Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1468293-Love-Proposal
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Emotional · #1468293
My proposal to the woman I love Dearly.
Well its not a complete missed connection, but its something I didnt know where else to put it. See about seven years ago, I met this amazing, caring, warm hearted, beautiful girl. At the time we were both just wee teens. If im not mistaken she was 15, and myself I was going on 17. I never in my life, met anybody quite like her. It was during a time where my life was hell, and I honestly didnt believe I could survive another day. When it comes down to it she truely saved my life. I know this may seem crazy to some, but I know she reads these from time to time, and im hoping she just may read mine. When we met, we were always there for each other. Atleast after she busted my shell open. At that point in my life I never let anybody in, and at first ill admit I was a complete asshole to her, but even so she didnt give up on me. She didnt tell me to go to hell for treating her like shit. As far as I was concerned everyone was the same. Except her. She kept fighting with me, just to get me to open up and talk to her. Eventually it worked. I shared my stories of my life with her, and the hell I was living in. She was the one person I could depend on, no matter how bad things got at times. And the only person who could even relate to me, and understand what I was going through because to some extent she was going through a hell of her own.
She stuck with me through my mom getting sick, and passing away, even through my step father being physically and mentally abusive. Through times of being thrown down the stairs, or even over the rail on the second floor. Sometime within the times of talking with her, and becoming extreamly close, I fell in love with this girl. This amazing person who could just make you feel like nothing else in the world matters, when just hearing her voice made me melt and my heart beat so hard I could hear it in my head clear as day. She always made me feel like I was on cloud nine. I finally told her I loved her, the first time I ever told anyone that I loved them, the only other person I would or even could tell was my mother. As far as im concerned telling someone you love them isnt just something to say. With me it has to have true meaning. It took me some time, but I finally did it. I was never so nervous before, not knowing if she felt the same way, scared to death that she wouldnt feel the same. Then the next thing I knew she said it back, and I had never been so relieved and happy. I felt important to someone. I felt like nothing in the world could hurt me anymore.
Then a dreadful day came, where things just went in a different direction, but even through the time when we werent together she was always on my mind. I could never stop thinking about her. When I gave her my heart the first time around, I never took it back. My heart stayed with her, and to this day it still does. I tried moving on, I even moved thinking maybe starting over somewhere else would make it easier, but it didnt. I dated someone who I couldnt tell them I loved them, which eventually ended up to be a good thing. She cheated on me which was actually the best thing in the world that happened to me. Because it brought me back to the one person I always loved, the one true person my mind was always on. I didnt see her right away, but I left her an offline message with my phone number. Surprisingly I had some weird timing, if you could call it that. She was getting married the same day I left her this message. Unfortunately she didnt get my message before she walked down the isle. She married a man she didnt truely love. She married a man, just to escape her own painful life, the prison of her life she was living in.
The first moment she got my number she contacted me. She didnt even waste a second. We would sit there every night and talk to each other for hours, sometimes, actually usually we'd even talk until the sun came up. Even though we werent together, we saw the same sky, we watched the same stars, and we'd watch the sun come up together. Which just made us want to be together that much more. I didnt know she was married at first, I knew she was with someone, but didnt know they were married. Not until her husband decided to call me one night while we were on the phone together, just to tell me that I was talking to his wife. She didnt truely want to marry this man, to that im sure of. No sooner did the marriage start in ended just as quick. I was on the phone with her one night when he locked her out of her own house, even out of her own car. That night he slammed her arm in the door, and it wasnt the first time he took it upon himself to harm her. As far as im concerned no woman should be in a marriage or even a relationship like that.
That night was the first night I told her I still loved her, and my life without her was a mess. I shared with her how much I missed her, and this may not be the best way to do it but when she was walking in the park that night I told her I loved her, and I didnt care if she was married or just seeing someone because as far as I was concerned she was still mine and she always had been, just like I had always been hers. And that night under the blue night sky with the stars burning, I asked her to marry me, and I meant it. With no doubt in her mind she said yes, and thats when things seemed so perfect. And they were, they really were. We continued talking, making plans to be together. It took some time, she filed for a divorce, and because of that he got really pissed off. But in the beginning she also told him, and implied, if I ever came back and wanted to be with her, he knew her heart belonged to me.
He knew that, he just never expected me to find her, and want to be with her again. Well he was sadly mistaken, because I did find her, and I never wanted to be apart from her to begin with. She really was my heart and soul, and as hard as he tried fighting to win her love, it couldnt be won. She gave me her love a long time ago freely, I didnt need to win her love she just loved me.
Call this a second proposal if you will, and there will certainly be a third because without notice, without thought or even suspicion before she knows it, at a place unknown a place I decide is the most romantic place in the world I plan on getting down on one knee looking into her beautiful blue eyes and saying just this,

' You mean the absolute world to me, you asked me once what love meant to me. Love means having someone to spend the rest of your life with, that one person even though everything seems to be wrong they can make it all ok. By just looking in there eyes or seeing there smile makes you feel like nothing else. By hearing just that one thing everyone longs to hear that makes your heart go pitter patter, those sweet words "I love you", just by hearing those words makes you float. Makes everything inside you want to scream at the top of your lungs how much you love them too so the whole world can hear you. When that special someone you love so dearly isnt feeling good, you take care of them to all ends, and theyd do the same for you. Or just when youre having a bad day what a simple flower could do, its the simple things in love that matter the most. Some people dont see that or understand it. You asked me what 'Love' is, and when I look in your eyes, thats what I see. I see an everlasting love. What Love means to me, is You.'

And thats the love I dont want to give up on, the love im going to keep fighting for. The love I plan to charish forever. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I dont care who knows it. For respect of you I wont use your name but I know youll know who you are... 'Tyga, Will You Marry Me?' I love you more than words can even describe. I know you know that, but on this day, maybe not official but still I ask you to spend the rest of your life with me and Marry Me. I love you Tyga.

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