Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1492385-Ahsoka-Star-Wars-RP-Part-II
by chaos
Rated: XGC · Other · Other · #1492385
Ahsoka wants Anakin, luckily her last meal has changed her into a new woman
ChaosEvilD (4:15:25 PM): Anakin stood impatiently in a private room that Ahsoka had reserved to meet him at. He hadn’t seen his Padawan since they split up to fight their respective Sith enemies. She had disappeared after apparently defeating the Sith apprentice Ventress, even though no body had been recovered. The Jedi council had become nervous at the news that the Sith had been defeated, yet no body had been recovered. There was talk of Ahsoka murdering the Sith, a serious transgression if not done in self defense.
He’d argued that Ahsoka would never commit cold-blooded murder, but her unexplained disappearance had Anakin doubting his trust. He had gotten a message to meet her here, but she had yet to show up. Sighing in frustration, he sat down on the large bed in the center of the room and continued to wait.
“She had better have a good reason for disappearing or so help me…” He stopped when the door slid open and a figure walked in. He turned to scold his apprentice on disappearing and being late, but his words died on his tongue when he saw her.
“What happened to you? ”

Sonic Stantz (4:24:17 PM): Ahsoka: What do you mean?
With a seductive smile, Ahsoka entered the room, wagging her hips as she did. She loved the look on her master's face. It reminded her of what eye popper she was now.
After digesting Ventress, her mass had been distributed all over Ahsoka's body. While the gigantic blob that was her belly had now gone, that was the only slim part of Ahsoka's body.
Her breasts had ballooned out, now threatening to tear her top. The already strained fabric already showed a large valley of cleavage packed inside. They jiggled and bounced as she strutted into the room.
Further down, Ahsoka's legs were thicker as well. They were so much more trunk like, and looked so strong. As Anakin looked over her legs though, his eyes soon fell upon what came into view when she showed off from the side.
Ahsoka's ass was huge All Anakin could think to compare it to was a bumper; one that looked like it could tear her skirt clean off any second.

ChaosEvilD (4:31:24 PM): “Your body…what…how?” Anakin stuttered in an infrequent display of shock. He had always thought he was ready for anything and able to handle the unexpected, but Ahsoka’s new form had his mind in turmoil. He had seen pretty girls before, but nothing like this. Ahsoka’s seductive, bouncy form put every girl he had ever seen before to shame. Even Padme.
His eyes followed the bouncy body of his apprentice as she walked around the bed to sit beside her. Her breasts and butt were huge, straining the material to near breaking and being unrestrained by any form of undergarment. A stray thought entered Anakin’s mind of how her huge assets would look without the clothes covering them. He tried to smother the thought, remembering that he wasn’t allowed to think of woman like especially his own apprentice. Jedi’s weren’t allowed impure thoughts, but when he looked at Ahsoka’s new body, all he could think of were sinful things.

Sonic Stantz (4:40:41 PM): Ahsoka: Oh that's right. I'm glad you noticed.
Ahsoka turned to face her master. As she did, her arms were placed firmly on either side of her now ample bosom. They squeezed them together, somehow managing to push them out even further, and yet still not surpass her top completely.
Ahsoka: Well, that's the reason why I called you here.
Ahsoka's own arousal really rose, as she knew that she was only a few moments away from doing it with Anakin. Her hardened nipples were just one more inch away from popping her top off.
Unfortunately, a thought just crossed Ahsoka's mind. All she wanted to do was seduce and then bang her master, but he might still want an explanation. First of all, she had never really put off any signals that she liked Anakin. More importantly though, rather than just enjoy, he most likely still wanted to know how she came to be like this.
Would she have to tell him now?

ChaosEvilD (4:48:15 PM): Maybe later.
Finding out about her actions and ability might hamper the mood. She’d get into her master’s pants and then explain how this all came to be. He might protest her actions now, but after feeling her sexy body on top of him; he wouldn’t be able to find any fault in what she’d done to that bitch Sith.
“Forget about what and how, Master,” Ahsoka purred as she sat down beside the stunned Jedi. Her large thighs pressed against his thighs, sending shivers down both of their spines at the brief contact. “Let’s focus on the now.”
“Ahsoka, you really should tell me what’s happened to you,” Anakin demanded as he turned to his apprentice. Much had changed, but he was still her master and needed to be given answer. As he looked at her face, he couldn’t help himself from looking downwards to her ample bosom. She hadn’t gotten older or taller, but the more abundance of fat on certain area’s made it difficult to hold onto the fact that they were student and master. That concept went out the window when Ahsoka put her hand on his thigh.

Sonic Stantz (4:55:28 PM): Anakin suddenly grabbed Ahsoka's arm. She gasped at this.
For Ahsoka, she was worried for a moment. Had she gone to far? It seemed to be working so well up to this point. Here she was, a young, beautiful, bouncy girl, whose assets could knock over a clone trooper, and yet he still resisted.
For Anakin, he reacted based solely on his confusion. All he had been waiting for was an explanation to where Ahsoka had been, and what happened to Ventress. Instead, he got his own padawan coming onto him
Still, as shocking as that was, he quickly let go of her. He came back to his senses when he looked into her eyes. Those deep, sexy, and for moment terrified eyes.
He wanted an answer from Ahsoka, but he didn't want to hurt her.
Anakin: I'm sorry.
Ahsoka's confidence soon returned. Not only had her master stopped himself, but also she took a quick glance from below. A bulge between his legs, her plan was working.
However, she now knew it would take more than eye candy to get Anakin into bed. Fortunately, she had much to use to her advantage. She had her body, and the fact that it must have been.... who knows how long since Anakin felt another woman's touch.

ChaosEvilD (5:04:32 PM): “It’s alright, master,” Ahsoka quietly said as she stared into her master’s big, lonely eyes. Had either of them ever known the other was so lonely? Had they ever guessed how much they really needed one another? It took devouring a fully-grown woman for her to realize it. Maybe it would take something nearly as shocking for Anakin to discover the truth.
“Master, do you trust me?” Ahsoka innocently asked. If he threw himself off her again, this would never work. She needed his full trust or she would never get his pants halfway down.
Anakin paused for a second; unsure whether to tell his padawan that he trusted her. He normally did, but her strange behavior was unnerving him. His decision finally came as a darker, more primal part of him pushed through his psyche. He was next to a gorgeous, loving girl that he could do anything with. That part of his mind made him smile and look hauntingly into Ahsoka’s eyes.
“I trust you completely.”

Sonic Stantz (5:11:39 PM): Ahsoka breathed a sigh of relief. Looks like it was time for her to tell.
Ahsoka: Okay. The reason I look like this is because.... to stop Ventress.... I ate her.
Anakin's jaw dropped upon hearing that.
Ahsoka quickly lost the courage to look him in the eye. There were two outcomes to this.
Here's what she was hoping for: Anakin would look past her killing Ventress, thanks to the bouncing boobies and big ass that he dieing to see uncovered, and fuck her all night long.
Of course, there was the possibility that he would cast her aside, and let the Jedi council strip her of her rank, and imprison her.
It all came down to what Anakin said next.
Anakin:.......So...you look sexier from eating Ventress?

ChaosEvilD (5:17:46 PM): “Yes,” Ahsoka answered. She was unable to suppress a smile; Anakin thought she was sexy. Sure, the bulge in his pants told her that he was definitely attracted to her, but hearing him say it made her feel very happy. She looked at Anakin, who seemed to be debating how to feel about this. Deciding to tip the balance further in her favor, Ahsoka leaned forward into Anakin, pressing her sizable chest against the side of his arm.
ChaosEvilD (5:17:58 PM): “What I did was the right thing to do, Ventress was a murderer and Sith, she got what was coming to her,” Ahsoka argued, pressing her body harder against a growing aroused Anakin. Moving her hand teasingly down his chest and over his stomach, she blew into his ear seductively. She could hear his breathing quicken as her fingers traced over and around his thighs. He was turned on and ready to take her, all he had to do was say she wasn’t guilty of any wrongdoing.

Sonic Stantz (5:23:32 PM): She got her answer when Anakin turned to her, and pressed his lips to hers.
Anakin didn't care about anything else right now. He had fought countless battles in this war, always striving to do what was right, but never what felt right to him. So many times, he had wanted to break away what was accepted from the Jedi just once, but that tie never came until now. Ahsoka had unlocked a deep and dark desire to him. Padme, the code of the Jedi, none of that mattered now. All that was important was he and Ahsoka.
Ahsoka's eyes watered as she gladly returned the kiss. At last, Anakin was hers, and she was going to enjoy it to the fullest. Unable to contain herself, her hands soon found her top, and Anakin's soon found her skirt.

ChaosEvilD (5:29:25 PM): With primal grunts, they tore Ahsoka’s clothes off. She pried her tightly stretched top off her chest and Anakin ripped her pants off with pure strength. Looking down, Anakin let out a gasp as he saw under her clothes, Ahsoka had been completely nude. Her huge breasts stood out on her chest, nearly the size of her head. Each orange breast was tipped with a big, fat, darker orange tit that was the size of Anakin’s thumb. Her breast shook as she breathed, wobbling mounds of fat that looked perfect. His eyes went down to her long legs where a tuff of dark hair lay above a pink, drooling slit that let off a tremendous amount of heat.
His hand went down between her legs, where he lightly pushed a finger against her wet opening. Ahsoka gasped, the contact setting her body ablaze.
It was too much for her, forget about seduction, forget about foreplay, she needed him now or she was going to explode.

Sonic Stantz (5:46:20 PM): Ahsoka: Oh Anakin
He watched as she suddenly flipped over, making his finger unable to plunge any deeper. However, once he saw what she did next, it was quickly forgiven.
On her hands and knees, she stood before him. A girl soon to be made woman, full of lust and his for the taking.
That perfect backside of hers was quite the eyeful. Each orange cheek was a perfect ball of fat, but refused to sag thanks to her battle training. They jiggled and smacked together much like her breasts with each breath Ahsoka took.
Ahsoka: Take me now master. Put your love muscle inside me, make me your slut.
Her husky voice was soon replaced with gasps and moans, as Anakin gladly climbed onto the bed, positioned his rod, and entered his padawan's cunt.

ChaosEvilD (5:51:25 PM): Anakin gently pushed his cock in savoring the feeling of entering her tight young body. They both moaned feeling her wrap around his cock, and the feeling of him filling and stretching her body. He grit his teeth at how tight the Padawan was. Her insides clenched around him in a slippery hot embrace. He wanted to cum right there, but he held back, refusing to let this perfect moment end so soon.
Looking for something to hold onto, he gripped her huge ass, sinking his fingers into her tight rump as he pushed his rod deeper into her. Ahsoka moaned loudly as she felt him enter, she wanted to push back and drive he whole thing in, but Anakin’s grip on her backside kept her in place.
“Fuck me master Please fuck me, ” She begged as Anakin paused in entering her. She needed him so much, more then a teacher, more then a friend; she needed him to be her lover.

Sonic Stantz (5:57:06 PM): Anakin: You...got it.
In between a grunt, Anakin pumped in and out of Ahsoka. Her slippery cunt coated his member with cum, and the tight walls continued to try and milk him dry. He rammed her hard, she didn't complain about any pain.
Their bodies rocked the bed back and forth, and their primal grunts filled the room.
Speaking of filling, Anakin's cock felt like the biggest thing in existence to Ahsoka. No matter whom she had eaten in the past, this thing felt so huge, and it reached so deep inside her.

ChaosEvilD (10:31:29 PM): Anakin leaned forward pressing his belly to her back and pushing his waist tightly against Ahsoka’s supple backside. He reached under her and grasp at her huge breasts, squeezing them between his fingers as he pumped into her with small strokes. Ahsoka gasped and moaned, letting her master’s large cock push into her. She could feel his heart beat in her back and deep inside her, every thump made him swell inside her.
A loud shriek escaped her as Anakin pulled back until just the crown of his dick rested inside her. For a half heartbeat he paused to stare at his pupil, a real live man-eater, bent over in front of him, willingly given to him to do with as anyway he saw fit, and with a hard thrust he buried himself in her. Anakin bucked into her harder, a loud slap coming as he collided with her perfect ass. He growled as he plunged deeper into her, reveling in the animalistic lovemaking. This was something he could grow used to.

Sonic Stantz (10:37:09 PM): Ahsoka: Let's change positions
Anakin pulled out of Ahsoka's cunt. He didn't like leaving that tight and warm cunt, but it was soon made up to him in a big way.
Ahsoka: Lie down like this.
As Ahsoka lay on her back, Anakin came down on her on his stomach, and with his head facing towards the foot of the bed. Soon he descended back down to that cunt he had just been attacking, ready for his tongue to explore the depths now.
While he did so, Ahsoka licked her lips as something tasty came her way. It wasn't another live meal, but rather her master's enormous package.

ChaosEvilD (10:42:38 PM): “So yummy,” Ahsoka whispered as she held the throbbing member at the base. She slowly started to sink her lips around it until it was halfway into her mouth. She could feel it throb on her tongue as she gently sucked on it. She had imagined doing this many times, but had never known how to actually do it, so she was starting off slowly. Her hand cradled the balls as she sucked on it, lightly squeezing them as she licked the head.
While she went slowly, Anakin was going crazy, pushing his tongue deep into the recently fucked pussy, tasting all the creamy cum deep in his student’s cunt. He would remove his tongue to lightly bite her clit, inciting low moans that were muffled by the cock in her mouth. Laughing softly, he trailed his tongue over the slit, teasing his young and suggestible student.

Sonic Stantz (10:48:30 PM): The pussy vibrated Anakin's tongue, Ahsoka was ready to cum, and cum hard. Her cunt was pouring out cum, and he wanted her to erupt.
Ahsoka moaned loudly around her master's member. It figured his tongue would very talented as well.
Speaking of which, she was really starting to get the hang of this. Breathing through her nose allowed her to keep it in her mouth, and the curing motion from her lips became perfectly synchronized with her tongue. It lapped around the head, and as much shaft as she could take.
She wanted to take her master's cum, and she wanted him to drink hers up. Only then would she get some of his cum inside her afterwards.

ChaosEvilD (10:53:18 PM): Rubbing away at his ball's she bobbed up and down coating his shaft in saliva, lapping up any pre cum that dripped forth as she worked him with her mouth. Ahsoka was going to make her master cum, no matter what it took. Her own wetness was growing between her legs as Anakin slide a finger into her already overflowing cunt. She pushed him towards her, causing his dick to hit to back of her throat, balls hitting her chin. She only pushed his dick further into her mouth, effortlessly swallowing the whole thing. Anakin’s cock might have been large, but after swallowing a fully-grown woman, her throat could expand around anything.
The top half of his cock rested in her throat tightly held by her muscular throat as she tongued the base. Se could feel it growing inside her mouth and throat and feel his balls recoil back against his shaft. Anakin was ready to cum.

Sonic Stantz (10:59:01 PM): Finally, with a loud grunt, Anakin Skywalker erupted cum into Ahsoka Tano's mouth. She almost gagged at the sudden spurt, but quickly gulped it down. The cum tasted so salty and delicious, only adding to her master's flavor. It flowed down her throat and some stuck to her tongue, really giving her a full taste.
As he came though, he had buried his face into her cunt, plunging his as deep as it would go. Ahsoka's eyes rolled in the back of her head as she joined her master and came all over his face. The hot splash felt great to Anakin. So warm, and delicious.

ChaosEvilD (11:05:12 PM): Got enough for round three? She asked seductively as she shook her large, round ass in front of Anakin’s face. One look at his student displayed erotically in front of him was enough to make his cock begin to rise again. He reached down, gripping his cock in one hand and pumped it several times, as he looked at Ahsoka smoking body. She was so beautiful and seductive, made Padme look ugly in comparison.
Once his cock was hard again, he returned behind his waiting Padawan, ready to pump back into her tight cunt, but she stopped him. Her thin, slender hand stopped his cock from pushing into her pussy.

ChaosEvilD (11:05:27 PM): “Do me in the ass master, like a bitch.”
Anakin shivered at the husky voice and the implications of what Ahsoka was asking. He placed both hands on her plush, round ass and pulled her cheeks apart. He gasped at the sight of her puffy, pink anus; slightly open from all the excitement her body was experiencing. Lightly, he placed the head of his cock against her anus and pushed in.

Sonic Stantz (11:10:14 PM): Ahsoka: Yes, shove it all inside me.
Anakin took her words to heart; now knowing Ahsoka wanted everything he could give to her.
Anakin: All right. Here, I, Go
With a single thrust, Anakin buried his entire member inside Ahsoka's ass. Both of them moaned loudly. Ahsoka now had her beautifully plush ass filled with her master's love muscle, and Anakin was reveling over the tightness of his lover's bowels.

ChaosEvilD (11:17:03 PM): Anakin pumped into the cushy soft ass, and into the tight and warm bowels of his student, feeling the tight hole pulsate around his meat. Ahsoka’s rectum tightened and loosed intermittently causing Anakin to moan with pleasure. As Anakin continued to pump, Ahsoka’s bowels loosened enough for him to drive his rod in faster. The saliva and cum on his cock made excellent lubricant and he thrust into her faster.
Ahsoka’s sexy, full body bucked underneath the ministrations of the thick shaft, her moans growing louder as she neared her second impact. Being fucked up the ass felt so well, what the physical pleasure didn’t give her, the mental pleasure did. Anakin Skywalker, the chosen one, was fucking HER up the ass. What a rush.

Sonic Stantz (11:22:48 PM): Ahsoka: AHH My ass, feels so good
Anakin: You really are a filthy slut aren't you?
Ahsoka: YES
Ahsoka would say yes to anything right now. Her master pulled back out, leaving only his tip imbedded in her anal ring, and then plunge right back in. This went on and on, as he rammed into her big and soft butt cheeks each time. Anakin loved the feeling of those cheeks both against and around his crotch. Ahsoka loved it to, it felt so great.
Anakin's hands soon left her fatty cheeks, and once more found those big boobies Ahsoka now had. He squeezed them as tightly as he did the ass halves, eliciting further moans from his padawan lover.
Ahsoka: YES

ChaosEvilD (11:27:03 PM): “Cumming ” Ahsoka screamed as a torrid of juices came from her well-fucked pussy. Anakin grinned as he felt the hot, cum dripping down his legs. Her asshole was pulsating with her cunt as she came, breaking the last of his control. Growling loudly, he pushed his stomach down hard against Ahsoka’s back and sank his fingers into her huge breasts. He exploded inside her, filling her ass with his hot cum and making her gasp loudly.
“Yes Fill my ass with your seed, ” She hissed as her bowels were flooded with the sticky cum. Anakin just moaned. Ahsoka’s filthy, sluttish attitude was so sexy. This was the kind of woman he wanted to be with. Free from all morals and rules.

Sonic Stantz (11:35:12 PM): As the last bit of cum was squirted into his new lover, Anakin pulled out of her ass, some excess cum dripping onto the bed. Ahsoka rolled onto her back, purring at the sensation of feeling her backside filled with hot and sticky cum.
This night was over, and what a night it was. She got a chance to show off her sexier form to the one person she actually cared about seeing it, and then she got him in bed with it. It was great enough when she killed Ventress, but to eliminate a Sith and get it on with Anakin Skywalker, this was heaven to her.
It seemed more evident as he lay down with her.
Anakin: Ahsoka, what we just did was the best I had ever had. I would have never taken you for such an animal in bed.
Ahsoka: Or somebody who could gulp down a Sith.
Anakin: That to.
For a moment, Anakin thought he should leave, but that quickly passed, as he stared into the eyes of his lover, and she looked back.

ChaosEvilD (11:40:52 PM): “Promise me you’ll stay,” Ahsoka quietly begged. She didn’t think she could handle sleeping alone in this bed after being fucked. She needed Anakin with her, not only as a full lover.
Anakin looked back at her and leaned in, giving his student a tiny peck on the lips. It was a tender kiss, meaning more to Ahsoka then any of the passionate kisses they had shared earlier.
“I’ll stay, forever and ever.”
Ahsoka smiled gratefully and wrapped her arms and legs around her master and started to drift off. Anakin stayed awake a few minutes longer, lightly running his fingers along her face and looking darkly past Ahsoka at the ceiling. The Jedi council would not be happy about this, but he wasn’t going to fight it. He had been serious; he’d stay with Ahsoka forever, even if it meant doing the unthinkable.

© Copyright 2008 chaos (fearboy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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