edge.  He looked into Krysta’s golden eyes and smiled wickedly.  She sighed and slowly lowered to her knees again, her eyes focused on the rows of tiny windows, winking at the scores of puny men and women staring out at her.

The building shook as Dolan pressed the tip of his gigantic cock against it.  Windows cracked, the concrete resisted for a moment, then imploded into the skyscraper, allowing his massive hardness to slide crunchingly into the depths of the building.  The people who failed to flee fast enough were cruelly smeared under the weight of his erection, or squished between his glans and the walls.  Not that the walls stopped him, his hips pressed forward and his penis plowed through everything with lusty impunity.  A group of people convinced to “ride out the danger” in an interior room had time for one collective scream before Dolan’s unstoppable cock burst through the wall, the mass of humanity was forced against the far side, their bodies crushed like grapes before he smashed through the far side.

A crowd of frightened men and women fleeing the oncoming destruction found themselves on the other end of the building, looking out at Krysta.  The stopped like deer facing down a wolf, her huge face dominated their view, her eyes pinned them down like insects.  The building shook and she bared her teeth in a grin.  She had a perfect, front row seat as the head of Dolan’s magnificent cock crashed through the wall behind the crowd, the top of it pulverizing the ceiling, the weight of it sending cracks racing through the floor, causing it to sag.

“Stop, please stop,” she called out softly.  Dolan paused, his fingers gripping the building, breaking the fragile concrete as he restrained himself with effort.  Krysta licked her lips and brought her muzzle closer to the windows, steam fogging them, then fading away.  The people within were trapped between Dolan’s massive hardness and her own unwavering regard.  “Slide forward, just a little,” she told him, and Dolan grinned, divining her purpose.  He grunted and forced his massive penis a bit deeper into the interior of the skyscraper, it surged forward several feet, and the people staggered back, bumping into the glass.  “Wait, wait,” Krysta moaned, her fingers between her thighs again, stroking her clitoris.  Precum flowed from the jet black tip of Dolan’s erection, the lusty liquor spreading towards the trapped men and women.  “Move forward,” Krysta gasped, and she watched hungrily as Dolan carefully thrust into the building, until his gigantic glans towered over the frightened people.

One man stumbling back slipped in the wetness on the floor, and before he could move the heavy penis head slid over his lower body.  His back arched in agony as his legs broke under the weight of so much hard cockflesh; he twisted wildly, he fingers clawing at the floor, but all in vain as he vanished under Dolan’s heavy hardness with a moist little crunch.  And that was just the beginning of the carnage as the big bull’s glans pressed into the mass of warm little bodies, pinning them against the outer wall, leaving them squirming and struggling helplessly before Krysta’s hungry eyes.  She leaned forward, aching for him, eager to see him crush these pathetic little toys.  And Dolan, bending forward just a little so he could see her, was delighted with this game.  It wasn’t often that he captivated Krysta so completely, so he restrained himself to the briefest little motions, when what we really wanted to do was fuck this skyscraper into rubble.

Krysta growled ever so softly, as Dolan’s huge cockhead kissed the windows, rolling the tiny people against his ebon flesh, smearing them with his slickness.  It was more than any fragile body could take, and soon the little men and women began to break and squish as he dabbed at them, rolling his hips, the thickness of his penis tearing through the fragile center of the skyscraper, but all his attention was on Krysta, watching her reaction as he slowly crushed the helpless people to pulp with the tip of his hardness.  All of those was more than the wall could handle.  The side of the building bulged out further and further from the mounting pressure, until with a rending crunch the concrete burst asunder, and Dolan’s cock erupted into the open air.

He gasped as Krysta pounced, her soft muzzle pressing forward, her lips parting, closing around his huge cock, sliding forward over his hot flesh, while her tongue vigorously bathed him, licked him, lavished passionate kisses under and around his hard shaft.  Dolan tipped his big bull head back, lowing deep in his chest.  The pleasure was intolerable, but Krysta was merciless, her long ears folding back, her eyes closed, her horn tapping against the building as she suckled with increasing fervor.  She would have been amused by the sight of those few people pressed against the glass, watching her, but she was too lost in the moment.

Then, even as her lover neared the brink of no return, she gave him a final lick and pulled back, her eyes bright with mischief.  Dolan shivered and brought his head down.  A wicked grin spread across his lips and he moved forward, heedless of the skyscraper, his muscled thighs plowing into the tower of concrete, his wet, glistening cock tearing though the building, sending it crashing down in an avalanche of stone and steel.  Krysta nickered a giggle and she backed up more, heedless of the screaming crowds squished beneath her bottom, but there was no escaping Dolan.  He shoved a tower out of his way, pursuing her with relentless hunger, his heavy footfalls crushing traffic jams of cars and busses with complete indifference.

Finally, unable to wait any longer he pounced.  Krysta gasped and squirmed, then giggled, pressing her warm body close to his.  But Dolan wasn’t letting her off that easy.  He placed his thick fingers on her chest and pressed her back, while with his other hand he bent down, gathering up a handful of people from the shrieking mobs.  Then, taking his time, he sprinkled his catch over her full breasts, over and around her nipples.  The terrified people struggled in her soft fur, and she bit her lower lip as she watched them, savoring their helpless situation.  Dolan grinned and dipped his head down, his horns clicking against her lone spiral, his head moved lower and he dabbed his thick tongue against her right nipple.  Lifting up again he let her see the little people stuck there, before he drew them into his mouth and swallowed.

Krysta was panting as he dipped his head down a second time, his tongue flicking tiny people up against her left nipple, lolling them around before he lifted his eyes back to hers.  With a passionate groan she threw her arms around his heavy neck, grinding her furry breasts against his chest, pressing her muzzle to his and driving her tongue deep into his mouth.  Together they playfully wrestled over their tiny prey, their huge tongues twining, stroking, caressing.  The little men and women never had a prayer, their puny bodies bursting moistly in the midst of the kissing.

When Krysta leaned back they were both panting.  She glanced down and giggled.  Dolan’s white chest was speckled with minute splotches of red.  She raised a purple finger and smeared a few of them around.  He growled softly and pressed her down again.  This time he brought his fist through an adjoining skyscraper, shoving the upper portion aside, revealing the interior.  His teeth gleamed as he collected a handful of wildly thrashing people, looking back at Krysta he smirked as she arched her back, ready for more sprinkles.  Instead, he dipped his muzzle into his hand, his thick tongue licking the luckless mass of humanity into his mouth. He bent down and kissed her breasts, kissed her tummy, kissed his way to her inner thighs.  He had to place a heavy hand on her to still her squirming as he nuzzled his lips against her vulva, teasing her with his hot breath on her ready flesh.  Parting her nether lips he found her clitoris, closing his lips around it, using his tongue to press the tiny people against her.

Krysta went wild.  Her back arched, her hooves kicked out, slashing through a building.  Her fingers reached around blindly, curled and uncurled, crushing bunches of tiny cars in her grip.  Dolan had to hold on to maintain his kiss, but he did nothing else, letting the unrestrained panic of their little play toys do all the work, tiny fists and feet beating in raw panic against Krysta’s huge throbbing nub.  She came for him, twisting and undulating, filling the city with cries of sexual pleasure.  He waited for her to relax, and then he nuzzled her swollen lips aside, and with flicks of his tongue thrust the tiny people deep inside of her.  Lifting his head he grinned down at her.  Her mane was mussed, her eyes shining with an insatiable hunger.

“Is that enough?” he asked.

“Fuck no,” she growled, huskily.  “Give me more.”

Dolan chuckled and he glanced around, there were plenty of toys within reach.  He picked up a bus, pinching the front end, peeling it open.  The shrieking contents were spilled over Krysta’s vulva and the bus was crumpled up and tossed aside.  That was a slow way to collect more squirming fun, and Dolan returned to the buildings, turning this way and that, ripping them apart.  He had a hard time finding more than a few tiny men and women that way, but his unrestrained violence drove masses of humanity from the doomed buildings, and they proved very easy pickings.  Scooping up a handful of fleeing little men and women, he cupped them against Krysta’s wet, dripping sex, and she cried out, her body twisting in the throes of so much pleasure

Using his thick fingers he worked them inside of her, and he gathered more, his grin increasing as Krysta went wild with the sensation of so many little people struggling in her sweet, torrid depths.  After a few minutes of such delicious torture she mustered enough composure to reach out and grab him.

“Enough!” she gasped, “you!  I want.  I want.  Oh god, they’re squirming!  Oh fuck.  Oh fuck.  I want you.  Now!  Now, dammit!”

“Do you think there’s room in there for me?” he chuckled.


She spread her legs wide, her long, silken tail covering the road.  Dolan admired her curvy body, her passionate urgency.  It was agony waiting so long, but the sight of those tiny people struggling in the folds of her vulva was the perfect addition to the pleasure of her beautiful body.  Sliding between her legs he looked down at her.

“Now.  Now.  Now,” she chanted softly.  A sonorous tone filled the air.

Glancing between her thighs he gently touched the tip of his massive cock to her nether lips, lightly teasing her furnace hot flesh, feeling the squirming panic of the people trapped between them. The terrified men and women felt the unimaginable weight of his hardness forcing them deeper into Krysta’s sex, her sweet nectar welling up around their bodies, the scent of lust thick and inescapable.  With a single, smooth motion Dolan thrust his gigantic cock deep into her, his glans plowing through the tiny bodies, some of them sliding to the side, rolling helplessly between his throbbing shaft and her wet inner flesh.  The rest were pressed deeper inside of her, until there was nowhere to go, the pressure mounting as Dolan slowly stirred his hardness around.

Sliding his penis from her depths, the few panic stricken survivors in the streets could see bright smears on his huge obsidian flesh.  Some men and women survived their ordeal, shrilly crying for help, their tiny bodies hopelessly mired to his colossal hardness by Krysta’s copious juices.  They only had a brief taste of the cool air, though, before Dolan thrust into her again, slamming the head of his cock into the squirming mass of helpless little people trapped against her cervix.

It took all of his willpower to hold back, but Dolan was determined to keep Krysta on the edge, so he paused in his ministrations, swallowed to moisten his dry mouth and murmured down to her.  “Should I do this a little at a time?”  A sonorous tone thrummed through the summer sky.

“No,” she moaned, her eyes wild with aching desire, “no, crush them, crush them inside of me.  I want to feel them squish and pop.  Fuck me.  Fuck me!”

Dolan didn’t need any further urging, his own hunger was too great.  With a deep, passionate growl he eased his hardness from the soft embrace of her sex, and he thrust back into her again.  The tiny people had no chance, his cockhead slammed mercilessly into their puny bodies, crushing and squishing them before withdrawing into the humid darkness.  It returned with increasing violence, smashing into them, pounding harder and hard, the screams of the tiny people smothered in Krysta’s flowing juices as Dolan eagerly pumped his thick cock in and out of her, feeling the tiny people turning into a pulpy mess than made everything deliciously, unbearably slippery.  Krysta cried out as she came again, her inner muscles squeezing Dolan, gripping him with unstoppable passion.  He felt his own pleasure mounting to incredible heights.

A single disc appeared, midnight black, lined in blue fire.  Red lightning arced to the ground, and a moment later, in a tympani of thunder, a gigantic hyena in a business suit appeared.  He glanced at the entwined bodies of the unicorn and the minotaur and he coughed.

Dolan’s head swung around, his eyes glazed.  They widened and his mouth dropped open.  Krysta glanced over, her own gaze confused.  “What the fuck is going on?” she panted.

“So sorry to interrupt,” said the hyena, his eyes cast down at his black shoes, “but this portal was only rented for one hour, and your time is up.”  He shrugged, “You didn’t respond to the alarms, so I’ve come to take you back.

“Wait a minute, we’re not done, yet,” Dolan yelped.

“One hour?  What the fuck do you mean one hour?”  Krysta punched Dolan in the chest, “didn’t you think we’d need more than one goddam hour!”

Dolan tried to fend Krysta off, his cock shriveling up like a snowflake on a hot skillet.  “Isn’t there anyway you could…ow, stop it…isn’t there anyway you could give us more time?”

The hyena shook his head. “Sorry, the waiting list is pretty long for this portal.  We need time to recalibrate for a new location.”  He pulled a remote from his pocket and pressed a button.  A pair of discs appeared over Krysta and Dolan.  “You might want to consider an annual membership, the perks are pretty nice.”

“Annual membership, doesn’t that sound nice, dear?” Dolan asked hopefully.

“We’ll find a nice hospital planet, you’re going to need it,” she snarled, and she sat up and reached down, grabbing his balls and squeezing hard.  Dolan filled the city with his shrill screams as the red lightning zapped down, taking them both away.

The hyena combed his fingers through his short mane, and he chuckled.  Glancing at the remote he tapped the display which read 5:37, the numbers counting down second by second.  The lightning flashed a final time, but his laughter remained for a moment, echoing over the pulverized city.

© Copyright 2007 Grildrig (grildrig at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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