Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1391798-Juliet-Dumps-her-Romeo
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Comedy · #1391798
What goes around comes around

Authors note:

Many of you have worked in an office environment where there is always one male who believes he can snap his fingers and every girl in the place will fall over themselves for his attention.

This is a true story of a “stud muffin” with whom I was associated with and who, in my opinion was head and shoulders above many men when speaking those pick up lines which lead to seduction.

“Ah, picture if you will, my pretty lady, the two of us traveling in a brightly painted old-fashioned horse drawn carriage snuggling close to one another along a cobblestone lined pathway. Perhaps, a checkerboard quilted down comforter which we will share across our legs to chase away the stubborn autumn evening chills. ” Mauricio smiled and directed her attention to a fantasy world as he stared off into the distance and made a slow waving motion with his arm pointing towards an imaginary goal far beyond the horizon and the confines of four gloomy walls of the secretary’s office. He returned his dark eyes to meet hers and reached for her hand which she surrendered too easily. He gently raised her hand and she allowed his lips to brush across her fingertips. She blushed and turned her face away from the soft caress his eyes provided her. He continued with the selfish confidence and the ease of a Fuller Brush salesman delivering a rehearsed pitch. To him, there was no escaping the fragrant sound of his alluring voice of the self proclaimed Spanish Seducer.

“Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to be in your arms on such an evening as this, bathed in the flickering gas light graciously provided for us by sidewalk placed wrought iron pole lamps. The softness they offer is second to the warming embrace of everlasting loveliness that only you can provide.” Mauricio spoke softly allowing his words to tumble seductively from his seeming endless reservoir of charm. She appeared mesmerized and rooted to the place she was standing within her office. He placed an arm around her waist drawing her still closer toward him. She released a tiny gasp feeling the firmness of his hand against her lower back. She found it difficult to swallow into a dry throat. Her lips trembled as he drew his face close to hers.
Suddenly, he turned away from her. He gritted his teeth and he appeared to curse himself with a tightly clenched fist. He stepped away from her as if embarrassed by his flagrant show of emotions. “I am so sorry. Please, forgive this unwelcomed outburst. Alas, I know I am not worthy of you. Forgive me to be so bold as to ask you share some of your time with me. You are a queen and I am just a servant begging of your attention. To some men you are just a small thing in their world, but you are the world to me.”

“Oh brother,” I said silently to myself. I rolled my eyes upon witnessing the event taking place. “I wish I had a dollar each time I heard this stuff.”

Like a scolded little puppy which accidently squatted to tinkle on the rug, he cast his eyes downward and shuffled his feet while awaiting her reaction. Mauricio did not have to wait long.

She smiled and gently placed a hand on his forearm. She raised herself on her tiptoes. “Oh Mauricio, I didn’t know.” A look of complete surprise covered her face. “I mean, I had no idea that you felt this way. About me and you, I mean.” She appeared thrilled and smoothed her rather revealing dress with the palms of her hands. “I thought you and oh, um, what’s her name from Payroll had a thing, and….I”

He shook his head and laughed lightly. He hushed her with his index finger over her lips. “Do not concern yourself with such matters. She means nothing to me now that I have found you. How could I ever look at her as before now that I have had the opportunity to have stared into the radiance of your eyes and had the pleasure to bless myself with your intoxicating beauty? Come and have coffee with me, please. We can discuss what the stars have planned for the both us this evening.”

“Oh Mauricio, I can’t leave the office right now,” she stammered.
Mauricio smiled and took both her hands in his once again and raised them to his cheek. “Come and dine with me this evening then. An evening I promise you shall never forget.”

She bit her lower lip and a moment of indecision surprised me as well as Mauricio. He went directly for the knockout punch. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her dangerously close.

“Please, say yes and rescue me from my chambered prison. If you were to be mine, even for a heartbeat, I would surround you with diamonds and furs. Allow the myriad of passion to erupt between us. It is our destiny to be together.”

That was the clincher and closing argument by the plaintiff. It sealed her fate. The defense surrendered. The full force of hungry hormones of her biological clock made a decision. She nodded her head anxiously agreeing. She giggled like a school girl learning that the handsome football hero had a crush on her.

He kissed the palms of her hands. First one, then the other. Mauricio smiled and stared once again into her eyes. “I will be your present tonight. Do not be afraid to untie the ribbons and enjoy the gift of love.” He winked and turned on his heels to retreat to the office we shared together. He sat down and sighed heavily.

“Why do all the ladies have such a delicious ache to want to make love to me, Chuckie?” Mauricio laughed and placed his hands behind his head interlocking his fingers.

“Because you’re a total jerk and they feel bad for you,” I replied shaking my head. “We still on for you buying me lunch today or did you make a date for that too?”

“No, checking my calendar and I’m available and I can squeeze you in,” Mauricio laughed once again. He tilted his chair forward and drummed his fingers on his notepad. He scanned quickly through his phone messages and dismissed them.

“Yeah, yeah Very funny,” I said sarcastically. “You ought to buy me a new car for all the damned work I have to do for you to cover your ass while you’re out on bed safari with all the women in the building. May I remind you once again you are engaged to be married to one called Susan? Thank goodness she doesn’t work in this building. Good damn thing she is down the end of the complex in the other building and doesn’t witness your other romantic shenanigans in this one.”

“She’s a good innocent little girl and I take care of her and keep her in line. The less she knows about what I do here the better. Now, how about we have lunch at Camille’s? "You can help me work out an excuse for cancelling my date with Susan. Seems something else has come up that will be a new and exciting adventurous experience for tonight,” Mauricio snickered.

The hostess at Camille’s restaurant was a very attractive blonde who had her hair styled in what some may call a full Farah Fawcett flair. She was quite tall in high heels and had a figure that most assuredly resulted in spending a regimented amount of time devoted to exercise at a place like Bally’s. When Mauricio first saw her, I could immediately sense that he would employ every tactical maneuver he had in his repertoire to have this girl to succumb to his charm.

“Gentlemen, my name is Tiffany,” she said with a melody in her voice. “I’ll be your server. I’m only here for part of today. I work full time for the phone company. They called me at the last minute to fill in for a few hours. The waitress who was supposed to be here at noon still hasn’t arrived so I guess you’re stuck with me,” she laughed lightly.

Mauricio instructed me to enjoy my lunch very slowly to provide him enough time to work his seductive magic. Mauricio did not disappoint me with his exaggerated flirtatious behavior. From complimenting her being the vision of breathtaking loveliness to her magnetic personality, the barrage continued unabated. He devoured her with his eyes. She was finding it increasingly difficult to retain her professional composure each time he called her to the table. He entertained each of her senses. Calling from his cell phone he had two dozen roses delivered to her immediately and handed them to her.

As Tiffany smelled the fragrance of her yellow roses, she handed him her a napkin with a message that read “Call Me at Work at 4 PM Please!”

He smelled the napkin, sighed and placed it in his top pocket. “I ought to make a video on how to handle woman,” he said as we crossed the parking lot to the vehicle. “It’s my gentle persuasion, Chuckie. My Spanish Latin accent is like the aroma of love to them. All the woman I meet regardless of their situation find that I am irresistible. I am like the James Bond with a moustache. They just find me incredibly handsome and want me for their man.”

“Give me a break, Mauricio. You keep on gambling with another woman’s affection and it may someday just come up and bite you in that Latino lambata of yours.”

“Tell you what if I don’t get Tiffany into the sack tonight I’ll buy you lunch all next week,” Mauricio boasted. “I’ll call her from the office at 4:00.”
The afternoon past and I must admit I was clock watching awaiting until such time Mauricio placed the call to Tiffany at the phone company. He dialed the phone with unmistakable assurance and pressed his lips tightly together. “Take notes, Chuckie.”

‘Hello, Is Tiffany there,” Mauricio said hearing a voice on the other end. Suddenly his facial features changed. The smile vanished and a perplexed confused look veiled his eyes. “Um, Mauricio, he said almost quietly. His eyes searched mine. I could hear the voice on the other hand continuing to speak. “She is?” he asked. “Oh”. He hung up the phone and stared at me.

“What happened?”

“Something’s wrong, Chuckie. I think”….his voice trailed off.

“What? What is it? What went wrong? I pleaded with him to tell me.”

“I think that was Susan’s mother that answered the phone. She recognized my voice. She and Tiffany work together. Tiffany was just telling her about this great guy she just met named Mauricio. She told Tiffany that was her future son-in-laws name. Then I just called.”

My mouth fell open just as the door to the office exploded inward and Susan stormed in.

“Small World isn’t it, Mauricio!’ she screamed. The tears flowed freely down her cheeks as she explained that her mother just called her and said you were calling there to make a date with her friend Tiffany. She removed her engagement ring and tossed it on his desk. “Give this to Tiffany or one of your other lady friends,” Susan said.

She ran from the office still in tears as Mauricio fumbled with the diamond ring.

I couldn’t resist making a comment.

“Does this mean I get the free lunches all of next week?”

© Copyright 2008 Chuckster (chuckster at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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