Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1405189-Immortal-Wars-Prologue
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1405189
Prologue of the story I'm currently working on, it has a lot of very unique characters.

The Silence of the Void

         Where am I? There is only darkness.
         What am I doing here?  There is nothing but silence.

         Where is He?  Something is here, but I pray it’s not Him...

         But we won, didn’t we?  The war is over, and the Nakikasu are sealed...

         The thing that is in here  with me is coming closer...I can feel it.

         “Well, well.  I heard someone and wondered who it was... I should have known it was you...”  He said from behind me.

         “Hmph.  So you’re in here as well...where ever here is.”  I commented.

         “Haven’t you guessed?  We’re in the void, and probably the only ones here... Unless, of course, the Nakikasu killed another one of you.”  His voice was just as soft and cruel as I had remembered it.

         “The void....  So the others managed to defeat you...”  I shot back.

         “Quiet on the contrary.  I am here because I choose to be.  I know how to get out.  You, on the other hand, are stuck here.”  He laughed.

         “As long as I’m in here, you won’t leave.  I won’t let you.”

         “You won’t let me?”  He echoed. “Don’t forget who you’re dealing with.  I am far more powerful than you.”

         “Ah, yes.  But haven’t you noticed that your magic doesn’t work in here?  Without it, you are as much of a prisoner as I am.  Of course, since my magic does work, you could just surrender and tell me how to get out of here...”  Now it was my turn to smile.

         “Hmm... That’s quiet true, but I can still shape shift.  I am weak right now, but I can wait until my strength has returned.  It will take some time, but I can’t die...You can.  I’ll just wait until you’re dead, and then I will assume your form and get out of here.”  He answered calmly.

         “You can still die in a battle!”  I focused all my energy on my two daggers.  They began to glow with an eerie light that illuminated the darkness of the void.

         In one fluid motion, I leaped backwards, throwing my daggers at Him.

         But He wasn’t there anymore. 

         “Oh my...you’re still using those needles?” He mocked me.

         I thought he would be exausted and not able to dodge...I had underestimated him.  I shouldn’t have done that... I mean, he’s the leader of the Nakikasu!  Of course he’ll be able to dogde an easy attack, no matter how exausted he is!

         “I’d be careful where you point those if I were you...”He said in a dangerously soft voice. “You can still die in battle too, you know.”

         “Shut up!  I don’t care what you say!  I’ll end this right here, right now!”  I screamed.  The two daggers glowed with a faint red aura, absorbing my anger.

         His smile got even brighter.  “That’s exactly what Will said...before I killed him.”

         “No...That can’t be...”  The daggers fell out of my hands, and my legs turned to jelly.  I dropped down on my knees.

         “Yes...Now go and join him!”  He drew his sword.  I didn’t even have time to stand up.

         His sword pierced me right through the heart.  I could feel my body turn limp.  I could barely move...but I still had enough strength to do what needed to be done.

         I directed my magic at my heart, and focused only on the tiny spark of light that was forming there, willing it to grow bigger until it swallowed me.

         I began to fade, but I saw with satisfaction that His eyes grew big.

         “This soul will never be yours, Sa’in.”

© Copyright 2008 Shuri T. Winter (terancexshuri at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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