Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1466726-Deathly-Tail
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1466726
story about a girl with tail
“Your daughter she has a... a...”

Terror welled up in Katie’s belly as the doctor stood there in silence. She pushed a wayward strand of brown hair out of her eyes and tucked it behind her ear. Something was wrong with her little girl, something the doctor did not want to tell her the longer he waited the more scared she became. The doctor sighed "Isadora has a tail. It a very manageable birth defe..."

Katie, like most first time parents worry about their child. This is because this child could be there last, and most think that they have to have the perfect child. Katie, hearing her child has a tail, makes her situation worst. Katie, already had to deal with being a single parent, as Katie’s husband had left her and her daughter Isadora when Isadora was barely a month old. Now her daughter has a tail, Katie, is a young energetic woman who was the mother anyone can get along with. She has brown hair, is short, and she will admit a weight problem. Katie, doesn’t really care about her outside status as she is a devout Christian, has a good job, and has many friends as well.

“What?! Oh no." Katie felt sick with shock, she scooped up her little girl, and Isadora started to cry. Isadora not yet two years old was showing signs that she was knew something was wrong; although she didn’t fully understand the situation. Katie held her daughter tight and Isadora laid her face into her mother’s chest as she continued to cry.
"Isadora," Katie called from the bottom of the stairs. Moments later Katie heard a loud noise. Katie called again to Isadora but there was no answer scared as she was she headed up to Isadora’s room.

Isadora’s room was a small room that was quite messy, toys of all kinds on the floor. Clothes on the bed posters of Dora the explorer the backyardigans the common toddler cartoon shows on the walls. Her bed unmade, but too was of Dora the explorer and in the middle of the room sat Isadora crying. Katie looked at Isadora and realized that she was growing up. Isadora had just turned five years old and was already becoming a beautiful girl.

"Isadora are you ok?" Look at her daughter who was still crying.

"I’m ok mommy." After she had collected her, she quickly checked her tail. Though in the five years she has had her tail it never really caused her any problems, but Isadora did not want to cause it any harm.

Isadora first knew she had a tail when it was only a stub; maturing faster than the rest of her body was now seven inches long with the same brown hair as her own.

"Isadora, I made you breakfast this morning so whenever you are ready to eat you can," Katie stated.

"Thanks mommy," Isadora said heading downstairs to the kitchen. The kitchen was a small room, that resembled a short hallway that had cupboards on both side of the rectangular room. The counter top was of black marble granite. The walls were red in color more like a salsa red and had tile on the back splash. The tile had gold and silver had leaves in the center.

Katie watched Isadora as she prepared the rest of the breakfast. She grabbed two plates out of the cupboards by using her tail. She scooped the scrambled eggs that were in the pan by holding the pan with her hands. She used her tail to scoop it onto the plates. Isadora then put a piece of toast on both of the plates. Katie was surprised to see that Isadora had made toast and realizing that she is very mature for her age.
"Isadora do you need any help?"

"No mommy," Isadora said. As she set the plates on the dining room table, and pulled out two chairs so they could both eat.
"Isadora, don’t forget I’ll be taking you to your first day of school,” she had always heard of school and was excited but scared at the same time about going to school.

"Mommy I know," Isadora said stuffing a mouthful of scrambled eggs into her mouth.

After they both finished eating, they quickly had to get going to Hartford elementary school. The school was, like most other things, just off the highway. It was not obvious that it was a school; only the sign, which declared Hartford elementary, told you. It looked like a collection of matching houses, built with maroon-colored bricks. There were so many trees and shrubs that it hid the school’s actual size.

Isadora stepped out of the car and stepped into a mud puddle. It had rained the night before and was still drizzling Isadora followed closely behind her mom so she wouldn’t get lost.

The school was brightly lit and was like one giant hallway. The floor was made of marble tile. The walls were made of brick and each classroom had happy signs say things like welcome back to school or a new school year is here. Isadora walked down the long hallway and passed many classrooms some of which Isadora liked she passed an art room, a computer lab, and a library.

Isadora’s face lit up when she passed the library and saw all those books. Books have always interest Isadora every since she was an early toddler and has even tried to read on her own.

After walking down the long hallway, they made it to the kindergarten room. Isadora met a young woman with blond hair who had a smile that would last forever. Like most Kindergarten teachers, they are either old or young, because either they have nothing else to turn to but with the rate of new teachers quitting they beg them to stay, or they just had a teacher recently pass.

“Hello,” Katie said to Isadora’s teacher.

"I guess this must be Isadora," Ms. Zorski said.

Isadora hid behind her mom as when her teacher tried to pat her on the head. "Come on now Isadora don’t be shy," Mrs. Zorski said. Showing that she doesn’t bite. She slowly pops out from behind her mom, and is about to enter the classroom when she hears her mom whisper something to her teacher.

"There’s something you need to know about Isadora."

"What is that?" Ms. Zorski asked in a questioning tone.

Katie took a hard swallow before uttering the words she has a tail. Isadora couldn’t really understand what they were saying, but she knew they were talking about her having a tail. She was somewhat mad at her mom, because Isadora doesn’t want the whole world to know she has a tail and is different. "You be good Isadora," Katie told her daughter as she let her go for the first time.

The classroom the room was a buzz. Toys on the floor kids were running around learning tools all around the room, and educational posters on the walls. Some of which some Isadora wanted to learn. Isadora looked around the room and tried to find her desk. Isadora finally found her desk. It was in the middle row Isadora would have liked a seat in the back row because it’s any quicker access to the exit.
"Ok class, I hold in my hands two pictures can anyone tell me what these two pictures represent?" asked the smiling teacher.

Isadora raised her hand and answered, "A mommy."

"Ah yes Isadora this one is a picture of a mommy." She smiled fondly at Isadora A long silence followed Isadora’s answer so Ms. Zorski prompted the class by asking, "Can anyone help Isadora name the second picture?"

A loud boyish voice called out "It’s a daddy!"

Confused, Isadora questioned, "What’s a daddy?" Her teachers smile fading uncertainly.

Ms. Zorksi said, "Isadora surely you have a daddy a daddy is like a mommy only he is a man." Isadora shook her no.

“You don’t have a daddy what a freak," remarked a kid who looks to be a paste eater. Isadora felt her tail and instantly became scared.

"What’s that growing out of your butt?"

Isadora started turning beet red with embarrassment says, "It’s a tail."Tears were rolling down her face and she was too scared to speak.

"Isadora is there something wrong." Ms. Zorski asked

"Yeah there is said the paste eater she has a tail Isadora has a tail! Isadora has a tail." The class chanted. The more the class chanted the more mad she became. Even though she was crying, she was mad, because she hated herself, especially her tail. If not for her tail, she would not be in this mess. Isadora closed her eyes she thought she block the hatred around her by not seeing it. Isadora felt someone grab her and she literally jumped out of her skin.

"Where are you taking me?' She asked

"Shh!!!" the voice replied

Isadora slowly opened her eyes and saw a blurry figure, "its ok Isadora it’s just me."

Isadora smiled as she realized who it was it was her teacher, "Thanks." she replied
"Isadora are you alright?"

"Sort of," She replied something wasn't right. Isadora had no idea what it was. Ms. Zorski gave Isadora a hug. The more she hugged her. The more Isadora felt this sensation. A feeling she had never felt before. The more she felt it the more she wanted it; it felt like a sexual sensation. Isadora’s tail was acting weird. As if it had a mind of its own it was swaying back and forth as if it was trying to gain momentum ready to strike at any moment.

Isadora heard a loud noise that sounded like someone was snapping a towel. The noise made Isadora look up. She saw blood dripping from the side of her teacher’s face. Isadora was shaking like she had been scarred for life. The tail continued to hit her teacher thought her teacher was hurt she managed to said, "Isadora... you... have... to... stop... it."

Isadora feared to answer her teacher but knew she had to "I’m not doing it’s my tail it’s like it has a mind of its own." Ms. Zorski raised a hand and Isadora immediately thought she was in trouble. So she tried to run away, but Isadora only got a few feet away when she was pulled back like a spring flinging into her teacher. Isadora’s tail tried wrapping around Ms. Zorski’s neck trying to suffocate her. Isadora was more scared then she had ever been before, scared because her tail was killing her teacher causing her to turn a dark blue. Once Isadora calmed down her tail returned to a calm normal state.Isadora looked at her teacher who said, "Let’s have recess shall we."
© Copyright 2008 mininessie (funkytoad at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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