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Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1448518
this takes place a month after the last crusade this is based of the ride at disneyland
the jungle was dense, not a soul around. no one but indiana jones
and his father. they had failed to recover the holy grail...but that didn't stop them. as they walked the silence broke "ah, what are we looking for again dr. johns?"
the guide named jomm asked "first of all its jones, second of all just call me indiana-" "now son."  indys dad interrupted "indiana is a dog! my appoligies, jomm, just call him henry or jr." "dad i hate jr!...just call me indy. now were looking for the tachapo tribe temple." they marched for a few minutes and the they heard "why" indy sighed and said "because were looking for the fruit of the gods!"
they marched and then found a skeleton dressed in a suit. "that enough for me dr. indy jr. we turn back" jomma started to walk away when indy said "no, keep going. the thing in archeology is...if theres a pile of bones in your path-" "you know your close!" indys dad finished with a smile "what killed it?"jomma asked wide eyed at the corpse "oh, indians, warriors, whoevers around" indy kept on walking as jomma shook in fear, and the followed. they suddenly saw a shadow in the mist, as indy looked closer he saw the temple! "c'mon" indy shouted. they got to the door of the temple when jomma started to push against the door-to no avail. as he shoved indy and his father looked at each other and sighed. "jomma!" indy said as he pointed to loose brick in the wall, "oh, ha ha, i get it, a secret door passage!" indy pushed the block and a wall fell down. they entered. in the darkness they saw a bridge, it looked odd because some planks were red and the others black. "dont step on the red ones!" indy said as he moved closer. this sounded strange to jomma so he gently tapped his foot on a red one as indy shouted "no!". but to late the bridge ropes on the other side started to break, indy and henry ran to the other side, jomma ran back. as indy scolded jomma his dad said "look son" and pointed to another bridge that was so small it was bearly seen. "cross that one jomma" jomma crossed it and then asked "anymore traps?" "yes" was the reply "see that door, dont go through it, just squeeze through that hole" "im not crawling through a dirty hole son" "well stay here dad, jomma?" jomma shook his head 'no' "very well. see ya later." indy crawled through and the other two watched in amazment as he saw what they were here for-the fruit of gods, said to grant strength,speed and eternal life. as indy approached his father called "rember the spears son" the spears was once the fruit was taken the walls would shoot swords knives and spears all at once. so indy quickly grabbed the fruit and ducked behind a statue as the walls shot, and missed. indy then came out and grabbed a few coins from the room and walked towards the door. then jomma yelled "wait" but to late indy stepped through and the ground began to shake. fire began shooting from the floor and snakes were let in the room "snakes, dang!" indy yelled as he ran. they ran across the bridge as it fell and then out the door and rolled into the jungle. "i think we made it" henry said "not yet, look" as henry looked up the indians and ther cheif were standing there as the cheif said in english "ah, another foolish man try to steal fruit of moho and mala, i grow tired of always putting it back." "hey!" indy said "how do you know english?" "we make deal with man who tried to steal fruit a few months ago, that we let him live if he teacher us english tounge" "who is this man?" henry jones asked the cheif looked at him and snarled, then said "kao kan" indy chuckled because kao kan was an old chinese rival of his "can we, uh look," jomma said nervously, the cheif pulled out a dagger and stabbed jomma. henry gasped and indy counted the warriors, there were five, so indy smirked and said "here" and threw each one a peice of friut-making them drop there weapons to catch it, as they did henry backed up and indy pulled out the whip and cracked the dagger out of the chiefs hand and cried "run!" and then used the whip to take a gold coconut (one of the fruits) and ran. "sactoma, nu" the cheif cried and the warriors scrambled for there weapons (they stumbled and broke the fruit) as indy ran behind and grabbed a peice from the jade grapes and ran to a truck that they disguised-with sallah waiting inside! as indy jumped in henry leaped in the back and said "go" the truck sped away-but...the indians had motorcycles "aw crud!" indy smirked "dont worry look i aired out the tires and took out the gas tank!" sallah pointed out. indy laughed and they sped away. back at barnet colledge indy gave the peices to marcus brody "ah, yes indy the museum will take them all, these will go nicely with the ones kao kan brought-" "kao kan?" indy asked "er, yes...isnt it exciting the museum is finding more archeologist's every day. but your still my favorite." indy groaned and went to his office and sat down. "ah, nice try lao che- now kao kan, his son?" indy sighed and then picked up his mail and went through it...then found a letter from china. indy read the letter and gasped "short round!" indy ran out and said "marcus listen to this" "well?..." marcus was excited "what does it say?" "dear dr. jones
a gang of nazis has selected a leader to help them find the temple of the forbiden eye, and i have decided to find it first. but i need help.  who knows what they'll do with the money they get, please help. enclosed are three tickets to china. meet me at a club obi-wan at 12:00 midnight wednesday, we will discuss buissness there-
signed-wan li (a.k.a. SHORT ROUND). "indy this is wonderfull. are you going?" "oh yes...and i know just who to take!" and indy put his hat on and left down the hall...a smile on his face. little does he know he was being followed.
back home he met sallah and his dad and told them about it and asked if they would go, to wich they said yes."pack your bags then" indy said "were going to shangia" "great, whats this eye though?" indys dad asked "well the eye is the forbiden eye of mara, the god who built the temple, and whoever looks into it goes beyond the gates of doom" "neat. when do we leave?" "8:35 monday morning."-end part 1

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