Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1419859-Thieves-in-the-Night
Rated: 18+ · Script/Play · Crime/Gangster · #1419859
My first attempt at the ten page play format
Lights Up on a bed room, stage right is a window leading to a fire escape in a small alley. The landing is illuminated faintly by a streetlight. Left of center stage is a door to a bathroom. Stage left is the door to the rest of the house. as the lights come up we can faintly hear a television playing in the next room and see the light playing on the open bedroom door. The bedroom is nicely furnished, obviously the owners are fairly wealthy.

SUE enters the bedroom sits down on the bed and starts to brush her hair.

Billy (O.S.)
Honey I'm home!

How was work?

It was OK. Sorry I had to stay late, too many people wait until the last minuet.

Well can you blame them? Nobody likes to pay taxes. Dinner is in the fridge.

Thanks. How's Jack?

I just put him down, I'll be down in a moment.

She finishes brushing her hair, and exits back into the bathroom. ZACH once again puts the glass cutter up to the window but ducks down again when SUE enters from the bathroom and exits into the house. ZACH slowly peeks up from behind the window, looks around and then proceeds to fix the glass cutter to the window. He cuts a small circle, barely large enough for his arm, in the bottom corner and then breaks the glass. He pauses for a moment see if anyone has heard. He then reaches through the hole and unlocks the window. Very slowly he reaches down and opens the window just a small amount. Once again, he pauses listening for any kind of alarm. Satisfied that there is none he opens the window the rest of the way, pauses to see if anyone has heard and then quickly jumps through. He then slowly closes the window and locks it. He then crosses to the door and peeks outside. Satisfied that he has plenty of time, he shuts the door and lets out a sigh of relief.

Damn. I thought that bitch would never leave. Pretty stupid though with a baby in the house you think they would spring for a better alarm. Well lets see what we've got here.

He crosses to the dresser and opens the jewelry box.

Holy shit! This woman loves her diamonds. There is enough ice in here to retire off of.

He shuts the case and puts it into his bag, then goes through the dresser drawers one by one digging around for anything of value. Anytime he finds anything he puts it into his bag. He is careful not to leave any trace and puts the clothes back and shuts the drawer before moving on to the next one. Suddenly he hears a noise and dives under the bed. BILLY enters, he is a middle aged man wearing a nice business suit and tie. He walks over to the dresser, takes off his watch and cufflinks and sets them on top. Then he takes of his jacket and tie and sets them on the bed before sitting down and taking off his shoes. He then exits, shutting the door behind him. ZACH slowly peeks his head out from under the bed, looks around and then slides out with a safe under his arm. He sets the safe down on the bed and walks back to the dresser. He picks up the watch and puts the cufflinks into his bag.

Well well well. Hello Mr. Rolex. I think I just might keep you.

He walks over to the safe and picks it up, looking at it from all angles. He then tries to put it into his bag but it is slightly too big. He shrugs and sits down on the bed with the safe in his lap.

What kind of idiot writes the combonation to their safe on the bottom?

He opens the safe and pulls out a large bundle of cash.

Jackpot! Zach buddy we are in the money now there must be close to fifty thousand dollars here. Well thank you for your time but I must depart.
He puts the money in his bag, replaces the safe, then walks over to the window and proceeds to open it when SUE quietly opens the door and enters, carrying a gun.

Don't move a muscle. I have a gun.

ZACH freezes, realizing that he has just been caught, but only for a second before he stands up and turns around smiling.

Congratulations ma'am you've caught me red handed. I'm a representative of pro alarms. They pay me to attempt to break into their clients houses to test how well their systems are doing. Obviously you need to think about upgrading, why it was sheer luck that you came in right as I was coming in through your window. Had this been an actual robbery you and little Jack might have been in some serious danger.

How do you know my son's name?

Well I told you ma'am I'm from the security company, we have that you live here with your husband and your infant son jack. If you don't believe me, call the security company and check my credentials. I'll wait.


She starts to lower the gun when she realizes what is going on

Wait. I'm not going to fall for that, I leave to check up on you and, you disappear straight out that window. I think rather I will stand right here until the cops come. If you are actually from the security company, they will sort everything out down at the station.

Alright alright you caught me. But I let me tell you something. I'm leaving one way or another. I don't want to hurt you but there is no way in hell that I am going back to jail so you can either drop the gun or force me to do something both you and little Jack will regret. You hear me bitch? Now move!

SUE starts to falter. Obviously scared for her life and starts to lower the gun

Sue, is everything alright? The police are on their way. They say it will be just a few minuets and that we should keep him here.

ZACH reaches behind his back and starts to pull out a knife when BILLY enters and walks up behind his wife. She gets her nerve back and points the gun straight back at ZACH. ZACH seems unfazed by this and instead is looking at BILLY while putting the knife away.

Yeah I'm fine. This guy actually just tried to tell me that he is from the security company and is testing our alarm. Like I would believe that.

You almost did.

There is a moment of silence while BILLY looks ZACH over. The gun in SUE's hand is noticeably shaking. BILLY notices this.

Here why don't you give me the gun and go make sure Jack isn't awake. I'll keep an eye on this one.

She hands the gun to BILLY then exits

What did you say to my wife that had her that scared like that?

Buddy, do you mind if I sit down while we are waiting
He doesn't wait for an answer but goes straight to the bed and sits down. He pulls out a cigarette and starts to light it.

Hey! You can't smoke in here. Put that out. We have an infant in the house don't you know what smoke will do to him.

Come on buddy, I'm nervous and when I'm nervous I like to smoke. Is that such a crime.

You can't smoke in here.

Suit yourself buddy, you know what I told your wife is true. With a kid in the house you really should spring for a better system.

Why do you keep calling me that?

Calling you what?

Buddy. You keep calling me buddy, why? I'm not your friend so don't try to act like I am.

You really don't recognize me do you? I've always called you buddy remember? You used to carry that damn doll around with you everywhere?

He sings

My buddy. My buddy. It's my buddy and me. Don't tell me you've forgotten?

There was only one person that ever called me that and you can't be him.

And why not? Your old friend Zach wouldn't stoop so low as to rob a house now would he?

Zach? It can't be you.

In the flesh.

You're robbing houses now? Come on man, you are better then this.

Yeah well jail will do that to a man. In fact I learned all the tricks of the trade in jail. It was just like going to college... I would assume.

You didn't go to college? What happened to that football scholarship you had?

Well it turns out that it didn't cover convicted felons and you know what after being in jail a lot of jobs don't want you either.

I'm sorry.

Yeah well you should be. While you were off drinking and having the time of your life, I was rotting in a tiny, overcrowded cell. And when I got out, I couldn't get a job to save my life. So it was either this, or starve.

You didn't have to do it you know.

SUE enters and walks up behind BILLY

Jack's OK, he's still sleeping. What were you guys talking about?

Just shooting the shit. Wasting time until your husband fucks me over again.

That's not fair man, you didn't have to take the fall. Nobody asked you to.

What are you talking about? Do you know this man?

There is no need to reminisce, besides I never was much good at ancient history. How about something a bit more current? How did you two lovely people meet.

She came to a party at my frat and we just struck it off.

Oh? You were in a frat as well? That explains how were too busy to even visit your old pal Zach.

Well what do you want from me huh? I didn't want to see you in a cage.

Yeah but you can put me back in one now can't you?

I couldn't take it knowing that it should have been me. I know I messed up but all I can do is say that I'm sorry.

That's not all you can do.

Do you want me to let you go? Will that make it better?

You can't be seriously thinking of letting him go! He's a criminal and he needs to be punished.

Say out of this. That would be a start. I do think you at least owe me that much. Then, you could give me ten years of my life back so maybe I could get a damn job and not be forced to do this shit. Could you do that for me?

SUE looks from ZACH to BILLY who are separated only by the barrel of the gun now. The barrel is shaking. After a moment, BILLY lowers the gun.

Go on. We won't press charges.

You are letting him go? No! I will not allow that. He came into our home and you are going to just let him go.

He's right, I owe him that much. I don't expect you to understand but I need to do this for him.

Why? Because of something that happened when you were in high school? Like he said, that is ancient history but you are going to take his side after he threatened your wife and son?

Look it's not like he took anything. You didn't take anything did you?

Not a thing. Your lovely wife surprised me just as I was closing the window.

Well there you go, he didn't take anything. No harm, no foul. We will just let him go and in return he will promise never to come back and that will be that. You promise right?

Cross my heart and hope to die. Never will I return to this block.

See? Look I just want this whole thing to be over and done with, can't we both agree on that?

SUE starts to object but ZACH seeing his chance cuts her off. Sirens start in the distance.

See we can all be friends, or at least amiable enemies right? Well I think I hear sirens so I must depart but it has been.....interesting to say the least.
He holds out his hand to BILLY, who shakes it. ZACH then pulls him into a hug and picks his pocket. ZACH then turns and walks quickly for the door.

Hey Zach?


BILLY turns around and again points the gun at ZACH.

Can I have my watch back? And maybe my wallet while you are at it?

SUE notices that her jewelry box is missing.

He took my jewelry too! Billy he lied to us!

OK. Yeah. I robbed you blind but what did you expect me to do? I gotta eat to and you rich bastards can afford to replace everything I took. Not to mention that your insurance will cover it all. You know what Buddy, you've changed.

ZACH throws down his bag as the doorbell rings, the cops have arrived.

No Zach. You're the one who has changed. The man I knew wouldn't have stolen from a friend.

BILLY hands the gun to SUE who pushes ZACH out the door to hand him over to the cops. Billy crosses over to the bed and sits down, his head in his hands. After a moment, Sue enters.

So how did you know that guy?

We used to be friends. All through high school. Until he went to jail.

What did he go to jail for?

It was a stupid senior prank. I thought it would be funny to set off smoke bombs in all the lockers, you know? In the school colors and all? But I didn't think of all the books in everyone's lockers. There was a fire, some people got hurt.

And Zach took the fall for you didn't he?

We thought that maybe he would get a slap on the wrist and not be able to walk at graduation. But they charged him with criminal endangerment and he got ten years. Do you think, if he hadn't taken the fall for me, that I would be him right now?

No. I don't think you could ever be like that. Do you?

I don't know. Maybe.


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