Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1435433-My-Hungry-Green-Eyes
by JDMac
Rated: E · Poetry · Emotional · #1435433
The tiny green-eyed critter inside wants more.
Within my precious memory,
In the recesses of my mind,
There dwells a little secret
That only I can find.

All of my wants and desires
Are gathered in a bunch,
And a tiny, green-eyed monster
Has them all for lunch.

It puts them all in order,
In neat little rows.
Then it gobbles up the wishes
And the things that I chose.

Whether I wish for lots of money
Or simply friends and fame,
The little green-eyed monster
Eats them all the same.

All my selfish desires
And greedy little dreams
Just make the monster fatter
And hungrier it seems.

The more that I wanted,
The more it ate and ate.
It started out real tiny,
Now its size is great.

It grows and grows inside of me,
And never, ever stops.
The more I see, the more I want.
The monster licks its chops.

It chews up the stereo
That I wanted yesterday,
Then nears my precious currency
And nibbles it all away.

It chows down on the party
That I wanted to attend,
And the new car that I wished for
Was swallowed in the end.

It grew ever larger,
Looming like a tree,
Until one day I realized
That it had even consumed me.

All the things I wanted
From my youth ‘til I grew old,
All the things I’ve desired but,
To no one have I told.

All of it was gobbled up
Within that green-eyed pit,
Until all I really wanted
Was just to be rid of it.
© Copyright 2008 JDMac (tallguyarrow at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1435433-My-Hungry-Green-Eyes