Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1416657-Tanji
by Ace
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Dark · #1416657
A story about a demon.
By: Ashleigh Tolliver

"If you are reading this I am long gone...I don't know who you are but take this to a man named Sir Thomas Jameson. Please I beg of you...but heed my warning read no further than this page or you to will be caught in this madness."

The man stops reading...hesitates and does what the note says. Jameson, a rich fellow, well-known and always courteous, takes the letter and reads as he reads on, the messenger keeps asking...

"Sir, are you alright?"

Jameson balls up the letter and puts it in his pocket. Pushes the messenger out of the house and slams the door.

"What a rude fellow...where's my tip....courteous what ever." The messenger says.

"Oh dear Lord, what has he done?" Sir Jameson said frightened by the words and characters formed in the letter.

He packs up and hop in his car drives off to Penipol, ancient ruins from his ancestors, to see if what was in the letter was true and it was...Tanji, The ancient demon of time past was here. No one dared go to his tomb. No one would touch the soil used to bury him or they them-selves would share the same fate as the ancient sacrifices, thrown into an endless pit, one that led to hell they say. It was the prophecy told many centuries ago, about a demon punished for crimes even Satan him-self would never think of...This demon was like any other demon who comes to the mortal realm you would think. But before he came here, to the mortal realm, he took Satan's drink of power and immortality, well that's what he thought, thinking that he would be able to rule this universe, but he only wondered why the drink he did not take. That drink was an elixir, an elixir that for 200 years he could not use his powers...the man whom made that elixir was given a pardon from hell and lives in the mortal world but is also the man missing and wrote the letter...where is he because Tanji is has only hours from his 200 year sentence.

Jameson sees the tomb of Tanji and sees a boy sitting right next to the tomb. Jameson in shock and awe yells for the child yet sees him aging right before his eyes but very slowly is the child aging...and soon realizes that the child is Tanji. On the far side of the tomb he sees a man and he signals him to be quiet and come over to where he is and he does. Trying carefully not to touch Tanji he makes it to the man.

"My name is Ruman, I am the one who wrote you the letter and you must be Sir Jameson...I need your help we only have two hours...follow me," Jameson freezes "sir please I really need your help I can't do this by my-self this spell take the magic of two please, please help me."
"Ok what do I need to do?" Jameson says with a hesitant voice.

An hour passes and they see what use to be a child turning into a monstrous creature. Rushing and trying not to make a mistake they finally finish the potion with only 12 minutes left they rush to the creature...horrible and repulsive is what they can describe it throwing the poison the creature sees them and swings and throws Ruman across the field and Jameson is now knocked unconscious but at the same time the creature was hit with the potion. Acid to his body it seemed...Jameson awakens to see the potion take a toll on the creature but yet it kills him and sends him back to Satan, whom of which is laughing and furious and says to Tanji...

"You of all demons know that anything I leave is poison to you and all demons alike, you can think about that while you are sent to my eternal life of damnation my all favorite of all of course."

What Jameson did not know is that Ruman the elixir creator was in on everything that happened the potion that was thrown onto Tanji was a part of there plan to rule the universe. Satan 2 years later was over thrown by a demon that developed powers far greater than Satan's... This creators name...Tanji.

The End
© Copyright 2008 Ace (ace19912001 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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