Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1371425-The-House-of-Miss-Black
by Bomont
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Death · #1371425
Light glints off her blue eyes/ The most icy eyes/ Eyes always seeing/ Seeing and knowing
Her skin is milky white, perfect and smooth
Hands so soft they are of silk
Heavenly light and passionately downy she speaks and all listen
Her words flow off a sharpened tongue

Acutely aware and always planning
This woman of perfection always wears black
Darkest are her cloths of choice
Darkest is her wardrobe

Light glints off her blue eyes
The most icy eyes 
Eyes always seeing
Seeing and knowing

Follow her plans
No escape from what she commands
Behind her smile lie teeth so sharp
Her body is barbed in ill content

Blackly, sickly, oozenly, she mingles around
All fall into her web
Her complicated, sticky, inescapable, web
She is the master

Only we lowly few pawns know her for what she is
We see her tricks
Her whiles
Her ploys

She took us in when none else would
We are grateful
We are helpful
We keep her secrets

She is kind to us
We love her
We do only as she wants
We do so much

All who enter the house of Black
Take on a roll
One she assigns
They all are bound to it

All except, until now
One man is still the keeper of his strings
So angry this has made our lady of the house
So very angry

The end all party is hosted tonight
A masquerade party it will be
The guests wear the faces she so desires
All wear masks except him

So close are we to goals end
Full control is nearly in sight
All we must do is take care of him
So very careful we must be

Masks can be easily removed
If the puppet knows they are wearing one
We cannot allow this man to remove others masks
A most deadly result would forcome

If our lady is to fail
We all fail
The streets are so cold
Never again will we be that cold

Murder is but a small price
His intentions are for us to die
It is in self defense
The lady explains

We have been given our roles for tonight
We are all to happy to oblige
With daggers hidden and smiles shown
We go about our duties

Serving and cleaning we look for the moment
To strike most cleanly
To strike most deeply
To strike unknown

Her plans go so successfully
Every time
He is a man most clever
A man most clever

He sees their masks
He sees her wiles
He sees our daggers
He sees as she sees

Their eyes meet with intensity
So much is exchanged through the air
Calm remains the room
Quietly their minds battle as they mingle

We are but pawns
Pawns so weak
We cannot defeat one such as he
Only she has the power

Elegant and masterful the two duel
A room full of guests, a party must delightful
The guests smile and laugh, the two smile and laugh
They smile and laugh and weave plans for victory

A tremendous mental game
Never before has she worked so hard
Her plans are everything
She never loses

Flushed becomes her ever white skin
He is very skillful
She doesn’t see a way to win
If she can’t win, then there will no longer be a game

We can see where this night has led
We were prepared for this outcome
It is time for the final toast
It is time for her final plan

We loyally distribute drink to all
Even he takes one in hand
Dark red is the wine tonight
Darkest red

She knew the price of failure
All must be under her control
Her master would not accept even one being free
This was the terms of their agreement

She made a deal with a most powerful man
A deal for power
A deal for beauty
A deal for control

She raised the cup of life
As did the others
She drank down the liquid of death
As did the others

All except the man
He stood in the room of death
He followed his master’s commands
His master always won

Daggers drawn
We knew we would lose
Pawns marched on the man
The knight of a King who killed our queen

We loyal few
Loyal onto death
Were ready for the last step
We stepped closer to the man

He tried to use tricks
Nothing we haven’t seen before

He was pitiful
We stabbed
We cut
We gained vengeance

Moments later the man of power showed up
Expecting his knight to be victorious
Expecting everything to be as he planned
Expecting to claim the souls of the dead

We pawns then marched on him
His face was of such surprise
He didn’t plan for her to have power after death
Even with her icy command she made friends

He never thought it possible
Countless times he had been victorious
Never before had one continued their influence after death
The pawns were under no influence

They closed in
His clever words were not heard
Darkness consumed everything in that room
Onto death, Miss Black, we serve only you
© Copyright 2008 Bomont (jenobi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1371425-The-House-of-Miss-Black