Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1382969-Unexpected-Friendship
Rated: E · Poetry · Friendship · #1382969
Girl meets friend at beach. But not just any friend!
Unexpected Friendship

Salty waves lap
at the rocks, worn smooth by years of water
washing over and over them.
A young stray dog lopes over the pebbles with no caution,
leaping into the water with glee.
A tiny doe - eyed girl perched on a sandy boulder, watches the canine
with interest.
Clumsily, The stray leaps out of the water and shakes his shaggy brown coat.

Beads of salty water fly through the air.
One small water droplet lands on the girl's rosy cheek
and slides down to her chin like a tear.
She brushes it away with a flick of the wrist.

The girl giggles as the dog rolls around in the shallow waves
splashing against the shore.
Deciding to join the dog, she yanks of her battered chocolate brown
Mary - Jane's and peels off her flowery pink socks.
The stray stops what he's doing and eyes the girl suspiciously,
but quickly forgets his suspicion when the girl skips over to play.

The smooth rocks dig into her petite feet and toes
but she doesn't mind.
She scrunches up her little toes as the waves tickle them gently.
The stray nudges her carefully with his shiny black nose
as if to persuade her to prance around in the calming salt water.
A great wave sloshes up and soaks the wary girl from head to toe.
Shock from the cold zips to each part of her body,
But she begins to laugh!

She leaps playfully through the water with the dog not far behind.
Soon the sun begins to fade and the day begins to end.
As the girl takes a small step out of the water,
she gives the dog a sorrowful gaze.
"It's time to go," she says with the look in her eyes.
The girl is unhappy that she must leave her new friend.
But somewhere deep down she knows she will see him again some day.
© Copyright 2008 Naomi Rose Eldonez (waterloomerdi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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