Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1382941-Final-Goodbye
Rated: E · Poetry · Death · #1382941
About a loved one passing away from illness.
Final Goodbye

I reach for his hand
and give it a short squeeze.
He looks in my eyes and smiles weakly,
but his eyes don't sparkle like they used to.
As I hold his hand I can feel it shake
and I can see he has no confidence.
I repeatedly tell him he must stay strong.
I put my head to his chest and embrace him.
His heart beats faintly.

I gaze up at my mother ; She nods at me solemnly.
I try not to cry but a few tears leak out anyway.
He stretches out a shaky
hand and wipes my tears.
My mother whispers in my ear that it is time to go.
I kiss him on the cheek
and tell him I must leave.
I give him one last hug
and softly whisper goodbye.

Then I left.
I couldn't look at him lying there
on starch white sheets
with his eyes struggling to stay open.

Everyday we wait,
Dreading the phone call we know will come.
After three very long days
of crying and praying
We get the call.

He had moved on,
form this world to another,
much better one.
I weep.
I grieve.
But I know nothing can bring him back.
I know deep down that I should be joyful
that he doesn't have to suffer any more
but I just can't be happy.
I feel as if my world is crumbling before me.
I scream at God to give him back
but He ignores me.

My mother told me that God saw
all the good things that he had done well
and wanted him back to be an angel.
I believe her.
But I will always miss him.
© Copyright 2008 Naomi Rose Eldonez (waterloomerdi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1382941-Final-Goodbye