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Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Tragedy · #1380722
My son, her son in the Navy together. Her son killed himself three days ago.
Into this World they come.
A Bundle of Joy, A precious baby,
The little boys we call our sons.

We love them so dearly the minute they’re born.
As time goes by, unbelievably we grow
To love them even more.

A woman without one,
Even a father of the same son
As their mother, secretly we know,
No other person can feel how this little boy
Touches our Soul.

A mother and her son
Like Mary and Jesus
Only God can know
The bond between us.

Every first is recorded in our minds
The word, the crawl, the step, that first fall
Remembered in our hearts
Forever in time.

As our baby boys grow to be men,
We wonder how, where the time all went.

We’re not ready, it doesn’t feel right
Without our permission, they move on
Start their own lives.

What they’ll be, where they’ll go
Still unknown
Not unlike mine, your son chose
The United States Navy
For his second home.

Full of Pride and a little fear
We kiss them good bye
Holding back our tears

We knew at birth and years gone by
They’d grow up and leave our nest
In their own time.

Off to The Navy our sons did go
Who had any idea boot camp
Would go by so very slow?

As for me, and probably for you
This was the hardest time I’d ever been through.

From Boot Camp they moved on again.
We gave our Country our baby boys
And they came back as honorable men.

Sailors, defenders of us all,
Our prayers are a daily devotion
Dear Lord, Take care of our boys
As they cross over your Oceans.

At War is not what we planned.
Still our boys served their country
Followed orders, stood tall, and
Defended our land.

We pray for our Sailors
Their safety and success
We pray for our sons
To return to our nests.

The Father, our Lord still he reigns
Over our prayers,
Over our hearts
Over our sons
Over our pain.

Waiting to hear from them
Knowing they’re safe.
So often forgetting
God has his own plans for them,
Forever knowing their fate.

For each boy, son, and man
God made them special
To carry out his plan.

Surely no Father would allow
You to suffer such a tragic event.
He knows all from beginning to end.

God is gracious, loving, and kind
Why would he take your son?
Like this, so young, at this time?

His plan, we don’t understand.
His love, his hand,
We know without doubt
Was with your young man.

Your son you’ve lost
But only for now
You’ll mourn for him
You’ll make it some how

For God’s promise includes
A mother and her son
In his own time,
When his plans are done,
He will reunite you and your son.

What to do until then?
The answers will come.
They’ll come from within.

Until the time that God reveals his plans,
Know that your son left
Not just as a man
But as a hero, a defender of us all.
For his country, For the Navy
He stood tall.

Still questions without answers
So many things unknown
We’ll all be told when our time comes
And we are called home.

As for my family, my son, it was an
Honor to know the man
your son had become.

Our prayers are with you and the others he left
Find courage and healing
After the first tears have been wept.

One more thing you must know.
Your baby boy, your little man,
The son you have lost in such a tragic way
Will be remembered, not for just that one day.
But, will be honored for the man he was
For the Sailor, the hero, the friend that was loved.

From Mother to Mother, This I pray:

May The Lord Be With You In Darkness and Day
May He Heal You, And Comfort You In His Own Loving Way.
© Copyright 2008 JL Johnson (joarkn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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