Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1385675-Horoscope
by Cliona
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Community · #1385675
An Indian Girl's Love
Ojaswini looked at the sky wondering why she has ended up in Newyork far away from her family. She is the only daughter of Thiyagarajan, who is a well heeled textile businessman in Chennai. She grew up in their enormous bungalow in Hydrabad, where she gained her secondary education. She was proclaimed to be the smartest among the rest of the students in their state when she obtained the highest results for plus two exams. Since then she became the role model for all the cousins at her age among their relatives. Thiyagarajan absolutely believed that she is a providential child for their family, not just because of her aptitude and for the prominence she has offered, beyond that he proved himself as a pure Indian via acquiring the astrology reading for Ojaswini which confirmed her fortune. However things changed when she reached the adolescence. Meanwhile Ojaswini won a scholarship to US University for which her father happily approved to pursue her dreams to become a chemical engineer.

Govinda Shastri the famous astrologer in the whole south India and Thiyagrajan’s favorite family astrologer made a reading for marriage benefits to Ojaswini when she became twenty two. He said “Thiyagu, you have to promise me that you won’t get angry at me for what I have to say. Because horoscopes are not always positive, neither it’s negative. So please be prepared to hear whatever I commit to say upon calculation”

Thiyagarajan became nervous but he pulled himself together and said in an uncertain voice “Oh Swami, that’s fine. After all, Ojaswini is the Maha Lakshmi (goddess of wealth) in our family! Therefore I have faith that she will never let me down with anything bad”

Govinda shastri smiled lightly and held the old horoscope papers towards the sunlight which splashed through the veranda. His wife brought a tray with two silver cups of coffee and sweet. She looked beautiful in her crimson sari and her bangles tingled with the tray when she placed it on the table. Thiyagarajan nodded his head and took a cup.

“How is everyone at home? Give my regards to everyone in your family” she said with a smile to Thiyagarajan.

“Oh sure definitely” replied Thiyagarajan. Govinda Shastri vigilantly looked at the horoscope as he started making the calculations of Guru bhagavan, Shani’s vision and Shukiran’s position, then he became vexed. Thiyagarajan looked at the progress with a concerned face anticipating for the outcome.

Finally, Govinda Shastri spoke “Well Thiyagu, as I told you earlier. We all are bound to fate, which is a pre-defined model of our life according to the karma performed by ourselves in our previous births. Now the horoscope is saying that the owner of this horoscope belongs to a very prosperous family who has been raised like a princess. She has blessings of gods and elders, however..”  Govinda Shastri paused and looked down.

“What swami? However…anything wrong?” Thiyagarajan trembled.

“No Thiyagu, it’s her marriage. She has fallen in love with a boy abroad and he belongs to a low caste. The horoscope shows that they will get married without your consent and then she will be departed from your family” Govinda shastri said in anguish.

“What do you mean Swami? What are you trying to say? Huh?I trust my daughter more than these mere old papers! My uncle was right…horoscopes are all lies! Just a money grabbing business! How dare you say! No way! I’m leaving this place right now” Thiyagarajan walked out of the house furiously and got into his car.

Govinda Shastri looked up at his wife “See Kamalam, this is how these people react…he strongly believed in horoscope until today because he heard only the positive things. As soon as the planets positions changed he couldn’t accept the fact to face the truth. Anyway Kamalam, I feel bad about Ojaswini, she is a very sweet girl”

“As the elders say sometimes, it is through a dark incident a family could recover from the impact of other’s covet on their family’s goodness and reputation. Something disgraceful has to happen to demolish that yearn upon their family. Oh! Dhurkaha devi should open her eyes” she uttered these words and she worshipped Goddess Dhurkha.

Thiyagarajan was unable to sit back on his seat, his mind was totally haunted by wild imaginations. He immediately pulled out his mobile and called to his daughter.
“Hello Ojah, Im your appa(dad) speaking. How are you darling?” he asked in a shaking voice.

“Oh appa! How are you? Yes yes Im doing very well..so why you didn’t call me yesterday?” Ojaswini replied happily.

“Im sorry Ojah I was busy and I went to our estate. So how are your studies?” He tried to relax.

“Very well appa, Im having exams next week”

“Ojah Im looking for wedding proposals for you, are you ready amma?” Thiyagarajan felt his blood pressure rising as he asked this question.

“Oh sure appa, you can do as you like” she agreed.

“Ojah you should remember how much we love you.. so don’t let yourself down by finding a life partner by yourself. Because as you know our Indian culture is far different from western culture, you should know that courting and having love affair are not accepted.” He adviced her.

“OH APPA, don’t you believe in me?”

“No Ojah, you are still my little girl. I know you well, but I’m scared that you might make a wrong decision”

“No Appa don’t worry please please” Ojaswini teasingly nagged.

“Okay Ojah. So come home next month okay. I’ll send you the money” Thiyagarajan said in satisfaction.

“Okay Appa. I’ll come” she affirmed.

Thiyagarajan felt relieved, he knew that there is no escape from Indian caste system- if his daughter has to marry an inferior caste male, then he would never be able to face the society. He believed that his social status is fairly superior and he belongs to a wonderful caste in which he gained privilege in almost all the occasions inside India. He felt so proud of his daughter for being wise and he headed straight to their ancestor temple to show the gratitude.

Krishnan took Ojaswini’s hands from her mobile and gave a kiss. She smiled back at him resting her head on his shoulders. “So when you are going to tell your father about me?” Krishnan asked with a wink.

“There is no need to rush but soon enough Krishna” Ojaswini said in a thrilled tone.

“Do you think my caste would be a problem in our marriage?” Krishna asked in despair.

“Oh Krishna I love you, caste is not a barrier so it can’t be a problem! I’ll convince my father, he is a very good understanding person and I’m sure that he will accept you in spite of caste or social status. You are smart, good looking and most of all a good hearted person! I don’t see a reason why he wouldn’t consider you” Ojaswini uttered with tears filling her eyes. She hugged him and they walked together to the parking area.

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