Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1388416-Omega28-Prologue
by Andi M
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1388416
Andi is running from her secrets in a world of political lies, adventure, and espionage.
Her eyes flick open.

The cold grey irises take in her surroundings. Buildings silhouetted in the ghoulish moon tower around her, curving to crush her from above.

Her eyes close, hiding beneath resting skin.

A breeze pushes against her face. The forest behind applauds in approval, rippling through the crowd. A horn sounding below silences them. The girl pays no mind, every sound from the city below reaches her ears, aware of every pin drop.

“We’re in,” a disembodied voice sounds in her restless ear. That’s her cue.

A small puff of dust bursts behind her. She doesn’t move. Her eyes remain closed, ears searching for the faintest noises. An angry buzz comes from somewhere deep inside the building. Slowly, a circle of cement lifts from the center of the terrace.

The gadget is barely visible in the dark. Its tiny wings beat quickly, unseen by the naked eye. With great control the mechanism sets the cement block aside. Another breeze blows. The building moans in mourning for it’s lost piece.

Reluctantly her eyes open once more. The cold grey grows cooler and passion fills their empty void.

With great agility she hops down from the skyscrapers edge and calmly walks to the freshly cut hole. From a concealed pocket of her black tactical vest, a small silver disk is removed, and steadied above the center of the hole. She stares blankly down into the darkness, hesitant. An involuntary twitch releases the disk and it fall with out a sound.

Suddenly, it stops, hovering, waiting. With a quiet zip, it fills the hole with clear blue oceanic light. The girl pays no mind to its splendor and steps on.

“Down.” she whispers into the wind.

She drops through the hole, her hair clinging, afraid to be left behind.

Inches from the floor the disk stops.

As if she hadn’t just fallen two stories at an alarming rate, the girl steps off the disk. It zips back to its original small form and the girl gently picks it up and neatly zips it back up in her pocket.

She pauses for a moment to take in her surroundings. Indifferently her eyes pass over the high vaulted ceilings, the original paintings, tasteful brass chandeliers, and the giant oak table at the center of the room.

She walks toward the door as if nothing else existed. Silently bursting through the swinging door, it waves good-bye behind her. Swiftly she presses on into the foyer. Two enormous staircases flank the width of the room. Each trimmed in gold and run with red velvet, giving it the look of a beasts open mouth, inviting its prey. Moving toward the beast’s jaws she glances up, acknowledging the glass giant above her, glistening in the moon light, wishing to light up in all it’s glory.

Her gaze moves from the chandelier behind her, checking that she truly is alone. Like a ghost she floats up the staircase and down the maze of hallways, navigating them like an architect in their own design. She finally comes to a door and silently passes through it.

The room is nearly empty except for a small dresser and a large four-poster bed. The moonlight streams through the tall floor to ceiling windows and splashes onto the bed. The girl smirks slightly as she advances.

She stops at the bedside, looking motherly down at the slumbering figure. The baldhead lies motionless atop a fluffy pillow. Silk sheets loosely cling to the sleeping form. The girl bends down, barely brushing the man’s ear with her lips.

She whispers almost seductively, “Time to wake up Chancellor.”

The sleeping man stirs and wearily opens his eyes. It takes him a moment to pull the girls face into focus and sleep filled eyes are replaced with fear.

“Wha- What do you want?!” His voice is raspy and weak.

The girl pulls her self upright, pondering her answer. “Me?” She points innocently to herself. “I don’t want anything. It’s my employers who what something of you.” She paces around the bed as she speaks.

The Chancellor starts to struggle with the once luxurious silk sheets, which now trap and confine him. He’s sweating, afraid of what’s to come.

“What ever it is I’ll give it to you! Just please…” He trails off not knowing what to say.

“Even if it’s your life?” The girl speaks calmly, like she is speaking about a rug in his home.

The Chancellor’s eyes widen even more. Releasing himself from the sheets, he runs to the door and pulls the handles but they won’t budge. He turns to face the girl.

“No! Please! I beg you! Spare me!” His eyes are tearing and the sweat glistens through his stripped pajamas. “What ever they are paying you, I’ll double it!”

“You can’t afford me.” The girl answers to the man’s desperate pleas, rolling her eyes and pulling a gun from its holster. She calmly looks over it, secretly enjoying listening to the man’s desperate attempt to live.

“Have, have you no mercy? No remorse?” He stops waiting for an answer but she simply aims at the wall, waiting for him to stop talking. “You, you are the work of the devil! You’re nothing, nothing but a… a MURDERER!” He sobs a bit after his outburst, knowing there is nothing left to do. He is a cat cornered by a pack of hungry dogs with nothing left but his meow.

The girl aims her gun at the Chancellor the grey eyes grow colder, distant.

“And you, Mr. Chancellor, are just another paycheck.”
© Copyright 2008 Andi M (kjkummer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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