Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1402071-Who-is-God
Rated: E · Other · Religious · #1402071
Who is God?
Why do you say He cares?
How do you know what He thinks?
You can’t even be honest about what you think.
You don’t know your own dreams
You don’t know your own half-truths
How do you say you can now mine?
Don’t judge me because you think that your own salvation is sure.
Don’t expect me to believe in the same God as you.
I have no time for the God of your world.
I have no care for a God that allows children to suffer
and explains it away with “I gave you choice”
Tell me believer what choice does a twelve year old girl have
when her daddy sneaks in at night and takes her to himself?
The God, The Jealous God that would not tolerate His creation eating an apple
allows murder and suffering in his name.
Allows men daily to beat their wives black and blue.
That allows people to torture and destroy all that is beautiful.
Your all powerful God.
Your all knowing teacher,
Tell me if He had known it would turn out this way , would He have done it a little different?
Don’t tell me that the eight year old child sold into the sex trade in a third world country is a result of Eve listening to a snake.
Are we so weak that we need something to blame.
All this darkness my friend is found within our own soul
It is found on the other side of our light.
Don’t live a life pure because of fear of judgment
be pure because you can
Accept your faults and leave the blame to the others
Stand up and admit that this has nothing to do with God
He allows nothing, You are God and you rape the child
You are god and you kill the mother, you are God and you beat your wife
Don’t blame someone out there,
God is not something you can comprehend let alone blame
You have re-made God in your own image, He did not stand a chance’
You squeezed the unimaginable in to your tiny mind
If you think that He allows this, you do not know
If you think you know Him, you do not know
God is not something that can be known
God is not something that can be alluded to.
God is beyond your mind but within your touch
The way to know god is to through experience
Experience is the way to God
Who is God?
I don’t know, do you?
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