Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1513497-Spit-or-Swallow
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #1513497
A short story about a busty, high school hottie who grows into a giantess.
“Miss Johnson, I won’t warn you again, get to class, now!” Mrs. Winston called out, her voice easily distinguishable in the nearly vacant hall.

         “Yeah, yeah,” Brittany replied, her hands and eyes never leaving the cell phone clutched in her hands, her fingers flying furiously over the number pad. She didn’t turn around to see Mrs. Winston roll her eyes and enter her classroom, and she didn’t care. Why should she? She was Brittany Johnson, the hottest, sexiest, most popular girl at Burnside High. Her large, brown eyes perfectly matched the shade of her long, straight hair. Her curvaceous body was filled out with sexy hips and a thick, round butt that poked out ever so slightly.

         Her most killer attribute, however, was her large, perfectly rounded breasts. Measuring at a 36D, her big boobs were one of the largest pair in the school - among both students and faculty. She often wore tight, stretched shirts that fit snugly over her ample tits, or low cut blouses that showed off a jealousy inducing amount of cleavage. There was a reason she was head cheerleader, dating the captain of the football team, and still a grade A student - and it wasn’t because she studied hard.

          Her magnificent tits bounced up and down rhythmically as she walked briskly through the now empty halls, her gaze never leaving her phone as she awaited a response. Within seconds, the phone vibrated in her hand, and a small grin formed on her perfect, plump lips. “Room 186 - now” the message read. Brittany slipped the phone into the purse slung around her arm, and quickened her pace as she headed toward the room specified in the message. Another bell sounded, marking the start of classes, but she hardly cared - her mid day date was much more important.

         It only took her about 2 minutes to reach the small classroom located near the end of the tech hall. The room was empty, save for a tall, muscular boy located in front of the teachers desk. Jake Hedway, the captain of the football team, and the lucky soul who was sticking his cock in Brittany routinely.

         “Hey babe”, he said loudly, his deep voice filling the tiny room, “what took you so long?”

         Brittany slowly bounced over to her boyfriend, her chest bouncing with her, as she wrapped her arms around his head, forcing her tongue into his mouth. “Sorry,” she replied, breaking their greeting kiss, “I had to go grab a condom from my car.”

         This was their daily routine. Jake always had 3rd period off, so it was his job to find an empty classroom. Then, when Brittany got the room info, she would go, and he would fuck her brains out.

         “Sorry babe,” he replied, however his voice not sounding sorry in the least, “I gotta head out to meet some guys right quick...so I don’t got time for a piece”. He grabbed a handful of her round butt, clad in a tight, black skirt that went down to her knees - an unbelievably conservative choice for the popular girl.

         “Awww, but Jake!” Brittany pouted, crossing her arms over her large chest, “I’m horny!” She stomped her foot, trying to make a big fuss, but it was kind of hard for Jake to take it seriously, since she was only a shade over 5 feet tall. He just shrugged his shoulders, a sheepish grin on his chiseled face. “Well, why did you want me to come here then?” Brittany asked, sad that she wasn’t going to get her quickie for the day. Well, at least not from Jake.

         “Well...” Jake replied, rolling his eyes, as if the answer was obvious. The sexy teen just stood there, not following the hulking boy. Jake shook his head, [i]Lucky for her she’s hot as fuck[/i], he thought. He stepped forward, and Brittany let out a sharp “Oh!”

         She hadn’t noticed it before, but now looking down, she saw the humongous bulge in the crotch of his jeans as he rubbed it against her thigh. Jake had the biggest dick that Brittany had ever sucked or fucked. She had given a black guy a hand job on the bus once, and his cock was nearly the size of her arm, but that was a different story.

         “Think you can help me out quick?” Jake asked, his hands now groping her round tits, encased in a sexy, white blouse.

         “I guess”, she replied, her sexy eyes leaving the large lump in his pants to meet his. She batted her long eyelashes playfully, her hand now massaging his penis through his pants, “But you owe me.”

         “Sure, sure,” he replied as she got on her knees. She quickly undid the fly of his jeans, skillfully pulling out the already engorged cock. Once when they fucked in the wood shop, she took a measuring tape to the larger-than-average appendage, and found it to be roughly 9 inches long. He was quite proud of his cock, and she was plenty happy with it as well.

         With a loud slurp, Brittany took the first four inches of his hard pole into her warm mouth, her pink, plump lips expertly sliding over the smooth skin of his cock. Her tongue flicked mercilessly in her mouth along the underside of his cock as her head began bobbing up and down on his shaft. Brittany was excellent at giving head - she knew it, as well as everyone who was lucky enough to get her mouth on their cock. Part of her skill came from all of her practice, and part came from her ability to multi task so very, very well. The rumour around school was that she could suck you cock, lick your balls, finger your ass, and still have an orgasm herself, all at the same time. Her response to this rumour was often, “God, that only happened one time!”

         She didn’t care if she was called a whore or slutty, though. She was extremely beautiful, so why shouldn’t she flaunt her body around? And she liked sex, she really, really liked sex. Was someone who enjoyed math being a skank when they did a multiplication problem? Brittany just didn’t understand...

         “Oh, fuck yeah baby!” Jake interupted her thoughts as she stuffed the majority of his swelled meat into her throat. Her left hand went instinctively to his dangling ball sack. She loved to massage his balls when she sucked him off, but she also did it so she knew when he was about to explode.

         “Mmmmm,” Brittany moaned, backing her head so that just Jake’s bulbous head was in her mouth. She looked up, her sexy eyes meeting his as she plunged back down his cock, her head bobbing furiously.

         “Oh my god baby...you suck that so damn good!” His large hands gripped the back of her head, forcing her deeper and deeper onto his big dick. Her free hand pinched a hardened nipple through her blouse as she quickened her pace. Her left hand felt Jake’s balls slightly move up, towards his cock.

         “Mmm,” she mumbled, struggling to get his cock out of her mouth. “Tell me when,” she managed to say, before Jake shoved it back in her warm mouth.

         “Ahh, come on Brit,” he replied, his hips now moving forward and back rhythmically, “I want you to swallow my load...I want to come all down your sexy ass throat.”

         Brittany pulled off his his saliva covered dick completely, “Eww no! You know that’s, like, the only thing I won’t do!”

         “Please? For me?” He asked, playfully poking his huge cock into her nose as she was trying to carry out an important conversation.

         “Oh, like I never do anything for you?” She replied, closing her eyes as he poked his dick into her eyes, trying to stiffle a laugh as he did so. “What about the time I agreed to that threesome with Alex?”

         “It was his birthday, and I forgot to get him anything,” Jake replied, now draping his balls over her lips.

         Brittany moved her neck slightly so Jake could hear her, “Well what about the time you made me fuck Mr. Bradley’s puny cock, hmmm?”

         “He was gonna fail me! You know that!” Brittany just rolled her eyes. “Come one babe,” Jake tried again, a smile crossing his face, “I hear swallowing make your tits grow bigger.”

         Brittany’s mouth dropped open, a scoff escaping her throat. Jake took this opportunity to stick his dick in the small opening, but she spit it out before he got 2 inches in. “So now my tits aren’t big enough?” She half screamed, crossing her arms, yet remaining on her knees.

         “No Brit...that’s not what I mean...” He stated, his hand brushing the hair out of her face.

         “Fine! Whatever!” she snapped, taking his cock back in her hand. “Let me swallow your stupid load if it means so much to you.” Jake smiled widely, apparently oblivious to the anger in her voice.

         Jake’s dick had lost a few inches during their little feud, but it quickly grew back to it’s full size as Brittany’s mouth moved up and down with renewed vigor.[i] God! [/i]she thought as she loudly sucked on the behemoth cock, [i]I give him everything! And this is how he repays me? By saying my boobs are too small! He’s lucky he’s so damn big...[/i]

         Brittany felt his balls start to shrink, signaling that he was close. She knew that she shouldn’t expect a warning, but she wanted to be as ready for this as she could.

         “I’M...COMING!!!” Jake yelled, his hands holding Brittany’s head in place so she couldn’t change her mind. The first blast nearly made her throw up - she could feel the thick, warm jet of cum sit in the back of her throat. Before she could even attempt and swallow it, another jet shot into her mouth. Then another, and another. Her eyes watered as she focused on not gagging. As soon as Jake loosened his grip in the least, she swallowed as quickly as she could - she knew if she didn’t, she would spit it out immediately.

         “Oh my god, baby, that was...amazing!” Jake leaned on the desk behind him, his slowly deflating cock hanging out from his jeans, a large, goofy grin on his face.

         Brittany’s eyes were still tightly shut, and the expression on her face resembled that of a toddler that didn’t like his broccoli.

         “Ahh, come on Brit,” Jake said, lifting her off of her knees, “it wasn’t that bad, was it? See, I think they are already bigger.” He chuckled, grabbing a handful of her heavy tits.

         Brittany fumed, not at all happy with her boyfriend. “I have to go to class,” she spat quickly. Turning around, she walked out of the room briskly, not wanting to be in the same room as Jake.

         Damn, Jake thought, his gaze glued to Brittany’ butt, has her ass always looked so good in that piece of shit skirt? The slight twinge of his cock gave him his answer.

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         [i]What a jerkass[/i], Brittany thought, now sitting in her English class. Her stomach didn’t feel right, a side effect of swallowing Jake’s load, no doubt, and she was still extremely pissed off at him. [i]It’ll make your boobs grow bigger,[/i] she thought, trying to imitate his voice the best she could.[i] My boobs are big enough, thanks! They are...whoah...[/i]

         Her thoughts were interrupted when she looked down at her chest. Her tits DID look bigger. The fleshy, round orbs seemed to jut out a bit farther than they usually did, even when she was wearing a push up bra (which was almost always). The crest of cleavage erupting from her blouse also looked to be more than usual.

         [i]No way.[/i]..Brittany thought to herself, [i]it’s got to just be in my head. But then again...[/i]  she noticed that her shirt was more than just clinging to her bulging chest - it was being stretched! In fact, the shirt did feel tight on her now.[i] It must have shrunk in the wash..[/i]. Brittany concluded, turning her attention back to the lecturing teacher. A few boys quickly snapped their attention back to the front as well, as they didn’t want to be caught watching Brittany staring at her own tits.

         Not paying attention to the teacher, Brittany’s thoughts swirled about what Jake’s problem was, as she tried to cross her legs under her desk. As she tried, however, her leg bumped the underside of the table. [i]What the hell[/i]? she thought to herself, [i]Did they make these desks smaller or something?[/i] Sliding down in her chair, she tried giving her legs more room for the maneuver, yet she still wasn’t able to cross her legs. Further yet, with her back half slid down the chair, her boobs looked even bigger to her up close.

         [i]God! [/i]Brittany screamed inside her head. [i]What, now I’m getting too fat to cross my fucking legs? This is complete bullshit! I work out every god damn day...hardly eat half my recommended fucking daily calorie intake...[/i]

         Interrupting Brittany’s inner temper tantrum was the loud groan of what sounding like bending metal. The sound was so loud, in fact, that everyone in the room turned their heads toward the source of the loud groan, which seemed to be under Brittany’s plump ass.

         “WHAT?” Brittany shrieked, a little louder then she intended to. Everyone snapped their attention back to the front of the room. Brittany, now simply fuming, felt herself slowly sinking towards the floor. Fucking desks, probably made in a god damn chinese sweat shop. She got up, without bothering to ask the teacher for permission, and left to go to the bathroom. If she had to spend another minute in that desk, she probably would’ve have killed someone.

         The halls were mostly empty, occupied only by a student skipping class, or a teacher looking for said students. God these shoes feel tight, Brittany thought as she walked leisurely through the halls, not in any hurry to get back to class.

         “Hey, hey baby,” a voice called out through the empty hall. Brittany stopped and rolled her eyes. Turning around, she saw the source of the sound.

         “Alex,” she said flatly. He grinned goofily, slowly sauntering over to the already annoyed girl. Alex was one of Jake’s friends, his most annoying friend, Brittany thought. He thought he was the shit - God’s gift to women. Before she had started going out with Jake, Brittany and fooled around with Alex only just one occasion. She was drunk, of course, but she had fucked and sucked him all night long. He bragged about it to everyone, and Brittany didn’t even believe it. That is, until, Alex showed her the tape of it.

         “Hurrying off to Jake, baby? So you can tell him its over, and you wanna hop back on this?” Alex grabbed his cock through his pants, shaking it up and down. [i]Pretty lousy friend[/i], Brittany thought.

         “Afraid not, Alex,” Brittany responded, “Even if I did dump Jake, don’t you think I would upgrade to someone bigger and not smaller?”

         “Ouch!” Alex exclaimed, the smile still on his face. He was now standing just a foot away from her, looking her straight in the eyes. “Come on now, our little fuck fest was what, 3 years ago? I’ve gotten a lot bigger since then.”

         Brittany rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her large breasts, “Sure, sure.”

         “It’s true! Ask Laura... or Meagan... or Krystal. ‘Huge!’, they’ll say, ‘fucking huge!’” Alex snuck a peek down at Brittany’s crest of cleavage, staring long enough for her to turn and leave.

         “Speaking of bigger!” Alex exclaimed, his gaze dropping to her booty as soon as she turned. As she stepped away, he grabbed a handful of her ass cheek. Brittany stopped, whipping her head around.

         “Fuck off!” she screamed! Alex just stared, as it looked like she sprouted up a half a foot. “What are you staring at now?” Brittany asked enraged, staring down slightly at Alex.

         “Uhhh, nothing,” he replied, “Were you always so tall?”

         “Huh?” she remarked. Now that she thought about it, Alex had always been taller than her. In fact, she had never been able to stare him straight in the eyes. Now, she was looking down on him. And it felt good.

         “N-n-never mind,” Alex said, turning to head down the hall, shaking his head. He was sure he saw her grow, but he knew that was impossible.

         Brittany looked down at her feet. Her skirt looked extremly tight, and much more north of the knee than she remembered. Her blouse even looked like it had started ripping, her tits were so big. “What the hell is going on?” Brittany whispered to herself. Before she could do anything, her phone was vibrating in her purse. Flipping it open, the text message she received said “Room 141 - slut”. It had come from Jake’s phone number, but he usually didn’t talk dirty in his texts. [i]Well, I’ll guess I’ll see if Jake sees any difference,[/i] Brittany thought. Even though she was still kind of angry at him, she was feeling even more horny than usual.

         She was at the door marked “141” before she knew it. Making sure the coast was clear, she quickly opened the door, walked in, and shut it behind her. Her jaw dropped as she looked at the desk at the front of the room.

         On top of the desk on all fours was Alyssa Henderson, a blonde bombshell who was Brittany’s only true competition for hottest chick at Burnside High. She had a cute little baby face that guys dreamed of creaming on, and two large, perky tits that sat so high on her chest, it was hard to believe they were real. The fact that she was naked and getting drilled on a teachers desk wasn’t what made Brittany stop dead in her tracks - it was the fact that it was Jake who was plowing her.

         “Oh...good...you...ohh...got...my...mmm...text!” Alyssa breathed between thrusts, a big smile on her beautiful face. Jake just looked at Brittany, shrugged his shoulders slightly, and continued shoving his hard cock into Alyssa’s wet pussy.

         Brittany was paralyzed with rage. The fact that Jake would fuck another girl, and want him to see....just hours after she swallowed his load! Brittany began shaking in anger, her fists clenched tight as her purse dropped to the ground.

         “Oh...don’t...look...so...ohhh yes!...surprised! Did...you think...that...you could really...handle something this....ouch!....BIG?” Alyssa struggled to get her words out as she came all over Jake’s dick, her smile euphoric.

         “Now, why don’t you run along and...oh my god!” Alyssa opened her eyes and stared at Brittany. Jake stopped thrusting, his jaw dropping, and also stared at his old girlfriend.

         Brittany didn’t know what was happening - well, she did, but she couldn’t conceive of it. She was growing! Her clothes felt extremely tight, and were getting tighter. Her tits were barely encased in her shirt anymore, and her skirt was looking less like a skirt and more like a pair of panties.

         The growth started slowly, about an inch every few seconds or so, but started getting faster. Brittany could actually feel herself getting taller. [i]THAT FUCKING PEICE OF SHIT![/i] was all that she could think, as a loud rip sounded throughout the room. Her shirt exploded, only being able to hold in so much, and her round, gargantuan tits bounced freely. Her skirt now looked like a thong, as her giant legs continued getting longer and longer.

         Even though she was pretty much naked, Brittany didn’t feel cold. In fact, she was burning up. Her skin was emanating heat as she grew, her anger fueling her fire. In fact, Brittany didn’t even realize what was happening, until her head bumped into the tall ceiling - about 15 feet from the ground! With a final, quiet rip of her skirt, Brittany took a few deep breathes, and finally looked around, and down at the small, naked couple in front of her.

         “How the...what the...holy fuck!” Jake breathed, his cock, harder then ever after watching Brittany’s expansion, still inside of Alyssa.

         Brittany looked around with a look of wonderment on her face - her perception was completely changed. Everything looked so different - and tiny! “I’m...I’m...” her voice, much louder than regular, stammered, “Huge!”

         Alyssa, finally able to move off of the desk, slowly moved over to the corner, a look of pure horror on her face. Jake just stood where he was, his hand naturally gliding down to his hard cock.

         Brittany just smiled, her hands roaming over her 15 foot tall body. She squeezed her big, round tits, pinching her hard nipples. She was so incredibly horny!

         “How...H..H...How?” Alyssa stammered, not being able to look away from Brittany’s giant breasts.

         “I have no idea...” Brittany responded, a devilish grin spreading on her giant mouth, “But it feels so...good!” She turned her attention from her tits to Jake and his cock.

         “Well, well,” she said, “I guess your not so big anymore!” She walked over to him, which only took one step. “It looks so small from up here!” She laughed, looking down at him. He wasn’t even half her height, Brittany realized, feeling extremely empowered as she literally towered over her once physically imposing boyfriend.

         “Get away from him, you freak!” Alyssa yelled up at her.

         “FREAK!?” Brittany boomed, her attention turning to the tiny, naked girl in the corner. “HOW DARE YOU, YOU...YOU...INSIGNIFICANT LITTLE SLUT!”

         Alyssa couldn’t believe her eyes - Brittany was growing even bigger, and faster than before! After a few seconds, her head burst through the ceiling as her body expanded larger and larger. 30 feet...40 feet...50 feet...Brittany’s hands roamed all over her body as she grew, her eyes closed in ecstasy as she bit her bottom lip.[i] Oh my god! It feels so good growing! My pussy is so hot...it feels...sooooooo....goooooood![/i]

         Jake and Alyssa grabbed each other and ran for the door, which they got through  just seconds before Brittany’s gigantic feet burst through the wall. The naked couple ran out of the school, screaming for their lives.

         Brittany’s growth subsided this time at around 60 feet tall. Most of her school laid in ruins at her feet, and hoards of students and teachers ran about screaming, or staring up at the teen giantess as her roaming hands explored her new goddess-like body.

         “Mmmm, that felt good!” Her voice boomed. “Now, where are those two tiny fuckers? I’m gonna make them pay!” Brittany got down on her hands and knees, crushing dozens of unlucky spectators. She just smiled evilly as she felt their brittle bones break, as she lowered her head so she could look for Jake and Alyssa easier. More than a few boys, and teachers, looked up in awe at Brittany. Her gigantic butt was stuck up in the air as she searched for the naked couple, and a handful of her admirers had whipped out their cocks and began jacking off to the miraculous sight before them.

         One such admirer was Alex, who was closer to Brittany than anyone. Brittany looked at him and grinned. “Wow, Alex,” her sexy voice thundered, “you weren’t lying, you are bigger than before.”

         The tiny boy smiled goofily, quickening his pace on his dick. “But...” Brittany continued, turning onto her back (killing a few of her admirers in the process), “I’m not sure you’re big enough to satisfy me!”

         With that, Brittany grabbed Alex in her hand, and lowered him to her pussy. “Hey! What are you doing!” Alex screamed, but Brittany could barely hear him. With her giant hands, she spread her pussy lips, which were bigger than Alex himself.

         “Well, get to work!” Brittany just laid there, her one hand spreading her pussy lips, the other pinching her giant, erect nipple. “Well? I don’t feel anything! Let me help you out, Mr. Big...”

         With that, Brittany shoved Alex’s entire body into her pussy, using him like a dildo. Alex tried to scream, but after a few thrusts, he didn’t scream anymore. After a few minutes of this, Brittany screamed to a thunderous orgasm which seemed to shake the entire earth.

         “Whew, thanks for that Alex,” She said, throwing his limp, unconscious body to the ground. “Now, back to the task at hand.” Standing up to her full height, Brittany walked off in search of Jake and Alyssa, her immense size stopping traffic and drawing stares, screams, and police.

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         Minutes away from the school, Jake hid in a someone’s tool shed. He had lost Alyssa running from Brittany, and didn’t really care.

         “This is impossible...this is impossible...” Jake kept telling himself. Alyssa had kept asking “How?”, but Jake knew how...even though it was completely ridiculous.

         “I just made up the growing tit thing...this is insanity, this is...simply...” Jake looked down, still naked and still hard. His cock hadn’t went down - ever since seeing Brittany grow to become a giantess, he didn’t think it would ever go down. After staring at his throbbing member for a few seconds, a smile spread across his face.

         “I hope this works...” he said, as he started jacking off, his free hand placed at the end of his dick, awaiting his load...

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         Brittany squeezed her giant tits together in front of a huge skyscraper, admiring her huge reflection in the glass windows. She smiled, as she knew she was giving quite the show to the people inside the building.

         [i]I NEED to become bigger[/i]! Brittany thought to herself. [i]I seemed to grow whenever I got angry...but there’s no way I can get angry right now...I’m just too damn happy...and horny! [/i]A smile flashed across her face as she thought this, the sun reflecting off her giant, white teeth and blinding most of the horny onlookers inside the building. Turning to her side, she stuck out her massive butt in a sexy pose for her audience, her left foot crushing a taxi cab in the process.

         As her hands fondled her sun blocking tits, her inner monologue continued. [i]What else could’ve caused this? My day was pretty normal...I woke up, went to school, my quickie with J...[/i] Her massive smile returned, her tongue running over her lips as she remembered what Jake had told her about swallowing making boobs grow bigger. [i]Well[/i], she thought, [i]I guess I should thank that little fucker before I squash him like a bug[/i]...

         “FREEZE!” a metallic voice sounded from below, waking Brittany from her thoughts. The giantess turned around and looked down, where three small police cars blocked the street. One tiny officer was speaking into a bullhorn, while the others were behind cover, with their guns drawn. “YOU’RE UNDER ARREST! RESISTANCE WILL BE MET WITH DEADLY FORCE!”

         Brittany broke into hysteric laughter, her giant tits bouncing rhythmically as her round butt grinded against the building she was just admiring herself in. “Try me!” she challenged, her left hand brushing over her clit at the idea of new toys to play with.

         The police shot their guns at the giantess, who simply laughed at their feeble attempts.

         “Is it my turn now?” The hot goddess replied. She bent over and picked up the closest police officer. Positioning the little man between her round boobs, she squeezed her massive mammaries together, crushing the cop instantly. The resounding crunch of his bones was pure bliss to the giantesses ears. She moaned in pleasure as she rubbed her tits together, her eyes closed and her pussy wet.

         “OH MY GOD!” She heard the police officers scream, “WE’RE GONNA NEED BACK UP!”

         “You’re damn right you will,” Brittany whispered, her eyes slowly opening. The policemen, however, weren’t looking at her - they were looking at the second giant headed towards them. Brittany, instead of becoming angry, just smiled.

         “It’s over, Britt,” Jake said, his deep voice resonating through the streets he towered over.

         “Jakey!” Brittany replied, crossing her arms over her chest. “I didn’t know you were gay! Tell me, how did it taste, swallowing your own warm, salty jizz, hmm?”

         “Shut up!” he roared whilst taking a step forward, and crushing a minivan, “I’m going to stop you before you hurt more people.”
          “Oh?” Brittany remarked, her eyes on the humongous, dangling piece of meat between the giant’s legs, “Or...we could hurt some people...together!”

         Before Jake could do anything, Brittany’s hand was jerking off his giant dick...

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         “Are...are we rolling? Okay, okay, good...make sure you get them in the shot...okay...ready? Okay, okay...three, two, one, action...Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I’m Steve Jameson reporting in for channel 4 news with an emergency bulletin, it appears that two, uhh, unnamed highschool students have somehow, uhm...well, they’ve grown really, really, really... err...big. Estimates, uhh, estimate that they are somewhere between 60 and 70 feet tall. At first, there was just the chick, uhh, female giant, or giantess I suppose... but just minutes ago, a giant showed up. Channel 4, as always, is here first! Okay, okay Pedro, you got them in the shot?”


         “Okay, okay good. As you viewers at home can see, uhh, you might want to make sure your children don’t see this, as it contains some, uhh, some adult content. This is live, so it can’t be edited, so, uhh, yeah, viewer discretion and, and all that stuff. Oh...oh my! Pedro, zoom in on that!”


         “As, as you can see, the male giant is now bending the female giantess over what appears to be some apartment buildings. And, and yes, the female is now bent over the...the three story building. The man, or male has a...uhhh...rather large erection, probably the size of a small bus or so...and yes, he is now inserting his uhh, penis, into the giantess, from behind...doggy style...whilst she is gripping onto the building.”


         “Oh...my....can we at least edit out the sweating, Pedro?”


         “Oh, well, alright then...the entire block is shaking, down here...the giant seems to be working himself into a rhythm. The chick’s ass, err sorry, the female’s, uhh, bottom, is quite round and...large. The slapping noise is just, just terrifying, folks. I, I can see some debris falling, it looks as if the giants...testicles...are slamming into the building, yes, yes they are. They are resembling two large wrecking balls. The entire building is, uhm, shaking, and the foundation doesn’t look too stable, as these two are really, wow, they are really going at it.”


         “Hmm? Oh yes, thank you. I’ve just been updated that the hotter, err, ahem, excuse me, the giantess has been identified as Brittany Johnson, an 18 year old..ohh, thank god...uhm, 18 year old senior at Burnside High, she’s uhh, a cheerleader, good grades, part of the choir, and has a pair of the nicest tits that I wouldn’t mind getting crushed by...”


“Hmm? Oh my! The building appears to be collapsing, yes, it is crumbling to the ground, finally, uhh, giving into the massive weight of the giant, fucking couple.”

         “The viewers.”

         “Oh, shut the hell up Pedro...it’s not everyday that you see a super hot teenager blown up big enough to destroy a building! And have only one lucky prick big enough to satisfy her...”

         “The news.”

         “Whatever, I don’t even care anymore...hold on, my Goddess! I am coming to serve you!!!”

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         The building slowly fell to the ground, finally giving into the the motions of the giant couple. Jake withdrew his wet, hard cock, stroking it furiously, his gaze never leaving Brittany, and the wake of destruction before them.

         “I’m going to cum!” He screamed. With a devilish grin, Brittany quickly got on her knees in front of Jake and swallowed his massive cock.

         Jake erupted magnificently, just one second before his eyes shot open in terror, “NOOOO!!!!” He screamed, realizing what had really just happened.
         But it was too late. Brittany swallowed every drop, then stood up, her smile delightfully evil.

“What?” she asked, “You really thought that I wanted to fuck you, after you cheated on me like that? Stupid, stupid boy....Mmmmm.....Oh my.....I can feel it already!”

         Before Jake could say anything, he saw it happen - Brittany started growing again! Within seconds, Jake was looking straight into Brittany’s eyes, then at her tits. After about a minute, he didn’t even reach her waist, as Brittany measured up to nearly 125 feet tall.

         “Mmmm, I don’t know what it is about your delicious cum...” Brittany’s even louder voice boomed, “but I have to make sure that no one else finds out about your little secret...you understand, right?”

         Jake didn’t even have time to respond, as Brittany’s giant hand came swinging down with enough force to send the mini giant flying through the air, the impact of her blow snapping his neck instantly. His giant, dead body landed in the streets, taking out a few buildings with it.

         Brittany laughed manically, as she observed the tiny city before her. Now, she was taller than most of the buildings, and was loving every second of it. “Now...” her voice echoed, “this is more like it! But all this growing sure made me hungry...”

         The giantess strode towards the biggest building she could find. Punching through the windowed building, she pulled out a dozen or so tiny, screaming people, along with a few already dead bodies, and some random office furniture. Slowly enough to savor it, she hovered her hand over her open, smiling mouth...

[i]I...am...A GODDESS!!![/i]
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         Alyssa ran through the panicking streets, still naked, towards the giant corpse of Jake. The city, from the perspective of a normal sized person, was pure chaos. Fires raged everywhere, sirens were sounding throughout every block, and screaming people were running through the streets. There was so much chaos, in fact, that barely anyone even noticed the busty teen running naked through the streets.

         Once she reached the dead giant, she climbed his leg, using his leg hair to help her. Reaching the top, she made her way to the now deflated, but still large, penis.

         [i]That bitch,[/i] she thought. [i]It’s not fair! Growing gigantic like that...it’s, it’s always been MY DREAM! And then she grows, right before my eyes...it’s...not...fair![/i]

         Alyssa was infuriated, but after watching the giant couple fuck, and listen to their little conversation afterward, she couldn’t help but rush towards the giant’s corpse...there was still a chance for her.

         Ignoring the screams of the people all around her as they witnessed the giant Brittany punch a hole inside of a tall skyscraper and eat the people within, Alyssa made her way the the head of Jake’s cock and smiled when she found what she was looking for...just a little bit of his cum.

         Cupping both her hands together, she scooped up as much as the giant’s sperm as she could, bringing it reluctantly to her mouth. Closing her eyes and downing the milky fluid, she nearly threw up, but managed to keep it all down.

         Her eyes opened slowly as her head began to spin, and a warmth grew inside her stomach...
© Copyright 2009 The Arcayne (the_arcayne at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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