Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1463978-Female-Fury
Rated: E · Critique · Women's · #1463978
Women's rant about the rising issue of weight and society's pressure.
  Today’s society expects the whole female population to be skinny and head turningly beautiful, no matter their age, how many children they’ve had or how much time and money they can spend on appearance. Women should be able to go to Primark and not feel ashamed of the dress size they take sheepishly from the shelves. If men are going to complain, criticise and control the appearance of women, then they should take care of themselves too, or belt up and accept women for who they truly are.
  Some people could argue that being attractive will lead us to a happy, successful life. However others could say that this idea is a ridiculous one. But is it? Well, how can they be sure when 12% of employers suggest that obese workers are not suitable for client-facing roles? How can people say that our appearance does not effect our careers when research has shown that a massive 93% would employ the ‘normal weight’ person and a mere  7% would employ the obese one? This is putting increasing pressure on women, why should we put up with this?
  It could even be said that Anorexia, an eating disorder once classed as a psychological abnormality, can no longer be classed as an ‘abnormal’ illness because nowadays, it is so common. I think it is honestly fair to say that the media and society’s expectations are to an extent, the reason why this illness is increasing. The images of emaciated female bodies and air-brushed photographs that bombard  young women today have distorted women’s perception of normality.
  In their endeavour to emulate these models, not only are they starving themselves, but they are also splashing out on manicures, self tans and designer clothes. This is because they’re made to feel inadequate in comparison to these deliciously, dazzling, dreadful models on the front covers of our favourite magazines.          
  It’s highly infuriating to see girls with boyfriends who’s pants could give shelter to a family of 5 saying that thin is beautiful and more attractive. I mean, why is it that men are allowed to carry some ‘extra baggage’ but when a female is slightly on the heavy side, she must stack the shelves of her fridge with Slimfast products and regularly attend the daily Weight Watcher meetings?          You never walk into a restaurant to find yourself hear a man say “I better not order that triple chocolate fudge cake with cream, I’m trying to watch my weight!” Yet a shocking one in four women are on a diet and the three women that are not dieting, know at least one other woman that is.
  So girls, the next time you’re sat with your feet up watching Coronation street whilst eating a custard cream with your cup of tea and your other half says “A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips, dear!” take my advice and eat the whole packet!
  If you ask me, women should be able to do what they want. They should be able to eat carbohydrates and chocolate without having to work off the calories on an exercise bike or down at the gym afterwards, while their lazy other half sits and watches the Manchester United game, demolishing a multi-pack of Walkers’ crisps. The question on my lips is, if the roles were reversed, would men be as tolerant?

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