Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1461689-Poetry-Bites
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This is a compilation of all of my tiny bits of poetry that haven't been turned to poems.
These probably won't be as good written as they are sung. Most of my poetry takes shape with me singing the words as I go.

I have my feelings gathered
Those ones about you
I look much better in person
That's all I can say
I sing my way through
When I'm talking to you
Crisp and white and straight
Or yellowed with the ages
Words jump on and off
Of those slender pages
Ronmaci es mi amor
Ronmaci es mi corazon
Ronmaci Ronmaci Ronmaci
Make me your own.
(This was written about a fictitous castle in one of the stories I am in the middle of)
I am always singing
Sometimes it's a bit weird
The things I sing about
When no one else is here
No one knew him
He was a mystery
Everyone knew her
Through her popularity
Many years have passed
Many days I've wondered
Just when you'd come back
I hear
You had
A dream about me
About me
Was it
Good or
Bad about me
about me
Mum's the word
you say but you don't
get heard
I am me all
I ask is honesty
I'm bouncing off the walls
Flying in the sky
I'm a model now
You can't just pass me by
You will see our soul
You will see my mind
I feel like I'm floating
Nothing under foot
Only air beneath me
My love
The sweet ache of missing you
Is gone
Let the music of life flow from your fingers onto paper, to share with others. Help them to see the good and cope with the bad
I'm doing a bit of writing
And a bit of thinking too
I'm doing a bit of writing
Both exclusively of you
You have my heart already
Wrapped up in your arms
You have my love already
Wrapped up in your charms
Those eyes of yours
So warm before
My heart would melt
When I knew how you smelt
Then my heart turned to stone
When my love was away thrown
Where is my little lover boy
The one who drums my heart
Into beating fater
Than it has from the start
Everything I'd hoped for
I destroyed
Everything I'd longed for
I pushed away
I know that I shouldn't love you this much
I know that I shouldn't long for your touch
I know that my heart should be someone else's
But I just can't get you outta my head
More will come with time! Don't worry!
© Copyright 2008 Knightress Morgan (morgan_faere at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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