Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1483698-CHAPTER-THREE---ESCAPING-SIN
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Other · #1483698


Remok lay silent, hidden by the dense vegetation, as the darkness engulfed him. The thick dark clouds covered the moon, cloaking the landscape in a blanket of pitch black. He could hear the footsteps as his target made its way along the path.

      Slowly the moon peaked out through a small hole in the clouds. Remok watched as the boar crept into the clearing, it stopped, snout in the air, the hair on the scruff of his neck standing straight up, it sensed something. Remok felt every muscle in his body tense up, like a cat ready to pounce on an unsuspecting mouse.
      He sprang from the brush, landing on the boars back. The steel of the knife buried deep into its flesh, the beast squealed as the crimson liquid splattered the ground. Remok held firm, forcing the blade deeper into the beast. The beast began to falter; shortly the boar lay silent and Remok lie panting, drained from the struggle. He lay staring at the dark sky, knowing that it would not be long till the scavengers would be on him.       

      The scavengers were vicious, devouring anything that smelled like a fresh kill. They could smell blood from a mile away. He strung the boar in the tree and let it bleed out. After a short time he cut away the best meat and placed it in the bag. Now was the time to leave, grabbing the bag he cleaned his knife and started sprinting, putting as much distance between him and the bloody carcass as he could in the short amount of time.
      After a long night of running, Remok reached the empty structure; the huge monolith towered among the rubble. It had been home for several seasons, the structure offered protection from the elements, as well as anyone that ventured into the wastelands looking for treasure. Reaching the opening he unrolled the rope ladder and ascended to the forth floor, this was the only way to get up, so he knew he was safe. Stepping into the dark of the structure, he knew that something was not right, the normal sounds were not there; the night birds were all quiet. Remok scanned the dark lands that lie before him, suddenly movement caught his eye, and a small figure darted through the shadows. He watched the figure, trying to find out what was going on. A large group of individuals appeared behind the figure just outside the tree line. They seemed to be on the trail of the person who was by now hidden in the shadows. Remok rushed off into the dark, he knew a quick way to where the person was hiding.     
    Standing silent he waited for the figure, as it crept past where he was standing Remok grabbed him, a gasp escaped from his lips.     
    "SHHHHHH!" Remok hissed.     
      They both remained still and quiet, Remok pulled him into the building, sliding a large plank over the doorway. The two remained silent as the group passed, footsteps and loud voices faded into the night.   
      "My name is Remok, who are you, and why are you running from those people?"   
      "If it were any of your business I would tell you!"     
      "Considering your current situation, I think its only fair."   
      "Fair HA! I was perfectly fine without your help."     
      "Okay, go back out there and I will forget I saw you."     
      The person remained quiet, and then a whole new attitude came over them.     
      " Sorry, I guess I do owe you an explanation."     
      " I would greatly appreciate that."     
      " My name is Broadus."   
      " Ok, go on."     

      Broadus told Remok of his journey, and how he was on the way to Illyiana City. He told of how he had run into a man called Mognett, and how he had gotten away from him. Broadus told him about the book, and about Kisto in the Village of the Mist. He hoped that some day he would return to Kisto. Remok listened intently, evaluating Broadus body language, and the sound of his voice, he could tell if he was being truthful, and at this point he was.
         “ I have some food, and water if you are hungry, and you are more than welcome to spend as much time as you would like.”
         Broadus accepted his offer; he had been living on what he could find for some time now.
      Remok cut some of the meat, cooked it, and used the grease from it to cook the few potatoes he had. He gave some of the food to Broadus on a rough stone plate, and the two devoured the food. Remok could tell Broadus had not eaten in several days. Shortly after eating Broadus settled into a comfortable position and was asleep. Broadus slept for several hours, Remok could tell he had not slept for several days. He too decided to catch a few hours sleep. Remok knew it would be that last time he would sleep good for a long time.     
      The day faded into evening, the shadows grew longer, and the air cooler. Remok awoke with a shiver; the cool breeze caused chills to run up his spine. Broadus was still asleep, but stirring. Remok knew it wouldn't be long till he was awake and they would have to hit the road, so he decided to take the last shower he would probably have.     

      As Remok stepped from the tub, he could hear objects bouncing off the floor. He stepped around the door and saw Broadus slinging things across the room.     
    Remok quietly approached him, removed the knife from the sheath he had strapped to his leg, and before the sheath hit the floor had the cold steel pressed to Broadus's throat.     
    " May I ask what you are searching for?" Remok growled.     
    " A weapon, anything that will protect me!"     
    " From what?"     
    " From ME!" a low voice growled.     
    Remok turned and saw burly man standing just inside the door, in his hand a jump knife could be seen, rising above his broad shoulders the stock of a military rifle could be seen.       
      " And who might you be?"     
      " I MIGHT be you guardian angel, but then I would not be trying to kill you."       
      " You still have not answered my question."       
      " I am Mognett, and this man is rightfully my prisoner."     
      " How is that, he came this way a free man."           
      " Only by means of deception, and lies. You see he stole something that belongs to me, and now that I have caught up with him he has to pay the price. He will be my prisoner, and rightfully my property. If you do not agree, then you to will be stealing from me, so I guess I will add one more slave to my servant hood.”
      " A man is not property," Remok started, but the burly man dashed from the doorway, and in 3 steps was almost on top of both Remok and Broadus.         
      Remok felt the breeze from the large mans arm as it came crashing down, burying the knife into the wooden table. His own knife was knocked free and sent sliding across the floor. 

      Remok raced for the knife as Broadus ducked Mognetts bludgeoning fist, the force of the blow carrying the man across the table, and on to the floor. Remok grabbed the knife, and started toward the fight. He saw Broadus retrieve Mognetts knife from the table. As he spun to face the man, Mognett drew back for a second attempt. This time he landed a solid blow to Broadus's chest. This sent the knife sailing, along with Broadus. The behemoth wasted no time in grabbing him and tossing on to the table. Broadus landed with such a force the solid table broke in half. Remok ran, full throttle toward the man, ducking, he felt his shoulder strike the large chest of the man. The sound of cracking bone gave him hope. The man bounced across the hard stone floor as Broadus rolled off the table clutching his side. Remok saw the large mans knife buried deep in Broadus's side; blood ran like sweat from the wound. Broadus pulled the knife from his side and fell to one knee. Remok started to lunge for Mognett, but had not taken more than one step when he felt the large breeze pass him. He turned to see Mognett leap at Broadus. The two crumpled to the floor, a pool of blood oozing from beneath the both of them. Neither man moved, Remok stepped towards the two of them and pulled the massive body of Mognett form on top of Broadus. The knife buried to the hilt in the chest of the massive man. Broadus laying panting, trying to catch his breath.       
        Broadus stood and walked toward the washroom, as he entered, visions of the attack on his village. Friends lying dead, bodies mangled and dismembered. He felt the food start coming back up. He leaned over an open hole in the floor, the bile taste in his mouth. After he felt better, Broadus prepared a warm tub of water and sat down, the last few minutes repeating in his head. The warm water washed over him, and as blood mixed with the water his mind found the one place he could escape to.
            Now faced with the knowledge that he had taken a life, he found himself faced with that guilt.
      Remok stepped into the washroom.       
    " Time to go."       
    " What?"       
    " Mognetts people are close, I've been watching them from the rooftop. The whole building will be crawling with people shortly."     
  Broadus stood dried off and dressed frantically.  He grabbed his duffle and started towards the ladder. As a means of survival he grabbed the riffle Mognett had been carrying. If anything it would do some good against those goons.         
      " This way, the ladder is no good. Takes to long."       
      Remok motioned to a hole in the wall. Broadus ducked in then slid down a long metal chute, Remok right behind him.       
      " Once you get to the bottom, run for the tree line," Remok shouted.       
      Broadus hit the bottom in full stride, and disappeared in the trees. Remok emerged and struggled to keep his footing, he reached the tree line and fell into the bushes.       
      " Not much on keeping quiet, are you?"           
      Remok looked around for Broadus, he could hear him, but he was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly a moss-covered hand grabbed him.         
    " My turn to save you." Broadus said as he handed Remok a suit of clothes that looked as if they had been covered in moss.         
    "Put it on."         
      Remok did as he was instructed as Broadus smeared mud on his face.         
    " Stay in the shadows and be as still as possible."         
    Remok lay face down, his heart pounding so loud he thought everyone could hear it.           
    Footsteps and angry voices grew louder; Remok could hear the mob destroying the building. Memories flooded his mind once again, terror engulfed him, He could feel his body shaking, and fought the urge to jump and run.         
      Broadus tapped Remok on the shoulder and motioned for him to follow. Remok got to his feet and began to follow to shadow in front of him. The two walked cautiously through the dense growth. As the noises faded the two relaxed a little. They walked on in silence for several hours, Broadus in the lead.         
    ' Apparently he knows where he is going,' Remok thought to himself.         
    " We need to find a place to make camp for the night," Broadus whispered.         
    " Okay," Remok agreed he was too lost to disagree. A cave loomed in the ahead of the two.         
    " If that goes far enough back, it might allow us to build a fire." Remok whispered hoping Broadus would agree.
      Broadus looked up at the dark opening, good vantage point, plenty of coverage, hidden for the most part. He nodded his agreement and the two began the gradual climb. After a while, they reached the flat opening and stepped inside. Remok noticed the cavern stretched deep into the side of the mountain. That was good news, now they could build a fire. Remok walked into the depths of the cavern. Broadus lay at the entrance, his scope trained in the direction of the building they just left. Remok turned his attention back to the cavern, a dim light could be seen faintly at the back of the cave, and this sparked his curiosity. He removed the suit and started down the cold dark cavernous opening.         
      He jumped as Broadus grabbed his arm.         
      " I would not do that if I were you."         
      " Why not, " Remok asked.         
      " From the marks on the walls and floor something ominous lives down there."         
      Remok examined the floor, drag marks, fairly fresh ones at that. Maybe it would be wiser to keep out, he thought.         
    " I have heard that a beast lives in the caverns of the old Navajo Rez, They say it is a skin walker, but most say it is a spirit come to capture Pandora’s box, whatever that is."         
    Remok had heard the story of the skin walker from several people, but figured that it t was a legend to keep robbers out of the newly discovered gold mines         
    Broadus went back to the cave entrance, and Remok gathered firewood. Shortly he had a small fire built, and began to warm his cold limbs. The hectic escape and journey had begun to take its toll on Remok. His body felt drained, and his thoughts were all muddled.  Remok lay down next to the fire and watched the shadows dance on the walls.

      The night passed uneventfully. Broadus stirred and woke up. Since no signs of pursuit could be seen they could slow down, and not push so hard.
        The forest gave way to the rolling hills and open desert. The heat of the day started off bad and jus got worse, Remok handled the heat well, but Broadus was a different story, the heat drained him, and water seemed to evaporate before it even touched his lips.
        " Looks like we have a place to stop for the a bit."
      Broadus raised his head and peered through the heat. Waves distorted the scene ahead, but through the blur a village appeared.  People could be seen walking from structure to structure. He breathed a sigh of relief; now he would be able to recover from the heat a little.
      The villagers welcomed the travelers; it had been some time since anyone friendly had come to the village, so everyone was cautious, but curious. An older gentleman stepped from the crowd.
        " I am Ananaya, me and my family welcome you into our home. Please come and rest."
        Remok looked at Broadus, his skin was clammy and drenched in sweat, and his energy drained. He needed to find shade soon.
      " Thank you we appreciate your kindness. My friend is in need of shade and water."
      " Please, follow me."
      The man lead them to a large eight-sided structure, the inside lit by sunlight coming through the hole in the center of the room. Bedding could be seen at one side of the structure, a pit was in the center; this apparently was where they cooked their meals, and how they heated he space in the winter.
      " Welcome into my nagoha, please rest. I will bring water for the both of you."
      Broadus collapsed into what appeared to be a pile of deerskins; they were cool against his parched skin. Remok sat watching the entrance as if someone was going to attack him at anytime. Ananaya returned shortly with two large clay vessels of water. He poured some into a small clay vessel, and handed it to Remok.
        Handing a second cup to Broadus he said, " Sip it, if you drink it you may send yourself into shock."

        Broadus sipped the cool water, his head pounding so hard it felt like it would burst, his heartbeat was a constant roar in his ears. As he lay there sipping the cool water he gazed around at the small structure.  He noticed that the sun had made its' trek almost all the way across the sky. The orange glow could be seen in the opening in the ceiling of the nagoha. The singing of the crickets had over toned the sounds of the birds. A warm summer breeze drifted in from the opening, it felt cool against his sweat-drenched skin, on it the smell of fresh lilacs interwoven with mimosa blossoms, it was the most intoxicating aroma he had ever smelled. Broadus drifted off to sleep.
          When he awoke, he could not see anything, panicked he screamed for Ananaya.
        " What is going on?" Broadus asked.
        " You have been very restless for the last two days. When you started sweating badly, I knew you needed a protection prayer. So, that is what I have been doing for the last few hours. Watching and praying over you."
          " I cannot see", Broadus reached out, trying to feel for him.
          " Do not worry, I will send for the medicine man."
          Broadus sat in complete darkness, not knowing exactly what was happening. He sensed a person had entered, but was not sure where or who it was.
          " Here you are sir,'" a female voice said as a towel touched Broadus’ hand.
          " You need to wash up", she said as she guided his hands to a large vessel containing water.
          " Are YOU the medicine man?"
          " No," the woman laughed," he really is a man."
          " Oh," Broadus sat there embarrassed. He heard the light footsteps of the woman as she left, and he began to wash. The water smelled of fragrant oils, but he washed anyway, shortly the young woman returned and took the washbasin. Broadus sensed a second person in the room, and asked.
          " Is this the Medicine man?"
          " Yes, his name is Galla. He will take care of you. He has been the village medicine man for many years."
          Broadus felt a pair of hands grab his face. The hands were tough and felt like leather. They turned his head several directions, obviously looking at his eyes. One had left his face, and returned shortly to rub a gel of some sort over his eyes. The gel smelled foul, like no other smell he had ever smelled.
          " That is the rankest smelling stuff." Broadus remarked.  A voice snickered, then spoke in a traditional tongue then a second laugh, this time from a man, broke the silence, and then another phrase in traditional tongue, this time the young woman broke into laughter, Broadus wondered what was said.
          " He said it was better to smell like the backend of a donkey then to look like one when trying to walk with no sight."
          Broadus too laughed, he could imagine the whole thing in his head. The hands left his face, and Broadus heard the footsteps as they left. The woman entered again, He could tell by the weight of the footsteps as they entered.
          " Galla says you have to leave the gel on for at least two sunsets," The woman said, " why don't you try and get some rest?"
          Broadus thought that was a good idea, he wondered where Remok had gotten off to, he had not heard from him in several days. But for now rest seemed to be the best idea, so he lay down and let his body relax.       
        The next two days passed in total darkness for Broadus, he did seem to develop the ability to hear and smell a little better than before. It maybe the smell of the medicine clearing his nostrils but he could definitely distinguish smells better now than before.
          The anticipation of being able to see kept him awake most of the night, but sleep finally won the battle. Sunlight trickled into the opening of the nagoha, and Broadus felt the warmth on his face. He sat up as the footsteps of the young woman came through the opening.
        " I see someone is ready to be able see again." Broadus could hear the smile on her face.
        She sat a bowl in Broadus lap, took a piece of cloth, and began to was h the foul smelling mixture from his face. Broadus had unwittingly became accustomed to the foul odor.
      "Okay, no slowly open your eyes, and tell me what you see."
      Broadus slowly opened his eyes; the bright light hurt his head.
      " I see, a devil disguised as a lovely woman." Broadus teased.
      " That is not nice," the woman said smiling.
      Broadus smiled, his thoughts drifted back to Kisto. She was probably worried sick, it had been a long time since he left.
      " Is everything okay?"
      " I was just thinking about the beautiful woman I left back at the Great Canyon."
      " She must be a wonderful woman."
      An older man stepped into the opening, Broadus remembered the man, it was Ananaya. He had a look of concern on his face. He spoke to the young woman and she slid through the opening and disappeared.
        “ My friend, I have some distressing news. You friend that brought you here has been found.”
          Broadus did not like the tone Ananaya was using.
          “ What is wrong?”
          “ He has been killed, a group of warriors was out scouting the area, and came across the man. He had been tied to a tree and severally beaten. I do not know if he told them where you are or not, the warriors have scouted the area around the settlement and could not see anyone.”
          Broadus knew that they would be searching every village and camp till they found him. He could not let what happened at his village happen here.
        “ Ananaya, listen to me. Those people will be back looking for me, and I cannot let you or your people get hurt because of me. When they show up I will lead them away from here. If they don’t find me they will torture and kill everyone here. I cannot let that happen.”
          Broadus did not know what he could do other than run, he stepped out of the opening and into the sun, it felt good to actually be up and around. Broadus looked around for a palce that he might be able to get to that he could get a little bit of a head start.
        Ananaya appeared from around the edge of the anagoh leading a horse.
        " My friend, please I know you must go, and I bid you take this horse, his fast and fleet of foot. We can protect ourselves.
© Copyright 2008 Mountain King (ghost_writer38 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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