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Rated: E · Poetry · Arts · #1431043
Rock is cool
tHe 30somethiNg yearolD rOckers
Are the cOoLesT pEopLe bY far
theY grew up on mEgadeAth and mEtaLLicA
watCheD bEavIs anD buTtheaD and rIckey RacKman

thE 30sometHiNG yeAroLd roCkeRs
a tIme whEn mudhoNey anD dinoSauR Jr. oNce plaYed showS
TheY rocked oUt to AliCe in ChaiNs aNd L7
hEadbaNgerS baLL rULed thE wOrLd

tHe 30sOmeThing yeaRoLd roCkerZ
mOst thaT I knOw pLay gUitaR
thEy aCtuaLLy geT the cOncePt of puNkroCk
iT puTs my oWn gEneRatioN to sHaMe

tHe 30sOmetHing yeAroLd rOckErs
thAnk gOd thaT thEy eXisT
oR eLse thEre wouLd bE nO sucH thiNg aS paNteRa
Or vioLenT hEadbAngeRs oR iGgY pOp

sO cRaCk oPeN a coLd One foR thE 30soMethIng yeAr old rOcKerS
aNd gIve thEm a tOste oF hOnoR
bEcAuSe thEy weRe thE prImE oF pUnkRoCk gRuNgE anD mEtal
i LovE thE 30soMethiNg yeARold roCkErS

This poem is dedicated to some of the COOLEST people on the face of this earth... Rock on all you 70's 80's 90's rockers... Much love *HEAD BANG AND METAL SIGN*
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