Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1441517-Hero
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Dark · #1441517
Daily Activity May 16
In my world, a hero doesn't necessarily have to be a warrior. A hero doesn't have to be big and strong, or all mightily powerful. No, in my world, where daily I am abused, where my master punishes me for being only what I am. So, I'll tell you what a hero is, in my world.
A hero, is the person who saves you, in any way. Personally, this means taking me out of the situation I was doomed to live in. My master burned me, thought it was funny to watch my fur singe and smoke. Thought it was funny when i yelped and squealed in pain as blood seeped from my damaged skin. I would cry, cry, cry, and cry because I had only wanted my master to love me.
One day I was wondering around the yard, trying not to anger my master. The grass was too prickly for my sensitive skin, my paws hurt, but the sweet spring breeze carried scents to me that were wonderful. The day was almost bearable. Then a thing that looks like my master, but most definitely not my master, saw me. I could feel the sorrow sweeping off of her as she neared. I wanted to comfort her, stop the sadness I could smell.
I mewed for her, and nuzzled her shin with my sore nose, her tears dropped onto the fur I still had around my ears. Gently, so very gently a gentle I had never before known, she lifted me. It hurt, but I purred anyway. Her words I couldn't understand but I could hear the meaning. She was sad for me. But why? As she inspected my wounds and more tears fell from her cheeks, I realized that what happened to me was wrong. But I knew there was nothing I could change.
My master stepped from the front door, yelling at the woman. So angry my master was, but the woman snarled and yelled back, running away from my masters house. She still had me in her arms.
We went to a place where other people were sad for me. And eventually they all made me better. I still live with the woman, who is not my master, because I call her 'Hero'.

I've been seeing too much of th abused animal things and it just makes me so sad. A real hero is someone who will take care of these poor animals who only want to be loved and cherished. I fiercely hate anyone who would abuse any kind of animal in any way. So I wrote this story when I saw the word Hero for th day.
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