Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1494141-Public-Submission
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1494141
a story of Dominance and submission. Includes elements of BDSM and shibari.
Packing a lunch and all our sex toys (including rope), we hiked to a small meadow I know of that is rarely visited. We had a picnic, and then he pulled out the camera. Slowly, I pulled off each item of clothing, teasing him. His grin widens as each piece falls away. When I am finally nude, he orders me to get into position to be bound. I obey, kneeling at his feet.

With formality and ceremony, he moves around me, the rope dragging trails of pleasure across my skin. The bindings tighten slowly, seductively, until each of my limbs are immobile. Then he secures a blindfold over my eyes. He leaves me there, bound and nude, and I can hear him behind me, climbing a tree. I can hear him securing rope to a sturdy branch above my head.

Returning to me, he pulls out the flogger and begins to work on me, starting on my exposed rear. The sound of leather striking flesh mingles with the sound of the wind in the trees and birds singing. The lashes begin to get a little harder, but he never varies the pace.

Smack, smack, smack.....

He moves around my body, the flogger hitting different areas - my thighs, my stomach, my breasts. He focuses on my breasts for a while, switching from one tender breast to the other without warning.

Smack, smack, smack.....

Suddenly the lash abandons my breasts, and silence fills the air. I feel his hands securing more rope to key areas of the bindings, attaching more ropes to the one above my head. Then he steps back, and I feel the ropes tightening, until I am lifted from the ground, my only support being the ropes that hold me to the tree's branches.

I hang there, hearing my heart pounding in my chest and my breath coming in ragged gasps. I cannot hear him, where did he go? I am in suspense, waiting for him.....

His hands are suddenly grasping my hair, pulling me forward to suck his member. My body swings in the restraints, and he hold me by my hair, pulling me forward and back, forward and back, as my mouth worships his c*ck. There is no sound but the creak of the ropes. He lets go, and I moan, already wanting him back in my mouth.

He hears my moan and grabs my chin, like a father forcing his child's attention to him. "Your body is for MY pleasure" he reminds me, his voice rich and low. "I decide what will be done to you - you have no say in this. Isn't that right?" I agree. And I twitch in pleasure as he punishes me for my transgression, spanking me with a cane.

I feel him caress my breasts, sucking and nibbling, and I moan again. He stops. "You are being too loud. If you cannot be quiet, I WILL gag you. Understand?" I nod my acceptance, and he returns to my breasts, working each nipple with tongue and teeth. As he finishes each breast, he snaps on the nipple clamps. The sensation is intense, and unable to help it, I moan again.

For a moment, nothing happens, then I feel the ball gag being shoved into my mouth and secured around my head. "That will teach you to be quiet" he murmurs, as he begins to clamp clothespins on my labia. "Can't have you drawing the attention of the other hikers, now can we?"

A slight breeze runs across my skin, swinging me slightly in the ropes. I can hear nothing but the wind, see nothing but darkness. Absolute silence.

A sound. My boyfriend is walking away from me, back towards the picnic blanket. What is he doing???

Another sound, this one from the opposite direction. Voices, whispering. Oh, no - we've been found out! This meadow is rarely visited, I had thought it would be safe, but no - the voices make it clear there are a few men nearby, and judging by the excited tone of their voices, they have seen me. I start to panic, twisting in my ropes, trying to get free.

The whispers die down as I hear him returning. Did I really hear them, or was it just my imagination? I'm no longer sure....and I cannot tell him my suspicions, the ball gag prevents speech.


My boyfriend has the camera. I hear him walking around me. Oh, I cannot believe there could be people watching this - and this is my hometown too, it is small, so if there ARE people watching, I probably know them.


I hear him duck under me, to photograph from that angle.


"You were struggling" he says softly, his voice taking on a dangerous tone. "You know better than that, now don't you? It seems you need to be reminded how to behave in my presence."

He pulls out the flogger again, and begins to lash a pattern on my *ss and thighs. I tremble in my restraints, feeling a mixture of lust and humiliation. I feel the blush creep into my cheeks as my body responds to the flogger. My thighs must be red by now, but he continues to thrash me.

Smack, smack, smack....

Finally he stops, and I can hear him photographing the marks on my legs and *ass.




Something cool and smooth begins to run along the red flesh on my thighs...he drags it slowly, tantalizing me with each and every sensation. It slowly moves towards my puss, circling my mons, catching on the clothespins there, sending waves of warmth through my puss. Then nothing for a moment.

The ropes jerk, and I cry out in fear - but he was only pulling me towards him. I feel the toy he was teasing me with enter me savagely, and the orgasm strikes without warning, leaving me limp. He leaves it there. Another rustle, as he pulls something from his pocket - and warm lube runs down my *ss and puss, cooling in the autumn breeze. He removes the clothespins, one by one, rubbing the lube around my cl*t with each pin before letting them fall to the ground.

The sound of his belt being pulled from the belt loops, and his zipper being pulled down - my light shivers turn to trembling. He loops the belt around my neck and lets it hang there as he enters me from behind, DPing me with the toy in my puss and his own larger member in my ass. His hands run around my body and grab the nipple clamps, pulling them and making me climax again and again, as waves of pleasure flood my brain, canceling all other thoughts and fears.

He begins to murmur to me as he f*cks me "Such a good little slut" and "You like my c*ck in your ass, don't you?" I nod, teeth clenched on the ball gag - which is no longer doing it's job. My moans and cries can be heard clearly through it.

He grabs me by my thighs and pull me to him, penetrating me over and over again. The sensation grows impossibly strong, and I orgasm again, this time feeling myself squirt uncontrollably. The force of my climax shoots the toy out of my puss, and I can do nothing as I ride the waves of sensation.

He continues to use me, every hole in my body meant only for his pleasure, as I loose track of everything but the feel of him and the rope against my flesh. Time loses it's meaning - there is no more day or night, no earth or sky - just my boyfriend, and the rope.

It takes me a while to calm down after he finishes. He lets me be for a while, then releases me from the suspension. Suddenly there is earth again, and my mind is jolted back into awareness.

He begins to remove the shibari ties - I have to struggle not to slip back into the mindset I was in, but each touch of the rope as he unties sends shocks of pleasure through my system.

Finally, I am unbound, and we lie together on the picnic blanket, his arms and a blanket wrapped around me to counter the chill from the evening. He hands me a bottle of water and urges me to drink, then we get dressed and prepare to leave.

As we walk back down the trail to my mother's house, I remember that I had heard voices watching us. I take a peek back, and see in the darkening twilight, three men watching us leave.
© Copyright 2008 patricialynn (patricialynn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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