Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1499343--Political-Possibilities-
Rated: E · Poetry · Political · #1499343
As the law is written, this scenario could have legally happened - here's my take on it...
Invoking Presidential Power...

A long day, dear - do come to bed,
And share with me what’s in your head 
About what’s apt to happen soon -
I’m so afraid what dangers loom…

Oh, Laura – please try not to stress
I’m finding answers to address
The safest means to get away -
I’m President!  I’ll find a way!

But, George!  They think they’ve got a case!
They want to bring you to disgrace
For crimes against your Fellow Man!
They’ll surely do it – if they can…

Oh, Laura, please!  I’m President!
The highest ranking resident!
And I’ve been told that there are ways
To guard me in these coming days…

The laws are there – in cryptic sight.
They’re just below the public light…
A pardon gives me full release
With very little elbow grease.

You see, my dear, we’ve hatched a plan!
It needs to stay within the clan -
Just Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Ms. Rice
And it will come without a price…

I plan to pardon all these folks!
As president I can invoke
The law that gives me powers – grand…
I have the say so in this land! 

I’ll set them free - my mighty pen
Will give me power once again
To use the muscle of my job -
I’ll not be threatened by this mob.

For when the pardons come to pass
I’ll just resign – give up my brass
A few weeks early – then you’ll see
The labors of my destiny!

‘Cause good ‘ol Dick won’t let me down,
As President – he’ll wear the crown;
And sign the papers that allow
My actions which I’ll disavow.

But George!  The people won’t abide!
Your standing will fall short – worldwide!
Your reputation will be gone!
Your vast support will be withdrawn…

Oh wake up, Laura! It’s long lost!
I’m in the crapper!  There’s no cost!
My name is mud! My honor’s spent!
My score’s down 82 percent!

My only thought’s - remaining free!
They will not cut me to my knees
For doing what I thought was best.
They could not understand my quest…

And so to this I’ve sketched my chart,
I’ve made my plans to thus depart
In ways that keep me safe and sound;
Just give me time and I’ll rebound.

So please don’t worry, Laura, dear,
You really don’t have much to fear.
Our lives will still be good and blessed -
Lest you forget – I am the best…

Bush War Crimes
© Copyright 2008 Robin:TheRhymeMaven (tikkunolam at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1499343--Political-Possibilities-