Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1490031-Twisted
by ily-xx
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fantasy · #1490031
This is the beginning of another story about Mollie and Jasper.

Part 1:Mollie

I ran wildly through the trees, ever aware of the beast crashing behind me. I could hear a clamour of voices in my head, wanting to know where I was or screaming as they fled from a monster similar to the one chasing me.
One voice was more prominent than the others, the sweet sound of my boyfriend Jasper's words. He ran three feet to my side, in his tiger form, running from the same beast as I.
I dodged a sudden tree and snuck a glance behind me. The hideous animal was not even six metres away, the gap closing quickly. I'd never thought anything would be able to catch me, but now I was rethinking that.
Its extremely muscled charged forward on two legs, bent backwards like a birds'.
Two gnarled horns protruded above eyes black as night. Those eyes were filled with purpose, more intelligent than I had expected.
I pushed myself faster as the beast closed the space between us. My heart stopped as Jas's soft footfalls halted. I skidded to a stop and turned, only to watch the monster rip Jasper to pieces, a wide grin splitting its face. I sunk to my knees, unable to tear my eyes from Jas's disassembled corpse.

I sat up with a gasp, my breathing ragged. I waited as my eyes adjusted to the darkness, picking out my bookcase, my desk, my computer. I let the nightmare evapourate from my mind. I had been having nightmares every night, always ending in Jasper's death, ever since he left.
Jas, Lilly and Kaden had gone on some mage iniation thing with their dad last week, and they weren't due back for two weeks. Two whole weeks! I didn't know how I was going to survive. At least I still had Markus and Seth and the pack.
I was still adjusting to the position of Alpha. I had tried to offer it back to Markus, but he wouldn't accept it, saying something about me being destined to be Alph or something. I forced him to become my second-in-command though.
I glanced at the clock. It read five-thirty. I got out of bed with a groan. There was no way I was going back to sleep now.
I trudged down to the kitchen after getting myself ready. I found myself some cereal and sat at the table to eat. My eyes flicked to the calender and the thick, black circle around it. Jasper's return date.
I amused myself until it was time to leave by reading The Hobbit. Dad walked into the room just as I began to leave.
"Hey darlin'," he said as he prepared his own breakfast.
"Uh, yeah, hi Dad," I said, packing my homework into my schoolbag. "I've gotta go now." I gave him a one armed hug from behind before running out the door, yelling goodbye as I ran.
I jumped into my old silver Corolla and, starting the engine, zoomed around the corner, eager to beat the pack to school
© Copyright 2008 ily-xx (evilmornir at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1490031-Twisted