Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1499837-My-Boyfriends-Brother
by MFord
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #1499837
Jim wasn't quite up to par but his brother Charlie knew just what I needed.
         Jim and I had been dating for a few months and frankly the sex was getting boring. It really wasn’t super exciting to begin with. It normally involved a bed and a variation of the missionary position, there was never any surprise. I had to face it, I was in a slump and I hated to be in slumps.
         When Jim asked me if I would mind housing his brother, Charlie, for a few days, “oh and if you could show Charlie around, that’d be great,” I thought, this is it, he now wants me to be his brother’s concierge. Apparently Jim’s roommate was also having a guest that same week, so the couch there was already taken. But my apartment only had one bedroom and it was a squeeze when Jim and I were the only ones there, adding a third person was not going to work… But of course I said yes. I didn’t want to be the bad girlfriend or worse end up back on the market. Dating was not fun.
         So when Charlie arrived, I was less then enthusiastic, but there was something about him that made it hard for me to stay that way. Maybe it was how nice he was, he held doors opened for me for a change. Maybe it was his smile; it could melt anyone’s heart. Or maybe it was his perfect six-pack tight butt, and great hair. It was probably that six-pack. I was surprised that Charlie was so attractive since Jim was weak and flabby.
         Jim and I spent Charlie’s first night together in my bed but in the morning having three people in the closet I call home was unbearable. Jim decided he’d stay at his place the next night and I opted not to, his roommate was weird.
         So after the three of us had dinner and Jim headed home, I got a bit nervous. Every time I’d look at Charlie I’d imagine him naked or wondering what it would be like to kiss him and run my hands through his perfect hair or what it would be like to have him pleasuring me. I was compensating for my nervousness with glasses of wine, which didn’t help the matter much.
         It was probably the wine that made me kiss him goodnight. I decided it was time for me to sleep and I leaned over and planted one on his lips. I got a little carried away exploring his mouth and feeling his body. It was an amazing kiss, I’d forgotten they could feel like that but Charlie pulled away. “This isn’t right,” he murmured. I nodded and went to my bed.
         A couple of hours later though I heard a noise beside my bed and I sat up. “Sorry,” Charlie said, wearing nothing but boxers.” I was just going to the bathroom to wash up.” I thanked the architect for making the bathroom through the bedroom.
         “Oh no problem.” I waited as he brushed his teeth and the like. I knew what I was going to do was wrong but I couldn’t help myself. I wanted to run my hands on those abs and feel something for a change. When Charlie exited the bathroom I pounced.
         I kissed him at first lightly but I could feel he was into it, even if he thought it was wrong and the kiss deepened. I let my hands explore his hair and feel his abs. Then I slowly unhooked the bra I slept in so that he could see my breasts. He kissed them hungrily. Using his tongue to play with my nipples. I moaned softly. Foreplay, how I missed you.
         I ran my hands down his stomach and into his boxers. I felt his erect penis. Even that felt better than Jim’s. I pulled his boxers down and kissed my way down to his shaft, when I got there I teased the end of it by licking the tip and then kissing it. I heard him groan. I massaged his balls with my one hand and grabbed his tight ass with the other. I slowly took him into my mouth and worked my way up and down. I would stop occasionally to simply use my tongue. When I’d do this I could tell he was a bit annoyed that I was lollygagging but it all just seemed so different. When I took him into my mouth for the last time he grabbed the back of my head gently and guided me at the speed he wanted. He moaned with satisfaction as he came in my mouth.
         I cleaned up quickly in the bathroom and was glad to see that he hadn’t left. He leaned against my dresser and as I walked close to him he grabbed me and brought my lips to his mouth. He grabbed my ass and swung my body onto the top of the dresser knocking over pictures. In all the excitement I didn’t even notice that he broke a framed picture of Jim and me. He continued to kiss me as I sat on the dresser spreading my legs apart and rubbing up against me. I could feel his penis was already erect again. My hands went to grab for it. My entire body longed for it but he put them back at my sides.
         “No, it’s your turn” he said as he kissed my cheek and neck and breasts sending a shiver down my body.
         “I want you in-“ his mouth cute me off. He worked his cool hands under my sopping wet panties. He thumbed my clit (I believe that Jim thought the clit was a rumor) and ran one finger down to my cunt. Having any part of him that close was almost enough to send me over the edge. “Ohhh… Charlie, I moaned arching my body towards him.
         He took his hand out and licked his fingers. “Let’s see if you taste as good as you look,” he said. Got down on his knees and kissed my thighs using his tongue to tickle them. He pulled my panties to the side and licked from my cunt to my clit. My entire body shivered. He slowly circled my clit with his tongue and the moved it from side to side. He continued doing this a bit faster and faster until I was about scream and then he’d slow.
         Then he moved his tongue to my cunt and start sliding that in and out as he used a hang to play with my clit. This felt as good, if not better. I was writhing around on my dresser, I’m sure my neighbors thought I was being robbed. He worked his way back to my clit and swirled his tongue around it as I came once and then again. I felt worn out but there was still one thing I wanted and I think he knew it.
         He stood up and grabbed me off the dresser. He used one hand to roll my panties down and the other to stick his cock in my wet cunt. As soon as he entered me I felt a sensation I never felt before. It was as if he fit me perfectly. He simply held me at first rocking himself into me. Then I grabbed for the dresser to give me some support as I pushed myself into him and out of him. It all felt so good I never wanted it to stop.
         We were on the bed soon, but not in boring missionary. I got on top of him reverse cowgirl and rode him hard. He grabbed my ass as I did this and I screamed out in ecstasy as we both orgasmed.
         Exhausted we both fell asleep. In the morning I woke up feeling satisfied and a bit surprised to find Charlie in my bed al ready for some doggy-style in the morning. The rest of my week with Charlie was pure heaven. I even kept dating Jim so that I could see Charlie again on the holidays where I learned a few things about sex in cars.
© Copyright 2008 MFord (sayhey at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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