Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1377955-Newbie-Hyperlinking-101---Bitem-Format
Rated: E · Article · How-To/Advice · #1377955
Learn the ins and outs of creating a link using the bitem format.

Newbie Hyperlinking 101
- Understanding The Bitem Format -


Welcome to Writing.com!
So, you've established your portfolio and posted an item or two....
Now what?!

*Star*Create a hyperlink and get your work noticed!*Star*

*Question* Create a what?!

*Note* A hyperlink, using the bitem format, is one of Writing.com's most useful functions.

*Question* What does it do?

*Note* Rather than copying and pasting volumes of your work and clogging up the website, the bitem format creates a link so one click of the mouse brings your reader to the location of a specific item.

*Question* Will I really ever need to use the bitem format?

*Note* YES!! Here are two reasons why:

*Bullet* Posting your work in various group and review forums will increase the visibility of your items and provide a wider audience with access to your portfolio.

*Bullet* Participating in contests is a great way to meet people while stretching your creative style.

*Right*Most forums and contests now require the bitem format when posting items!

*Question* O.K., So how does it work?

*Note* It's simple to use the bitem format to create a link:

*Bullet* First, know the item number of the piece you want to link. It is the seven digit reference number assigned to the item when it was created.

*Bullet* Second, find these { } magic brackets, that must be used to establish a link. They are the curly brackets located next to the 'p' on your keyboard.

*Bullet* Now, inside the magic brackets, type the word 'bitem', then a colon, then the seven digit item number -- remember, no spaces!!

*Bullet* For example, I have created a contest to help newbies practice linking, and to get you to the contest, I created a link by typing this: {bitem:1378693} -- the result is this:

Newbie Bitem Challenge - CLOSED  (E)
Practice creating a link using the bitem format -- Everyone wins prizes!!
#1378693 by NickiD89

And that's all there is to it! Of course, practice makes perfect...
Click on the link above for a fun challenge using your newly learned linking skills.

*Gift3* Everyone wins a prize! *Gift3*

© Copyright 2008 NickiD89 (heftynicki at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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