Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1382071-Amazon-Breakthrough-Novel-Award
by J.Bear
Rated: E · Article · Sci-fi · #1382071
My Novel, "Death, Inc." is a semi-finalist in Amazon's Breakthrough Novel Contest!
If you like humorous Sci-Fi, in the tradition of Douglas Adams, please check out my Novel Excerpt & Post Your Review!

My novel, "Death, Inc." has been selected as a Semi-finalist in Amazon’s First “Breakthrough Novel Award” Contest.  It was selected as one of 836 Semi-finalists (out of an International Pool of 5,000 entrants).  The Contest Winner will be largely based on Amazon Customer Reviews of a 5,000 word excerpt, along with a Publisher’s Weekly Review of the Entire Manuscript.

Here's a bit of what Publishers Weekly had to say about "Death, Inc."

“With the air and hilarity of a 1980s Steve Martin film, this dark comedy takes on the premise that the afterlife is managed by a massive, otherworldly corporation.    …the comical retorts, cultural references, and daffy plot twists keep the reader engaged and amused. A dark and light afterlife farce, it's a well paced, brisk novel and, at times, drop-dead funny.”

The Grand Prize Winner of the Contest will receive a Publishing Contract from Penguin Books, along with a $25,000 Advance on Royalties and an impressive electronics package from HP, so it’s really an exciting contest.

If you’re interested in finding out more, here are a couple of links you can check out:

1)  Amazon ABNA Contest Homepage:          www.amazon.com/abna

2)  My “Death, Inc.” Contest Page:                  www.amazon.com/dp/B0011G9YC2

The Next Cut in the Contest will be down to the TOP 100 Semi-finalists, and happens on Feb. 19th, so Vote Today!

© Copyright 2008 J.Bear (jbear at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1382071-Amazon-Breakthrough-Novel-Award