Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1393252-A-Life-Saving-Dream
Rated: E · Short Story · Biographical · #1393252
True Life Saving Dream. Sometime dreams are true.
About 4:00 A.M., I'm not exactly sure, I had a dream. This wasn't your run of the mill dream, chasing down Klingons in your Grandfather's old pickup truck while eating a chili dog. No, this was one of those dreams where you have to believe Divine intervention was in play.
So this is the way it went. Driving to work, which for me is usually about an hour before sunrise, I was passing through a dense fog on a very rural road. Approaching a bridge I didn't see the dark black object laying in my lane. As usual, I was late. So to
compensate for my usual tardiness I was shall we say, slightly exceeding the speed limit. Not warp speed or anything, but definitely over the limit.
To late I swerved to avoid the large black object and struck it with my rear tire, causing the wheel to blow, and causing me to lose control of my vehicle, which careened into the guard rail of the bridge before doing a cartwheel over the side and into the river below. Beaten and bruised by the impact I couldn't reach the seatbelt, don't know why, and panicking in fear water flooded through my broken window and I began to drown.
The next scene was of myself standing on the bridge while emergency vehicles removed my car from the water, and I watched as my lifeless body was laid on a stretcher and covered with a white sheet.

ANNTTT, ANNTTT, ANNTTT, my alarm went off. Hurrying as usual, I got myself prepared for work, with this dream imagery repeating itself over and over not giving me a moment of peace, even as I departed into the hazy fog on the road to work. Late as usual, I was driving this morning with more reserve. After such an experience which continued to nag at me the whole time behind the wheel, and growing more intense as I turned onto the last leg of my journey, it just seemed to make sense.
The fog density increased on this very rural road which led through three separate sloughs of cypress swamp and rivers. The closer I got to the areas most likely to harbor the apparition of my dream, which as close as I could determine had been a large alligator, the slower my speed became. Passing the first bridge area with no problem, I proceeded to the second, and again had no encounter as had been shown to me. The images and gnawing of persistent predestination had not given way however.
Clearing the last bridge I drove on to a little outpost area, you couldn't call it a town, and rounded one of the most challenging ninety degree turns that I know of on any road anywhere. On the backside of the turn in this little community known as Wahoo Swamp, a large black object loomed in my path. There before me a wild boar stood in the middle of my lane eating god only knows what.
This was not one of your typical wild boars, he covered about two thirds of the lane I was driving in, and had to go two hundred fifty to three hundred pounds. Downshifting I reduced speed to about ten miles per hour and smacked the brute in the rear end, sending him squealing off into the woods. No damage, no foul.
Breathing a healthy sigh of relief, I set off again only to go about twenty feet before a school bus pierced the fog passing me in the opposite lane with several children on board.
My heart raced as I realized that had I been driving at my usual speed and not been alerted by the premonition of my dream, I would have hit this mammoth pig, and most likely have caused an accident with this school bus loaded with these kids.
Continuing on to work, late and happy, the ominous dreams warning left me.
I don't know if it was for me or for those children and bus driver, but I know that somewhere in the ethereal of dreamland, someone sent me a message. To whomever it was.
Thank YOU!
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