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Rated: GC · Fiction · Erotica · #1378998
Interesting goings on at a rock star's home....
         Sarah sat on a leather recliner in her living room, sipping Twinning’s English Breakfast tea.  Her thoughts were a bit scattered as she was waking up.  Through the sliding glass doors to her patio, she could see a blue jay on a limb, sitting quietly as if trying to decide what to do.  Sarah was feeling just that way herself: what to do today?  Sarah was a successful folk/rock musician, and enjoying a brief hiatus after a sold-out tour to promote her new disc.

         “A bit of pot would start the day correctly,” she said to herself, and walked over to the mantelpiece.  She opened an ornate Oriental stash box, reveling loose pot and three rolled joints.  Her cat lovingly rubbed against her leg as she removed one joint, then joined her on the sofa.  Sarah lit the joint and exhaled.

“What shall we do today, Bert?” she asked of the cat.

         The cat, of course, said nothing. Bert was enjoying having her home.  The cat then spied the blue jay on the limb, and dashed to the window to watch.  With the joint now finished, she drained the last of her tea and headed downstairs. Bert was too busy watching the bird to follow her.

         She tightened belt on her robe while descending the stairs, with her flip-flop’s smacking with each step.  Her basement was cool, an oasis for her with games, toys and such around the room.  There was home recording studio in a room to the right of the stairs, with equipment to capture new ideas.  At the bottom of the stairs, to the left, were five cages; three of the cages were empty.  In the fourth cage, a slim, beautiful and naked woman was beginning to awaken on her mattress on the floor.

“Good morning, Loni…” Sarah said.
“Good morning, Sarah…” Loni replied.

         In the fifth cage was a slim and naked woman with dishwater blonde hair.  Her hands were shackled behind her back, and her mouth was gaffer-taped shut. Her blue eyes were dark and sunken from the happenings of the night before.  She clumsily arose from lying on her mattress to kneel on the floor before Sarah.

“Good morning, Molly…” Sarah greeted. Molly grunted and nodded a greeting through the tape. “Last evening was wonderfully satisfying. Thank you…”

         Sarah opened both cages.  She asked Loni to help Molly out of bondage. 

         Sarah picked up a TV remote, and clicked the 'Replay' button.  The screen soon filled with images from the previous evening:  Sarah administering lashes to Molly's back and kicks to her loins.  Molly's hands were attached to heavy shackles attached to a crossbar.  Molly's mouth was taped shut, muffling her grunts and moans of distress. None of the lashes and kicks were severe, just enough for embarrassment and titillation. After Sarah was through with Molly, she sat on a leather recliner and had Loni go down on her while Molly hung suspended in pain and humiliation.

         Sarah is openly bisexual and she has no shortage of female companionship due to her musical fame.  Men were less likely to approach her, but she definitely enjoyed cock; Sarah could definitely get a man when the mood struck her.  Sarah especially loved performing to an audience of gay women who wanted to do her.  She was taking full advantage of her largess; she found captive sex partners, as well as inflicting pain and humiliation, such stimulating foreplay.  Indeed, pain and pleasure are so closely related.  She thrived on the sexual power that fame gave to her, and there were always willing participants for her sexual pleasure and experiments.  When Loni had finished undoing Molly's bindings, they both knelt before Sarah.

"Thank you, Molly, for your acceptance of pain for my pleasure…." Sarah said.
"You are welcome, Mistress Sarah…" Molly replied.
"You will be rewarded…Loni, if you would…"

         Loni brought Sarah a very large dildo, which she helped to place in Sarah's clit.  Loni then went to a table of goodies, and loaded a syringe of heroin; she strapped Molly's arm and injected her.  Molly clicked her tongue, and soon a shit-eating grin came over her face.  Loni then helped Molly to a chair, and knelt before her.  Loni nuzzled Molly's thighs and fondled her ass.  When Loni's tongue found her clit, Molly trembled and grabbed Loni's head to guide her, moaning with pleasure. 

         Sarah was guiding her dildo in and out, and enjoyed the show before her.  Loni was so beautiful: tall and slim with long, blonde hair, beautiful compact breasts and piercing blue eyes.  Loni's tongue was experienced; Sarah had learned this last night. Now Molly was getting it, and Sarah was enjoying the view, which was nicely aided by her being toasted.  "Groupies are good…." she thought; “All I gotta do is walk out the stage door…”

“How do ya like Loni’s tongue?” Sarah asked.
“It’s heavenly, Sarah…” Molly replied.
“I think I should massage Molly’s aching back….” Sarah said.

         Sarah placed her dildo on the chair and had Molly lie facedown on the sofa. Loni had rubbed protective lotion on Molly’s back last night, as to protect her flesh from marks and welts.  Now came some fragrant oils, which smelled heavenly to all.  Sarah could hear Molly purr as she rubbed the soreness out of Molly’s muscles. After a half-hour massage, Sarah rolled Molly over to a sitting position on the sofa.  Sarah knelt before Molly.

“I kneel before you in awe of your Sacred Feminine…it is my honor to pleasure you…” Sarah said.

         Sarah nuzzled Molly’s thighs; Molly put her knees over Sarah’s shoulders.  Loni grabbed the dildo and sat and watched with excitement.  Molly moaned her approval as her head lolled back and forth from pleasure as well as the heroin.  Sarah’s tongue explored every crack and crevice of Molly’s loins.  Loni lit a joint, and took a big puff, with Sarah's dildo inside of her the whole time.  She took the doobie to Molly, and Molly obediently puffed.  Sarah lifted her head from Molly’s crotch, saying, “Don’t leave me out…” Loni took a big drag, and leaned over to Sarah; she exhaled into Sarah’s mouth.  Sarah’s eyes sparkled.  She then exhaled into molly's cunt.  The heroin was in full effect by this time; Molly purred from the drug and the warmth of Sarah's face between her thighs.  At the thirty-minute mark, Molly could feel herself start to come.  Sarah could feel Molly's body stiffen and Molly's breaths grew quicker.  Sarah drove her tongue in as deep as it would go; Molly let out a high-pitched scream as she exploded all over Sarah's face. Sarah removed her head from Molly's crotch, and smiled.  Loni came over to partake of Molly's juices.

         Loni brought the dildo to Molly, and stood over Sarah.

"Now it is MY turn…" Loni said.

         Molly got up and went over to the leather chair and place the dildo inside herself, and Loni sat before Sarah, who was still on her knees.  Loni draped her long luscious legs over Sarah's shoulders.  Without saying a word, Sarah smiled and dug into Loni's loins.  Loni was a 'squealer', whose orgasmic vocalizations filled the room.

         When the three were satisfied, they went upstairs; Loni and Molly were still gorgeously naked, and Sarah had put her robe back on.  Loni volunteered to fix breakfast.

"Hey…why is Sarah the only one in clothes?" Molly teased.
"That can be fixed….” Sarah whispered.

         Sarah undid the sash to her robe and it fell to the floor.  Beautiful, large breasts were revealed, as well as a luscious ass and shapely thighs; short brown hair and big brown eyes completed her package.  Both Molly and Loni took long glances at their gorgeous hostess.  As Loni continued to get some food prepared, Molly wandered over to Sarah.  Molly touched her cheek and impulsively kissed her.

"You are so gorgeous…" Molly said; "Last night was a dream come true…"
"I'm the lucky one…" Sarah whispered in her ear, as they embraced.

         Molly and Sarah took a seat on the sofa, after getting some brandy.  The smells of food were heavenly, given the fact that all three had worked up a healthy appetite.  Loni soon had their 'quick' breakfast on the table: fried potatoes with onion and pepper, along with English muffins and coffee.

“That video of last night was very exciting…ya have any more to watch?” Loni asked.
“As a matter of fact, I do…” Sarah replied, “I’ve got a decent sized library, including some with males…”
“Very cool…” Molly said, “Let’s see ‘em…”
“After we devour Loni’s home cookin’…” Sarah said.

         After eating, all three helped with the dishes, and it was done in a flash. The threesome went into the living room, still quite naked.  Sarah pushed a button and doors in the wall opened to reveal a large plasma television.  She had an impressive library of erotic videos programmed into the television’s computer controls.  Sarah served her guests brandy, and had a joint ready to go.  Sarah opened a drawer, which contained various toys; she brought out three dildos.

“This is one of my favorites…” Sarah said, “it’s got a male in it…I fucked his eyes out, then I busted his balls!”
“Whatcha waitin’ for?”  Molly giggled.  Loni smiled mischievously.

         Sarah clicked the remote and the images began.  Sarah had dubbed in some of her original music, and Loni and Molly smiled in recognition of their hostess’ voice; both were great fans, and listened to Sarah’s discs at home. The music sounded a bit like Madonna’s “Suck My Pussy.”

         The first scene was of Sarah going to a cage, and releasing a handsome young man, who was wonderfully naked and submissive.  She led him to the bed, and tied his hands to the headboard.  Sarah strutted around her captive, looking over her prey.  She stroked his cock, which was becoming erect, of course.  She gave him an ED pill, and then stood before him.  She dropped her robe, revealing her sumptuous body.  He became totally erect, and Sarah mounted his face.  She kissed the top of his cock, and then commenced with some heavy petting.  Muffled moans of pleasure were coming from the face between Sarah’s legs.  He drove his tongue as deep as it would go. After twenty minutes, Sarah’s body stiffened, and she exploded into her boy toy’s face; her come went into his mouth and nostrils. 

“It is time for your reward…” Sarah told him.

         Sarah raised her cunt from his face, and straddled his hips, slowly receiving his cock inside of her and slowly coming down.  Her captive grunted and moaned with pleasure as she rocked up and down.  Her arms were on either side of his head, and her sumptuous tits swayed in his face.  As he suckled them, Sarah smiled her approval.

“Sarah is havin’ a good old time!” Loni said.
“Yes indeed…” Molly agreed, “He’s got a thickie…”
“Indeed he does…” Sarah said, “the best is yet to come…”

         At the 45 minute mark, Sarah’s prey exploded inside of her; Sarah had come two more times by then.  Sarah lay on top of him for a moment as they both caught their breath.  Smiling at him, she dismounted and went over to her leather chair, still gloriously naked.  Her boy toy was still strapped to the bed, contentedly captive and erect.  Sarah poured a brandy and lit a joint.  She smiled, and then went over to him.  Inhaling a drag deeply, she blew it into his mouth.  He inhaled and smiled.  She then sat and finished her brandy, as if trying to decide what to do with him; she was enjoying the view of her naked and erect victim. Upon draining the brandy, Sarah went over to the bed

“I’ve got a new position for us to try…” she said seductively.

         She helped him rise, and took him to a spot near the cages.  Upon pressing a button, a crossbar rose from the floor; it was the same one that hosted Molly’s beating. Sarah attached his wrists to the crossbar and his legs were shackled far apart.  The man became confused, not knowing what was coming; Sarah smiled in anticipation. She spread the protective lotion on his back, rubbing it on slowly and seductively.  She then went to a cupboard, and pulled out a leather whip. She cracked it to the ground with a loud smack.  Her captive trembled. Despite his fear, his cock rose from the view of Sarah’s breasts swaying with the motion of the whip.  Sarah strode behind him, and waited a long moment. Without warning, she cracked the whip to his back; there was the sound of the leather smacking flesh. He twisted at the impact, and let out a grunt of pain. She wandered around front, so he could see her.

“I likey….” Sarah taunted.
“Please…no…” he begged softly.

         Slowly and deliberately, Sarah administered ten lashes. After the fifth lash, she came around front, and shoved the handle of the whip into her cunt. Sarah had felt herself coming. When she removed it, she made her victim lick it clean. After the tenth lash, she came around in front of him and put the whip down. 

“Would you like the whipping to stop?” she taunted.
“Yes…” he whimpered.

Sarah poured another brandy; her victim’s body was slack and he was moaning. His erection remained strong.

         The view on the screen was getting Loni and Molly very excited. All three were slamming away with the dildos; fingers were finding their ways to each other’s crotches.  Sarah loved watching their reactions to the video.  Molly rested her head on Sarah’s shoulder; Sarah felt her breath on her breast.  Loni let out a grunt, and came all over her dildo and hands. Sarah and Molly got fingers full of come to swallow.

“This is so cool....” Molly gushed.
“You two will love what comes next…” Sarah said.

         Sarah sat on the chair, sipping from her snifter. Her fingers were deep between her legs as she watched her boy moan in agony. When Sarah exploded into her own hand, she sauntered over to her prey; with a devilish smile, she rubbed her come all over his face. The last bit of come on her finger was placed on his tongue. He obediently swallowed. Suddenly and forcefully, she rammed her knee to his balls, and he let out a high-pitched scream of agony. His body went limp.

“Oh...my goodness!” gushed Molly; Sarah began rubbing her cunt.
“I love it…” Loni gushed.

“You see? No more whipping....” Sarah taunted her captive.

         Sarah walked around him, smacking his ass on the way around. Back in front of him, she kissed him passionately and stroked his still-erect cock; the ED was doing its job. Despite the pain, he was feeling aroused, and loved the naked Sarah before him with his cock in her hand. Another passionate kiss was followed by another vicious knee to the balls. A low guttural moan was emitted while his body quivered in pain.  Sarah turned, and poured herself another brandy. She leaned against the table and took a sip, while sizing up her victim. Her eyes were narrowed, and her gaze menacing.

“Would you like the pain to end?” Sarah taunted.
“Yes...” he whimpered softly, nodding his head. Sarah strode up to him, grabbing his balls and twisting.
“I couldn’t hear you!” Sarah barked, squeezing harder.
“YESSSS!” he screamed in mortal agony.
“Very well...” she replied.

         Sarah released her boy from the crossbar, and he fell to the floor; he curled up into the fetal position, with vomit coming from his mouth and whimpering for his Mommy all the while. The last scene in the video was Sarah masturbating with a broken man at her feet.
Molly and Loni had been totally engrossed in the video; both had had multiple orgasms from their masturbation.

“Who was the guy?” Loni asked.
“His name is Ron…” Sarah replied; “I rewarded him afterwards with heroin and a blowjob…”
“Has he been back?” Molly asked.
“I got an e-mail from him just two days ago, wanting to get together…” Sarah answered.
“Get him back here…I want in on the action!” Molly giggled.
“I never thought I’d get an orgasm from watching torture...” Loni said.
“Me neither...” Molly said, “I exploded when she kicked him...”
“Pain is a powerful aphrodisiac...” Sarah said.  Molly put her head back on Sarah’s shoulder and her fingers found Sarah’s pussy.
“I’m never going home...”a toasted Molly giggled. 

         Sarah and Loni did not argue.

© Copyright 2008 Brandy deLuc (brandydeluc at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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